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研究生: Nguyen Toan Khoa
Toan-Khoa Nguyen
論文名稱: RGB-D資料之差異網路應用於正常路面和道路障礙物之檢測
Normal Surface and Road Obstacle Detection by Discrepancy Network Based on RGB-D Data
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Chung-Hsien Kuo
口試委員: 顏炳郎
Ping-Lang Yen
Yi-Hung Liu
Han-Pang Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: Mobile robotsSelf-supervised learningAutomated labelingSemantic segmentationRoad obstacles detection
外文關鍵詞: Mobile robots, Self-supervised learning, Automated labeling, Semantic segmentation, Road obstacles detection
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:0
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Obstacle avoidance plays an essential role in the reliable perception of intelligent autonomous mobile robots, enabling the robots to identify the anomalies that may block their working area. Recently, using the notable advantages of deep learning techniques, mobile robots may now perform autonomous navigation based on what they learned in the deep learning training phase. However, the data preparation and processing for deep learning-based methods are generally time-consuming and labor-intensive due to the need for large amounts of properly labeled data. To overcome this drawback, in this thesis, we present some approaches to solve these issues by using the self-supervised approach with a designed discrepancy network based on a channel-wise attention mechanism for normal surface (i.e., drivable areas) and road obstacles, automatic labeling segmentation tasks. For each pair of RGB and depth images, the proposed framework automatically generates a label map for the drivable areas and road obstacles by finding the dissimilarities between the input RGB image and the resynthesized image, then enhancing the obstacle localizing capabilities by integrating the depth information by different approaches from traditional image processing to fully based on deep learning technique. In addition, to validate the robustness, we trained the RGB-D datasets using self-generated ground truth labels derived from the developed automatic labeling methods with multiple off-the-shelf RGB-D semantic segmentation neural networks to obtain the predicted labels. Various experiments are conducted to show that proposed systems could obtain high performance in indoor and outdoor scenarios and also demonstrate the capability of giving predictions in real-time segmentation of drivable areas and road obstacles applications on mobile robots.

Obstacle avoidance plays an essential role in the reliable perception of intelligent autonomous mobile robots, enabling the robots to identify the anomalies that may block their working area. Recently, using the notable advantages of deep learning techniques, mobile robots may now perform autonomous navigation based on what they learned in the deep learning training phase. However, the data preparation and processing for deep learning-based methods are generally time-consuming and labor-intensive due to the need for large amounts of properly labeled data. To overcome this drawback, in this thesis, we present some approaches to solve these issues by using the self-supervised approach with a designed discrepancy network based on a channel-wise attention mechanism for normal surface (i.e., drivable areas) and road obstacles, automatic labeling segmentation tasks. For each pair of RGB and depth images, the proposed framework automatically generates a label map for the drivable areas and road obstacles by finding the dissimilarities between the input RGB image and the resynthesized image, then enhancing the obstacle localizing capabilities by integrating the depth information by different approaches from traditional image processing to fully based on deep learning technique. In addition, to validate the robustness, we trained the RGB-D datasets using self-generated ground truth labels derived from the developed automatic labeling methods with multiple off-the-shelf RGB-D semantic segmentation neural networks to obtain the predicted labels. Various experiments are conducted to show that proposed systems could obtain high performance in indoor and outdoor scenarios and also demonstrate the capability of giving predictions in real-time segmentation of drivable areas and road obstacles applications on mobile robots.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i LIST OF TABLES iii LIST OF FIGURES iv NOMENCLATURE vi CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective 2 1.3 Thesis organization 3 CHAPTER 2 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Drivable Area Detection 4 2.2 Obstacles Detection 5 CHAPTER 3 8 SELF-SUPERVISED AUTOMATIC LABELING BASED ON TRADITIONAL IMAGE PROCESSING USING RGB-D DATA 8 3.1 Self-supervised segmentation approach for RGB-D Data 8 3.2 Self-supervised automatic labeling system based on traditional image processing 10 3.2.1.Depth Anomaly Calculator 11 3.2.2.RGB Anomaly Calculator 14 3.2.3.Post Processor 15 CHAPTER 4 16 EFFECTIVE FREE-DRIVING REGION DETECTION FOR MOBILE ROBOTS BY UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATION USING RGB-D DATA 16 4.1. Self-supervised segmentation approach for RGB-D Data 16 4.2. Automatic Generating Segmentation Label Framework 18 4.2.1.Autoencoder 19 4.2.2.RGB Anomaly Calculator 20 4.2.3.DissimNet 21 4.2.4.Depth Anomaly Calculator 23 4.2.5.Post Processor 24 CHAPTER 5 25 DIFFERNET: AN EFFICIENT DISCREPANCY NETWORK FOR DETECTING ROAD ANOMALIES USING RGB-D DATA 25 5.1. Automatic Labeling System Principle Based on Deep Learning 25 5.2. Automatic Labeling System Framework Using RGB-D Data 26 5.2.1. Semantic Segmentation Module 28 5.2.2. Synthesized Module 29 5.2.3. DifferNet 30 5.2.4. Post Processor 35 CHAPTER 6 36 EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION 36 6.1. Self-supervised Automatic Labeling Based on Traditional Image Processing Using RGB-D Data 36 6.1.1. Evaluation on GMRPD Dataset 36 6.1.2. Discussion 40 6.2. Effective Free-driving Region Detection for Mobile Robots by Uncertainty Estimation Using RGB-D Data 40 6.2.1. Evaluation on GMRPD Dataset 40 6.2.2. Evaluation on Our Anomaly Dataset 46 6.2.3. Discussion 48 6.3. DifferNet: An Efficient Discrepancy Network for Detecting Road Anomalies Using RGB-D Data 49 6.3.1. DifferNet training procedure and implementation details 49 6.3.2. DifferNet experimental set-up and results 50 6.3.3. Evaluation of Automatic Labeling System Framework 52 6.3.4. Discussion 61 CHAPTER 7 62 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS 62 7.1. Conclusion 62 7.2. Future works 63 REFERENCE 64

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