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研究生: 葉奕廷
Yi-Ting Yeh
論文名稱: 人工智慧於人力資源甄選的應用 - 以自動化契合度評分系統輔助師徒關係的建立
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Human Resource Selection - Using Automated Compatibility Rating System to Assist the Establishment of Mentorship
指導教授: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
Yi-Tai Seih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 37
中文關鍵詞: 人力資源甄選自動化評分系統文字探勘
外文關鍵詞: Human Resource Selection, Automated Scoring System, Text Mining
相關次數: 點閱:347下載:0
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With the advancement in technology, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has received much attention. In the scope of Human Resource Management, many people pay attention to whether practitioners will be replaced by AI. However, if human-machine cooperation can be effectively utilized, the above-mentioned incident will not happen. Effectively working with AI can make the work more efficient.
This study conducted an asynchronous interview, and constructed an automated compatibility rating system to score each of the candidate in the experiment. In the process, speech recognition would be used to convert the recording files into texts. The automated compatibility rating system was written in Python base on text mining. The scores were sorted as a recommended list to fulfill the automation applied to human re-source selection.
The result of the experiment was verified by the system, human resource specialists, and the professor. By using the Kendall tau ranking distance as the evaluation, the distance between the system and the professor was 0.0667, while the one between the human resource specialists and the professor fell in 0-0.2. Overall, the rank of the system was closer to the professor’s than the human resource specialists’ rank.
The experiments performed in this study were tailored to the requirements expected by the professors participated in this study. The system is not limited to the mentorship establishment. Since the system was personalized design, it can also be applied to the selection of enterprise. Using the automated scoring system can effectively avoid the bias caused by the interviewer's subjective thoughts, and provide the most objective and fair recommended candidates.

中文摘要-------------------------------------------------------------i ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------------ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT----------------------------------------------------iii LIST OF CONTENT-----------------------------------------------------iv LIST OF FIGURES-----------------------------------------------------vi LIST OF TABLES-----------------------------------------------------vii Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------1 1.1 Research Background and Motivation-------------------------------1 1.2 Research Purpose-------------------------------------------------2 1.3 Research Flowchart-----------------------------------------------3 Chapter 2 Literature Review------------------------------------------4 2.1 Competency-------------------------------------------------------4 2.2 Job Analysis-----------------------------------------------------8 2.3 Speech Recognition----------------------------------------------10 2.4 Text Mining-----------------------------------------------------12 Chapter 3 Research Method-------------------------------------------15 3.1 Research Framework----------------------------------------------15 3.2 Procedure-------------------------------------------------------16 3.2.1 Interpretation of the Experiment------------------------------16 3.2.2 Interview Question Design-------------------------------------16 3.2.3 Data Collection-----------------------------------------------17 3.2.4 Data Preprocessing--------------------------------------------18 3.2.5 Speech Recognition--------------------------------------------18 3.2.6 Keywords Establishment----------------------------------------19 3.2.7 Scoring and Ranking-------------------------------------------21 Chapter 4 Result and Verify-----------------------------------------23 4.1 Result Verification---------------------------------------------23 4.2 Efficacy Comparison---------------------------------------------28 Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion---------------------------------29 5.1 Research Conclusion---------------------------------------------29 5.2 Implications----------------------------------------------------30 5.2.1 Theoretical Implication---------------------------------------30 5.2.2 Practical Implication-----------------------------------------31 5.3 Research Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research----32 Reference-----------------------------------------------------------33 Appendix 1: The Interview Questions (in Chinese)--------------------38 Appendix 2: The Interview Questions (in English)--------------------41 Appendix 3: General Information Used to Scoring (in Chinese)--------46 Appendix 4: General Information Used to Scoring (in English)--------48 Appendix 5: Structured Information Used to Scoring (in Chinese)-----50 Appendix 6: Structured Information Used to Scoring (in English)-----54

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