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研究生: 李威霖
William Anderson Lee Sanchez
論文名稱: Development of Highly Thermally Conductive Epoxy Composites and Their Application in Electronic Encapsulation Packaging
Development of Highly Thermally Conductive Epoxy Composites and Their Application in Electronic Encapsulation Packaging
指導教授: 邱智瑋
Chih-Wei Chiu
口試委員: 邱顯堂
Hsien-Tang Chiu
Chih-Wei Chiu
Tzong-Ming Lee
Kuo-Chan Chiou
Chih-Chia Cheng
Guo-Quan Liang
Jen-Kai Yang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 電子封裝底部填充材料複合填料氧化鋁氮化鋁氮化硼導熱係數熱紅外影像
外文關鍵詞: electronic encapsulation packaging, underfill material, hybrid filler, alumina, aluminum nitride, boron nitride, thermal conductivity, thermal infrared images
相關次數: 點閱:529下載:8
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  • 隨著電子應用不斷地發展,主要是通過改變設備的尺寸來實現設備速度的改善。然而,這也導致電子設備運行期間產生的熱能增加。由於熱能的積累,電子設備的穩定性和壽命將隨著其工作溫度的升高而受到影響。因此,為了將設備的工作溫度保持在可接受的水平,盡可能快速有效地散發產生的熱能變成重要的課題之一。
    為了解決這些問題,該研究進行了兩項不同的主題,以設計、生產和表徵具有高導熱填料 (如氮化硼(BN)、氧化鋁(Al2O3)和氮化鋁(AlN)) 的多功能環氧複合材料。在第一部分中,環氧樹脂作為基材並與微球型氧化鋁和片狀氮化硼相結合,製成Al2O3-BN/EP複合材料。在第二部分中,將功能化的 AlN 微球和 BN 薄片與環氧樹脂基體和含矽烷之Xiameter OFS-6040 結合,以增強無機填料在環氧樹脂基體中的分散性與相容性,形成 AlN-BN/EP 複合材料。
    這些複合材料是通過簡單的程序製成的。它們的特點是基於它們的熱、電和實際應用特性。複合材料的製造證明了提高導熱性的概念可以成功地應用於電子熱管理,為新一代 IC 底部填充密封劑的生產帶來新的機遇。

    The constant development in electronic applications has led to the upgrading of the speed of the devices by mainly changing the dimension of them. However, those improvements also have resulted in an increase of heat generated during the operation of the electronic devices. The stability and lifespan of the electronic devices will be affected as their operating temperature rise, due to the heat accumulation. Hence, it is really important to dissipate this heat produced as fast and effectively as possible, in order to keep the working temperatures of the device at an acceptable level.
    In order to solve those problems, two different studies were carried out to design, produce and characterize multifunctional epoxy composites with highly thermally conductive fillers, such as boron nitride, alumina and aluminum nitride. In the first part, epoxy matrix was merged with alumina micro-spheres and BN flake-like particles to make Al2O3-BN/EP composites. In the second part, functionalized AlN micro-spheres and BN platelets were combined with the epoxy matrix and silane Xiameter OFS-6040 to enhance the dispersibility and compatibility of the inorganic fillers into the epoxy-matrix, creating the AlN-BN/EP composites.
    Those composites were made by means of a facile procedure. They were characterized based on their thermal, electrical and practical application properties. The composites were fabricated to demonstrate that the concept of thermal conductivity improvement can be successfully applied to electronic thermal management, bringing new opportunities for the production of new generation of IC underfill encapsulants.

    Chinese Abstract (中文摘要) I Abstract II Acknowledgements III Table of Contents IVV List of Figures VII List of Tables VIII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Thermal Conduction Properties 3 2.1.1 Definition of Thermal Conductivity 3 2.1.2 Heat Transfer Mechanism ¡Error! Marcador no definido. 2.1.3 Heat Transfer Mechanism in Crystalline 6 2.1.4 Heat Transfer Mechanism in Polymers 7 2.1.5 Heat Transfer Mechanism in Polymer Composites 8 2.2 Underfill Encapsulation Packaging Materials 9 2.3 Packing Density 11 2.3.1 Significance of Packing Density on Composites Materials 11 2.3.2 Influence of Packing Density on Composites 15 Chapter 3 Experiment Section 18 3.1 Materials 18 3.2 Instruments and Characterization 22 3.2.1 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 22 3.2.2 Viscosity 22 3.2.3 Hot Disk 22 3.2.4 Thermal Infrared Images 22 3.2.5 Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) 23 3.2.6 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 23 3.2.7 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) 23 3.2.8 Dielectric Properties 24 Chapter 4 Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites Filled with Al2O3/Boron Nitride Hybrids for Underfill Encapsulation Materials 25 4.1 Abstract 25 4.2 Introduction 26 4.3 Experimental Section 29 4.3.1 Materials 29 4.3.2 Epoxy Resin System Selection 30 4.3.3 Fabrication of Al2O3-BN/EP Composites 32 4.4 Results and Discussion 35 4.4.1 FTIR 35 4.4.2 Rheological Study 36 4.4.3 Thermal Conductivity of EP Composites 38 4.4.4 Composites Thermal Management Capacity 40 4.4.5 Glass Transition Temperature and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of EP Composites 43 4.4.6 Morphological Observation of Al2O3-BN/EP Composites 45 4.4.7 Thermal Stability 47 4.4.8 Electrical and Dielectric Properties 48 4.5 Summary 51 Chapter 5 Highly Thermally Conductive Epoxy Composites Filled with AlN/BN Hybrids as Underfill Encapsulation Material for Electronic Packaging 52 5.1 Abstract 52 5.2 Introduction 53 5.3 Experimental Section 56 5.3.1. Materials 56 5.3.2. Fabrication of AlN-BN/EP Composites 57 5.4. Results and Discussion 59 5.3.1. FTIR 59 5.3.2. Synergistic Relation between the Rheological Study and Thermal Conductivity of EP Composites 60 5.3.3. Thermal Management Capability of Composites 65 5.3.4. Impact of Fillers on Tg and CTE of Composites 67 5.3.5. Morphological Examination of EP Composites 70 5.3.6. Thermal Stability of EP Composites 72 5.3.7. Electric properties of EP composites 75 5.5. Summary 77 Chapter 6 Conclusions 78 References 80 Chapter 7 Appendix 103 7.1. Publication List (國際期刊論文) 103 7.2. Conference Participations 104 7.3. Awards 104

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