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研究生: 黃博泓
Bo-Hong Huang
論文名稱: 基於Packet Pacing在QUIC中的效能改善在高速WiFi中
Performance Improvement of QUIC based on Packet Pacing in High-Speed WiFi
指導教授: 沈上翔
Shang-Xiang Shen
口試委員: 沈上翔
Shang-Xiang Shen
Tai-Ling Jin
Zhong-An Shen
Qin-Ya Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 傳輸層QUICwifi網路效能改善
外文關鍵詞: QUIC, Packet Pacing, High-Speed WiFi
相關次數: 點閱:362下載:0
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題。關於在傳輸層中性能的提升,Google推出了Google QUIC來解決TCP中的傳統
在本文中,我們提出了在 LSQUIC 上修改的 LSQUIC Mod,LSQUIC Mod能
在高速 WiFi 中提供更好的性能。為了最大化在 802.11ac 中的幀聚合,我們通過
改進 LSQUIC Mod 中的擁塞控制來提高數據包調步速率(Packet Pacing Rate)以提高
性能。我們比較了 LSQUIC Mod、LSQUIC 和 TCP 在各種網絡條件下的吞吐量,
得出的結論是 LSQUIC Mod 的吞吐量高於其他傳輸協定。我們增加 20ms 延遲和
1.0% 丟包率(PLR)在測試環境中,LSQUIC Mod 的吞吐量比 TCP 提高了 8 倍,
比 LSQUIC 提高了 10 倍

With the rapid development of wireless networks, the demand for streaming services is increasing. Whether to transmit the media or file in high-speed WiFi, the higher transmission speed can provide a better quality of services (QoS) and more flexible options for quality to clients. Nowadays, how to provide better performance in high-speed WiFi is an ongoing issue. According to the improvement of performance in the transport layer, Google brings out the Google QUIC to deal with some traditional problems in the TCP, such as Head-of-Line blocking, without a pacer to transmit packets, and inflexible devel-opment.
In this paper, we propose LSQUIC Mod modified on LSQUIC, providing better per-
formance in high-speed WiFi. To maximize the frame aggregation in 802.11ac, we in-
crease the packet pacing rate by improving the congestion control in LSQUIC Mod to
boost performance. We compare the throughput for LSQUIC Mod, LSQUIC, and TCP
in various network conditions, concluding that LSQUIC Mod has the highest throughput
than others. In our testbed by adding 20ms delay and 1.0% packet loss ratio (PLR), the
throughput of LSQUIC Mod increases 8 times compared with TCP and increases 10 times compared with LSQUIC.

1. Introduction 2. Related Works 3. Problem Definitions 4. Methodology 5. Evaluation 6. Conclusion

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