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研究生: 吳孟蓉
Meng-Rong Wu
論文名稱: 以實際開挖案例進行有限土體深開挖一維簡化分析法之研究
Study of 1D Simplified Analysis Method for Deep Excavation under Limited Soil Space Conditions by Real Excavation Cases
指導教授: 林宏達
Horn-Da Lin
口試委員: 王建智
Chien-Chih Wang
Fang-Chih Lu
Yong-Guang Lin
Fu-Chen Teng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 深開挖有限土體效應一維簡化分析法二維數值分析鄰近建物
外文關鍵詞: Deep excavation, Finite soil effect, 1D simplified method, PLAXIS 2D, Adjacent building
相關次數: 點閱:167下載:5
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  • 本研究使用實際案例進行有限土體開挖分析,藉由分析結果精進一維簡化分析法並驗證其可行性。現地監測結果和PLAXIS-2D分析結果皆顯示此案例之自由場壁體變位大於鄰房場,證實有限土體效應確實存在。接著,以二維分析結果為基礎,將鄰房擋土牆之影響納入原本的一維簡化分析法中進行精進。結果顯示在鄰房基礎深度比(Ha/He)為0.5~1.2時需要考量鄰房擋土牆存在,且在有考量的情況下一維有限土體影響深度Hm=min(1.2He,1.55Ha)。此外,分析結果也顯示鄰房基礎深度比(Ha/He)超過1.5之後,有限土體效應比已達到穩定狀態。因此,鄰房基礎深度比若超過1.5,有限土體效應比只需要考量至鄰房基礎深度比為1.5即可。

    This study conducts excavation analyses under limited soil space conditions using real excavation cases. Then, this study improves the one-dimensional simplified analysis method and verifies its feasibility. Both monitoring results and numerical results using PLAXIS-2D show that the diaphragm wall displacement of the green field side is larger than that of the adjacent building side. The analysis results and the monitoring results confirmed the existence of finite soil effects. Then, the influence of the retaining wall of the adjacent building is incorporated into the original one-dimensional simplified analysis method for consideration based on the results of the two-dimensional analysis. The results show that when the adjacent building foundation depth ratio (Ha/He) is 0.5~1.2, it is necessary to consider the existence of the adjacent building retaining wall, and the one-dimensional finite soil influence depth Hm=min(1.2He, 1.55 Ha). In addition, the results also show that when the adjacent building foundation depth ratio(Ha/He) exceeds 1.5, the finite soil effect reaches a stable state. Therefore, if the adjacent building foundation depth ratio exceeds 1.5, the finite soil effect ratio only needs to be considered to the adjacent building foundation depth ratio is 1.5.
    Finally, this study uses real excavation cases to conduct the one-dimensional simplified analysis. The results verify the feasibility of one-dimensional simplified analysis method and the designed chart for clay. The results show that the one-dimensional simplified analysis method of TORSA3 can reasonably reflect the excavation behavior under limited soil conditions, and the results of one-dimensional and two-dimensional analyses are similar.

    論 文 摘 要 ABSTRACT 致謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 符號說明 第一章 前言 1.1 研究背景與目的 1.2 研究內容及架構 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 深開挖工程特性 2.1.1開挖引致擋土壁變形行為 2.1.2 開挖引致地表沉陷 2.2有限土體土壓力分析評估 2.2.1有限土體土壓力計算法 2.2.2有限土體極限平衡法 2.2.3有限土體數值分析法 2.3有限土體對深開挖之影響 2.3.1有限土體影響因子 2.3.2有限土體對深開挖壁體變位之影響 2.4有限土體適用範圍 第三章 有限土體二維數值分析模型及案例分析 3.1二維數值分析軟體PLAXIS 2D 3.1.1二維軟體PLAXIS簡介 3.1.2 土壤模式 3.2案例篩選原則 3.3僑日興案例簡介及自由場數值參數 3.3.1案例概況 3.3.2PLAXIS參數率定 3.3.3自由場數值參數驗證 3.4二維有限土體開挖之鄰房模擬 3.4.1現地鄰房尺寸 3.4.2鄰房模型假設 3.4.3鄰房場二維分析結果 第四章 有限土體一維簡化分析法之修正與精進 4.1一維簡化分析法 4.1.1原始一維簡化分析法 4.1.2精進後之一維簡化分析法 4.2一維簡化分析法之有限土體影響深度探討 4.2.1鄰房擋土結構物對有限土體效應之影響 4.2.2鄰房擋土結構物對有限土體效應深度比之影響範圍探討 4.2.3以二維結果探討有限土體影響深度Ha* 4.3一維簡化分析法之深度比範圍探討 4.3.1 鄰房勁度對有限土體效應之深度比探討 4.3.2深度比平緩趨勢探討 4.3.3有限土體效應比值模擬合理性之探討 4.3.4小結 第五章 有限土體一維分析法之案例應用 5.1一維分析軟體TORSA3.0簡介 5.1.1軟體簡介 5.1.2分析模式與方法 5.1.3主被動土壓力 5.1.4土壤參數 5.2 僑日興案例分析及結果探討 5.2.1僑日興案例之一維自由場參數驗證 5.2.2僑日興案例之一維有限土體開挖分析 5.2.3僑日興案例假設不同距牆比之一維有限土體開挖分析 第六章 結論與建議 6.1結論 6.2建議 參考文獻

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