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研究生: 劉冠麟
論文名稱: 各國綠能技術專利制度比較之研究
Comparative Research of Multinational Green Techonology and Green Patent Policy
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 蘇威年
Wei-Nien Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 綠能技術綠能專利綠能能源加速審查制度;再生能源綠能
外文關鍵詞: green technology, green patent, accelerated exam
相關次數: 點閱:1255下載:5
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  • 能源短缺和環環境問題成為二十一世紀國際間共同欲積極解決的問題和目標,各種能源物價上漲,已經嚴重衝擊各國人民生計,以我國為例,電價和油價年年上漲,讓一般人民無力招架。我國能源高度仰賴進口,基於國家能源安全和民生生計等各種問題,更應該於綠能產業方面投入心血,積極開發和推廣。保護地球人人有責,各種國家高發展下所造成的汙染,使全球暖化日漸嚴重,珍惜地球資源,並在保護環境與經濟發展間取得平衡成為國際間重要課題。因此各國紛紛投入節能減碳的行列和投入綠能科技之研發,並積極建立綠能環保政策和提升綠能產業發展。本論文針對台灣綠能發展和政策方針做研究和分析,同時比較國際各國之綠能政策,藉以了解我國綠能發展的現況,及未來綠能產業在國際上之發展趨勢和可能改善之處。值得注意的是,我國智慧局於「2013年12月16日宣布,自103年1月1日起實施「綠能技術專利加速審查」,為促進台灣綠能產業的發展,提升綠能科技的專利優勢,新增「所請發明為綠能技術相關者」之加速審查申請事由,並自該日起受理申請。目前美、英、中、日、韓等國皆已實施綠能技術專利加速審查,我國智慧局除了順應國際趨勢,更希望能藉由綠能專利加速審查制度,鼓勵綠能技術創新者持續投入資源與研發,藉由我國綠能技術的創新、創造環境永續發展及經濟動能提升的雙贏局面。」綠能產業的發展不僅僅需要政策與法律的保護才能完善,商業化更是將綠能產業推向國際舞台的重要一環,因此本研究亦針對目前國內及國外綠能大廠對於綠能專利之申請現況做了解和分析,使對綠能產業之整體發展做一較全面性的研究與解析。

    Due to the fact of the global environmental pollution and the shortage of energy resource, promoting environmental-friendly innovation has become an important issue in national and international environmental policy. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of official green patent systems and the trend of the development of green energy in the world. 「On January 1,2014, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) added one condition for the Inventions Relating to Green Tech (Condition 4) under the Accelerated Examination Program (AEP) and began accepting the requests in order to encourage the development of the green industry and to enhance the patent predominance of green technology in Taiwan. Going with the global trend, TIPO encourages green technology innovators to continuously research and develop by means of the implementation of the accelerated examination for green technology related applications, which U.S., U.K., mainland China, Japan and Korea have also carried out. Through the innovation toward green technology, a win-win situation for both the environmental sustainability and the economic power-up can be created. 」A proper patent policy can give the best protection on green technology, and a well commercialization can keep the green technology market alive. Therefore, this study also focuses on analyzing domestic and foreign well-known companies’ current status for green patents. The main object of this study is to indicate a better overview understanding on the development of green technology industry.

    目錄 誌謝I 目錄II 圖目錄III 表目錄IV 摘要V 1.1研究緣起與問題提出1 1.2研究範圍及架構3 1.3研究方法4 第二章 綠能技術專利政策6 2.1我國能源與綠能技術專利政策介紹6 2.2我國綠能技術專利政策11 2.3綠能技術範圍15 第三章 各國綠能技術專利政策22 3.1 各國綠能技術專利簡化政策22 3.2 世界智慧財產權組織WIPO 之綠能技術42 第四章 綠能科技相關專利分析44 4.1國際綠能技術政策趨勢44 4.2韓國之替代能源趨勢45 4.3我國綠能產業與綠能技術專利現況47 4.4太陽能技術之專利權人分析與產業概況56 4.5 LED技術之專利權人分析與產業概況59 4.6台灣綠能科技商業化61 第五章 結論及未來展望63

    2.張睿哲、陳冠蓉、吳韶淳、謝孟儒、梁雅閔,〈綠能技術專利快速審查機制〉,智慧財產權月刊, 142 期,2010/10。
    1.The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the European Patent Office (EPO) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), ”Patents and clean energy: bridging the gap between evidence and policy Final report”, 2010.
    2.United States Patent and Trademark Office, ”2014-2018 Strategic Plan , Source: http://www.uspto.gov/strategicplan”
    3.UK, Intellectual property office, ” Green Channel” , Source: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-pn-green.htm
    4.USPTO 2011.”Accelerated Review of Green Technology Patent Applications”
    , Source: http://www.uspto.gov/inventors/independent/eye/201106/tipgreentech.jsp
    5.KIPO, ” Three-track Patent and Utility Model Examination System”, Source: http://www.kipo.go.kr/kpo/user.tdf?a=user.english.html.HtmlApp&c=100000&catmenu=ek02_01_02_01
    6.WIPO, Fast tracking applications (green technology), Source:
    7.IP Australia, fast tracking for green technology, Source:http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/get-the-right-ip/patents/patent-application-process/expedited-examination-for-standard-patents/green-patents/

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