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研究生: 徐祥瑞
論文名稱: 極化碼於瑞利衰落通道下之分裂修剪CRC順續消去列表法解碼
Split-Reduced CA-SCL Decoding for Polar-Coded Transmission over Rayleigh-Faded Channels
指導教授: 賴坤財
Kuen-Tsair Lay
口試委員: 方文賢
Wen-Hsien Fang
Der-Feng Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 極化碼瑞利衰落通道分集技術順續消去法順續消去列表法循環冗餘校驗解碼複雜度分裂修剪順續消去列表法
外文關鍵詞: split-reduced, split-reduced successive cancellation list decoder
相關次數: 點閱:687下載:0
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因此本文首先針對瑞利快速衰落通道進行通道排序,並藉由通道排序所獲得的參數,進一步改善CRC 輔助順續消去列表法(CA-SCL),提出一種減少路徑分裂的方法,稱之為分裂修剪CRC順續消去列表法(SR-CA-SCL),經過模擬驗證後,在高訊雜比的環境中,能夠大幅降低CA-SCL解碼複雜度,且維持接近相等的錯誤率,使其在整體表現上能夠比CRC 輔助順續消去列表法(CA-SCL)更有優勢。

The core of current communication technology development is wireless communication. Polar codes, due to their excellent performance and being the first error correction codes theoretically proven to achieve channel capacity, have been adopted in the fifth-generation communication technology (5G) as the error correction codes for control channels. However, in the specifications of polar codes, the channel sorting aspect was not specifically designed for wireless communication environments for practical simplicity. Consequently, using them in wireless communication can lead to a significant decrease in performance, especially in high signal-to-noise ratio regions, indicating a great potential for improvement.

Additionally, in polar codes, successive cancellation (SC) decoding is affected by error propagation. To address this issue, successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding was proposed, which splits multiple paths during the decoding process to greatly enhance performance but also increases the overall decoding complexity.

Therefore, in this paper, we first perform channel sorting for Rayleigh fast-fading channels and then utilize the obtained parameters to further improve CRC-assisted successive cancellation list (CA-SCL) decoding. A method called Split-Reduced CRC-Aided Successive Cancellation List (SR-CA-SCL) is proposed, which reduces path splitting. After simulation verification, it has been demonstrated that SR-CA-SCL can significantly reduce the decoding complexity of CA-SCL while maintaining a comparable error rate, particularly in high signal-to-noise ratio environments. This approach exhibits superior overall performance compared to CRC-assisted successive cancellation list (CA-SCL).

摘要 iii ABSTRACT v 致謝 vii 目錄 viii 圖索引 x 表索引 xii 中英對照表 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1引言 1 1.2研究動機 1 1.3本文架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 極化碼 4 2.1.1 極化碼的編碼 4 2.1.2 順續消去法 6 2.1.3 順續消去列表法 7 2.1.4 瑞利快速衰落通道與子通道排序 9 2.2 循環冗餘校驗輔助解碼 13 2.2.1 CRC輔助順序消去列表法 13 第三章 分裂修剪順續消去列表法 16 3.1 基於門檻值的路徑分裂法則 16 3.2 以蒙地卡羅方法驗證門檻值 19 3.3 極化碼的錯誤傳遞現象 27 3.4 CRC輔助分裂修剪順續消去列表演算法 28 第四章 實驗結果與討論 34 4.1 錯誤率與平均列表數於不同訊雜比的比較 34 4.2 錯誤率與列表複雜度之間的權衡分析 43 第五章 結論與未來展望 47 參考文獻 49

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