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研究生: 陳穎怡
Ying-yi Chen
論文名稱: 應用平滑支撐向量迴歸灰預測模型於股價報酬率預測與避險績效之研究
Applications of Smooth Support Vector Regression Grey Model on the Prediction of Stock Returns and Hedging Performance
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-wu Yu
口試委員: 盧瑞山
Ruey-Shan Lu
Cheng-Huang Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 平滑支撐向量機灰預測避險比率臺灣50指數ETF臺灣50期貨
外文關鍵詞: Grey prediction model, Hedge Ratio, Smooth Support Vector Regression, Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund, Taiwan 50 Future
相關次數: 點閱:457下載:4
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  • 一般期貨避險交易特性,在於降低投資者現貨部份之風險,但規避風險的同時,往往難以兼顧利潤。因此,在進行避險操作之前,投資人應該先建立趨勢預測模型來研判多空頭走勢,以避免資本利得部份因不當的避險操作而被抵銷。
    本研究探討加入預測模型對期貨避險績效是否有顯著的改變,故結合平滑支撐向量迴歸(Smooth Support Vector Regression,SSVR)模型以及灰色預測GM(1,1)模型,建構SSVRGM(1,1)預測模型,以提升GM(1,1)模型在方向性的預測精度,並保留GM(1,1)模型原本的優點,進而改進整體的預測精確度。其應用於股價報酬率進行預測,並將所得的預測資訊套用於動態最小變異之避險比率,進行避險操作。本研究進一步比較買入持有法與未具預測機制之模型、具預測機制之模型下的避險操作績效。研究樣本為2003年7月4日至2006年12月29日之臺灣50指數ETF與臺灣50期貨之週資料,以目前擁有股票投資人為立場,因擔心股價下跌而採取賣出期貨避險之空頭避險策略,並比較在不同避險策略之避險績效供投資人作為參考。本研究發現:

    In general, the purpose of hedging trade using future is to reduce the investor's primitive risks. But, it is difficult to give consideration to the profits and risks. So, a trend prediction model of determining the long or short position tendency should be established before doing hedge in order to avoid the inappropriate operations which neutralize the capital profit.
    This study discusses whether the prediction model can significantly increase the performance or not. We integrate the grey forecasting model (GM(1,1)) with the Smooth Support Vector Regression (SSVR) to develop a new model - SSVRGM(1,1). SSVRGM(1.1) retain the advantages of GM(1.1), and further, have the better abilities in the accuracy of directionality precision. The study focuses on the prediction of stock return, put the prediction results to calculating the dynamic hedge ratio of Minimum-Variation, and then conduct the hedging trade. The study also compares the performances of buying-and-holding strategy, hedging without prediction model and hedging with prediction model. The samples are the Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund and the weekly data of Taiwan 50 Futures from July 4, 2003 to December 29, 2006.The results of this study can provide some information for the investors who have stocks and intent to adopt short-hedge strategy of selling futures to avoid the stock price getting down. The findings are shown as follows:
    1.According to the comparisons and the statistics test, the predictive performance of SSVRGM(1,1) is better than SSVR or GM(1,1), and SSVRGM(1,1) has more than 60% in directionality precision. SSVRGM(1,1) is demonstrated that it can be applied to the prediction problems of return rate with insufficient data.
    2.Results show the performance of hedge strategy with prediction model is better than the hedge strategy without prediction model. In the hedge strategy with prediction model, the average of annual reward can reach 14.27%, 10.60% and 8.46% by employing SSVRGM(1,1), SSVR and GM(1,1), respectively. On the other hand, only 0.15% of the average of annual reward can be reached in the hedge strategy without prediction model.
    3.In the aspect of risk management, the general hedge strategy can reduce the risks if the whole risks are considered. However, if the risks and rewards are both considered, SSVRGM(1,1) is a better method to conduct the hedge owing to its better performance.
    4.In the aspect of adjusting the futures and stocks, the results show that adjusting the future is a better way than adjusting the stock during a long position trend. On the contrary, adjusting the stock is a better way than adjusting the future during a short position trend.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究範圍 3 1.4 研究架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 指數股票型基金之簡介 5  2.1.1 臺灣50ETF 6 2.2 臺灣指數期貨發展 7  2.2.1 期貨市場功能 8  2.2.2 避險策略理論 8 2.3 預測模型 14  2.3.1 灰色預測模型 15  2.3.2 平滑支撐向量迴歸之演進與應用 20 2.4 結合預測資訊之避險策略 28 第三章 研究方法 30 3.1 研究架構 30 3.2 資料來源與處理 32 3.3 資料種類 32  3.3.1 寶來臺灣卓越50 32  3.3.2 臺灣50指數期貨 33 3.4 股價指數報酬率預測模型 34  3.4.1 調整參數的最佳化 35  3.4.2 預測方向正確性評估 35 3.5 避險模型 37  3.5.1 最小風險模型 37  3.5.2 最適避險比率的估計 38 3.6 避險操作策略 38 3.7 避險績效 39 第四章 實證結果 41 4.1 資料來源 41 4.2 預測模型之分析與比較 41  4.2.1 GM(1,1)之預測能力 41  4.2.2 SSVRGM(1,1)之預測能力 42  4.2.3 SSVR之預測能力 44  4.2.4 綜合分析與比較 46 4.3 避險交易策略實證分析 49  4.3.1 期貨與現貨關聯性分析 49  4.3.2 最適避險比率的估計 50  4.3.3 未具預測機制之模型之避險績效分析 51  4.3.4 具預測機制之模型之避險績效分析 53  4.3.5 綜合分析與比較 57 4.4 實證結果之比較 59 第五章 結論與建議 61 5.1 結論 61 5.2 管理意涵 62 5.3 研究限制 62 5.4 建議 63 參考文獻 64 附錄 67 附錄一 SSVRGM(1,1)最佳化參數設定 67 附錄二 移動視窗迴歸法下之各期最適避險比例估計值 68 附錄三 各模型之累計報酬率 70

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