簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃火明
Huo-Ming Huang
論文名稱: 追尋『布』可思議新商機
Pursue Incredible New Business Opportunities of The Fabric
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 黃政嘉
Jheng-Jia Huang
Chen-Hao Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 永續價值與生產商業模式與生態企業責任主導邏輯社會影響力循環經濟
外文關鍵詞: Sustainable Value and Produced Development, Business Model and Ecosystem, Corporate Responsibility, Dominant Logic, Social Impact, Circular Economy
相關次數: 點閱:560下載:39
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Since the 18th-century Industrial Revolution, humans have been constantly pursuing a better quality of life. The development of innovative products and technological capabilities has never ceased. As we enter an era of technological innovation, the timelines for inventing various new products are becoming increasingly rapid. However, without realizing the impact on the environment and proper resource utilization, the resulting problems will be severe environmental destruction and depletion. In recent years, global climate change has posed constant threats and altered human lifestyles, making it an urgent and pressing issue to contemplate how to safeguard our environment. As individuals living in this era, it is not only a personal responsibility but also one that extends to businesses, as their influence surpasses that of individuals. While balancing profitability and environmental protection, how businesses achieve this balance will be the social responsibility and competitiveness that a company and its owners should have.
The axroma is a company located on the alluvial plain of the Choshui River in Yunlin, Taiwan, and has been dedicated to textile production for over 40 years. Starting as a dyeing factory, axroma gradually expanded its business to the high-performance fabric market and continuously pioneered new product technologies. The products manufactured by the company have gained significant popularity among international retailers. Over the years, they have been committed to large-scale outdoor fabrics. This commitment has led to the gradual expansion of the company's operations and the establishment of manufacturing facilities in labor-intensive areas. However, the company will always face business bottlenecks. The external challenges and internal changes have compelled the company's management to reassess its development strategies and business models. As the saying goes, "A crisis is an opportunity." The trade war between the United States and China, which occurred several years ago, carried with it uncertain geopolitical factors. In addition, with limitations imposed on serving a single market, the management team began to recognize the need to explore business opportunities in different markets. Furthermore, the company's owner has a profound commitment to environmental protection. The company has been actively seeking raw material resources within the industry that are more environmentally friendly and promote the utilization of renewable energy. In the production and manufacturing process, the company has begun incorporating innovative technologies to ensure that its products adhere to the principles of environmental sustainability. axroma aims to be the leader of "sustainable technological textiles" and looks forward to our own business. Most enterprises are service-oriented, able to fulfill their social responsibilities and obligations, and lead related industries to contribute to the sustainable development of the environment.
Founder Mr. Liu deeply recognizes the impact and changes brought about by technology. Despite the industry's perceived decline in Taiwan over the years, with less attention and government support, the mindset of changing the industry landscape remains unwavering. How to enhance the company's core competitiveness and product value, as well as consider customer needs. At the same time, mastering market dynamics and adapting to the rapidly changing economic environment will ultimately test the wisdom of the founder and the second-generation management team.
As the second-generation management team gradually takes over, the case company has started making operational model adjustments that differ from the past. The company is no longer solely focused on production and manufacturing. It now includes research and development of innovative solutions, channel marketing, vertical integration of resources, creating brand self-positioning, and sustainable production development. These business directions will all become elements of the company's future core competitiveness, enabling the management team to work together more precisely and meticulously in their respective roles. It is conceivable that the new mission will bestow a new corporate culture and values, challenging the complex and ever-changing dynamics of the global economic market.
This research follows the Harvard case study methodology. The content of this case can facilitate discussions on topics such as sustainable value and sustainable production development, business model and ecosystem formation, the influence of corporate responsibility, sustainable business practices, industry competitiveness, and professional brand value. The case explores how the company leverages sustainable value products to develop new business models and ecosystems. It also examines how the company embraces genuine corporate responsibility and ethics in response to the heightened global environmental awareness in the market. How to enhance competitiveness in a challenging industry environment and, by aligning with global economic trends and combining with the fashion industry, develop a unique corporate culture and value proposition that diverges from conventional business models. To establish a sustainable business and create a prosperous era for axroma Company.

摘要 III ABSTRACT V 誌謝 VII 目錄 IX 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XIV 1. 個案本文 1 1.1. 序曲 1 1.2. 國際情勢下的臺灣紡織產業發展 3 1.2.1. 中美貿易戰下,產業該何去何從 3 朝高值化紡織品差異性發展與市場融合 5 生產地與供應鏈貼近客戶需求,生產週期縮短滿足快速時尚概念 5 運用高科技創新技術降低生產成本 5 符合潮流趨勢,因應全球與各國法規的制定標準 6 產品多元化發展,聚焦環保永續主軸,著重智能服飾產品商業化 6 1.3. 個案公司概述 7 1.3.1. 草創期:深耕紡織產品專業開發 7 1.3.2. 成長期:西進中國生產基地與市場拓張 8 1.3.3. 穩定期:尋求機會創造另一個世代巔峰 9 1.4. 個案公司面臨的經營問題 12 1.4.1. 單一市場高度依賴性 12 1.4.2. 生產規模經濟易被取代 13 1.4.3. 產品競爭力附加價值低 14 1.5. 個案公司的新契機 15 1.5.1. 永續產品發展與未來 15 1.5.2. 創造新循環經濟 17 1.5.3. 開拓新市場潛力 20 1.5.4. 著重單一材料創新技術領先 22 1.5.5. 成立可資源回收再生利用之獨立子公司 24 1.5.6. 與品牌共享價值資源 26 1.6. 轉型永續科技紡織之卓越經營與治理 28 1.6.1. 永續經營理念與模式 28 1.6.2. 整合產業供應鏈資源 29 1.6.3. 強化企業核心競爭力 31 1.6.4. 企業轉型創新之社會責任 33 1.6.5. 追尋無以倫比永續性品牌價值 34 1.7. 未來展望 35 1.7.1. 結合台灣紡織產業供應鏈資源,為永續創新規模經濟 35 1.7.2. 蛻變成為品牌經營之供應多重角色 36 1.7.3. 抓住永續價值、擁抱未來全球新市場 37 2. 個案討論 39 2.1. 個案總覽 39 2.2. 教學目標與管理議題 40 2.3. 學生課前討論問題 42 2.4. 個案公司背景 43 2.5. 個案分析 46 2.5.1. 教學目標一:永續價值與生產開發探討 (Sustainable Value and Produced Development) 46 理論教學 47 課前問題與討論: 49 討論分析: 49 2.5.2. 教學目標二:商業模式與生態探討(Business Model and Ecosystem) 56 理論教學: 56 課前問題: 62 討論分析: 62 2.5.3. 教學目標三:社會影響力探討 (Social Impact) 68 理論教學: 68 課前問題: 70 討論分析: 71 2.5.4. 教學目標四:主導邏輯探討 (Dominant Logic) 76 理論教學: 76 課前問題: 79 討論分析: 79 2.6. 課程結論 87 2.7. 教學建議 88 2.8. 板書規劃 93 3. 參考文獻 94

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