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研究生: 劉思芸
Sz-Yun Liu
論文名稱: 觸控技術之專利權範圍與專利強度分析之研究
A Study of Claim Analysis and Patent Strength Analysis in Touch Technology
指導教授: 劉國讚
Kuo-Tsan Liu
口試委員: 郭開誠
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 169
中文關鍵詞: 申請專利範圍專利指標觸控技術
外文關鍵詞: Claim, Patent Indicator, Touch Technology
相關次數: 點閱:1514下載:23
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  • 不論是實務界或是學術界,觸控技術已是未來數年之熱門產業,因此,掌握觸控技術產業中的發展情形與競爭關係更是刻不容緩的重要課題。檢視過去的文獻中,大多著重於技術層面的開發或是經營策略的擬定,然而隨著觸控專利的相關訴訟越演激烈,所以需要從專利的角度,探討觸控人機介面技術中專利權利範圍、專利強度之間的關係。



    The touch technology is the quick-developed object recently in both industry aspects and scholarships, thus, it is an interesting and necessary research topic for the development situation and competition relationship of handling the touch technology. By inspecting the previous documents, it is found that the technique development and the management strategy are the main works. However, the litigation of the touch patent is increased progressively in recent years it is needed for an advanced study with an alternative view-point.

    At first, based on the patent data of USPTO, the search processing is executed, and then the bibliographic data is obtained by using patent map. As well as the recommendation for R&D strategy is provided after recognizing the technology situations of touch industry. Second, the representative fundamental patents of the total patents are obtained by using professional books and international patent litigation cases. In addition, the concernment and the protected area of the fundamental patent is determined by the construction of the claim and the relationship of the fundamental patents and the continuous patents. Finally, by using the patent indicator of CHI corporations and get involved the additional influenza factors (independent claim and best mode) of the patent document in the patent quantity rate, the patent strength of the bibliographic data in the study are evaluated.

    As the results, it is evident the touch technology is the quick-developed object recently after the patent quantity increases and the active corporations of the patent owners are Apple and Microsoft;the wider protected area of the fundamental patent affects the technique development of the continuous patents; after the patent calculations, it is found Apple has the higher patent strength since the better quantity rate of independent claim and best mode. Therefore, the competitive corporation should draw up the patent arrangement strategy and the litigation respondent strategy in advance. The new operation gestures had better be developed with the additional influenza factors.

    目 錄 摘 要I ABSTRACTII 目 錄IV 圖表索引VII 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.1.1觸控技術簡介2 1.1.2觸控專利6 1.1.3多點觸控人機介面11 1.1.4研究動機15 1.2文獻探討16 1.2.1觸控技術相關文獻16 1.2.2專利指標相關文獻18 1.2.3小結22 1.3研究方法24 1.4研究範圍與架構27 第二章 觸控專利技術總體分析29 2.1技術範圍之界定29 2.2歷年專利件數趨勢分析32 2.2.1歷年專利申請件數32 2.2.2歷年專利公告件數34 2.2.3專利權人/件數圖35 2.3技術領域別分析37 2.3.1IPC四階件數37 2.3.2IPC五階件數38 2.3.3IPC五階年度統計39 2.4專利權人分析41 2.4.1專利權人專利家族分析42 2.4.2專利權人與歷年專利件數活動分析44 2.4.3專利權人消長分析45 2.4.4專利權人發明陣容47 2.4.5專利權平均年齡49 2.4.6專利權人技術領域別分析50 2.4.7專利權人技術差異分析52 2.5發明人分析53 2.6主要專利權人分析55 2.6.1Apple整體專利概況分析55 2.6.2Apple技術領域別分析56 2.7主要專利權人手勢專利技術分析60 2.8比較與結論61 第三章 基本專利權利範圍分析64 3.1前言64 3.1.1基本專利定義65 3.1.2後續專利定義66 3.2'949號專利申請歷史67 3.3'949號專利發明內容71 3.3.1所欲解決之問題與技術主題71 3.3.2先前技術比對73 3.4'949號專利申請專利範圍75 3.4.1請求項保護標的與依附關係75 3.4.2請求項內容77 3.4.3請求項構成要件分析80 3.5'949號專利申請專利範圍之解析81 3.6'949號專利實施例與專利權範圍86 3.7'949號專利之專利家族91 3.7.1廣義專利家族91 3.7.2狹義專利家族93 3.7.3小結96 3.8後續專利探討97 3.8.1官方引證97 3.8.2檢索得到107 3.9結論113 第四章 專利強度與價值分析118 4.1前言118 4.1.1界定研究範圍119 4.1.2專利指標分析方法120 4.2專利數量佔有率124 4.2.1歷年專利件數124 4.2.2專利獨立項數目126 4.2.3專利實施例數目129 4.2.4小結131 4.3專利被引證數134 4.3.1各年度被引證次數表136 4.3.2引證關係139 4.3.3小結143 4.4專利特性指標143 4.4.1專利廣度143 4.4.2專利普遍性144 4.5結論146 第五章 結論與未來研究方向150 5.1結論150 5.1.1由專利數量探討觸控技術發展現況與趨勢150 5.1.2已被專利權佔據之觸控技術152 5.1.3隱藏在專利件數下的專利強度155 5.1.4該如何與Apple競爭157 5.2未來研究方向159 參考文獻161

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