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研究生: 鍾翠萍
Tsui-Ping Chung
論文名稱: 啟發式演算法求解單階及多階之平行機問題
Heuristics for Single- and Multi-stage Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems
指導教授: 廖慶榮
Ching-Jong Liao
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Kung-Jeng Wang
Stephen Chingyu Shih
Ling-Huey Su
Yuan-Jye Tseng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 混合式流程生產批次到期排程平行機台批次抵達人工免疫系統
外文關鍵詞: Hybrid flow shop, Batch due date, Scheduling, Identical parallel machines, Batch arrivals, Artificial immune system
相關次數: 點閱:504下載:1
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This dissertation studies the single- and multi-stages parallel machine problems. For the single-stage parallel machine problem, this dissertation will consider two topics, batch arrival and batch due date. For the multi-stage parallel machine problem, a hybrid flow shop problem will be considered where each stage has identical parallel machines.
First, most studies in the scheduling literature assume that jobs arrive at time zero, while some studies assume that jobs arrive individually at non-zero times. However, both assumptions may not be valid in practice because jobs usually arrive in batches. In this topic, a scheduling model for an identical parallel machine problem with batch arrivals is formulated. Because of the NP-hardness of the problem, a heuristic based on a simplified version of lexicographical search is proposed. To verify the heuristic, two lower bounding schemes are developed, where one lower bound is tight, and the list scheduling heuristic is compared. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate that the proposed heuristic is quite efficient in obtaining near optimal solution with an average error of less than 1.58%. The percentage improvement (from the lower bound) of the heuristic solution on the solution by the list scheduling is as large as 31.68.
Secondly, this dissertation considers a scheduling problem where jobs are grouped into several batches. Jobs can be sent to the next operation only when all the jobs in the same batch have finished their processing, i.e., jobs in a batch have a common due date. This batch due date problem is quite common in practice, but there is no efficient heuristic to solve the problem. This dissertation addresses an identical parallel machine problem with batch due date to minimize the total tardiness. Since the problem is NP-hard, two heuristics are proposed to find the near optimal solution. Computational results comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of the two proposed heuristics with an existing heuristic are reported and discussed.
Finally, this dissertation considers the n-job, k-stage problem in a hybrid flow shop with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time, or makespan, where the problem is NP-hard. An immunoglobulin-based artificial immune system algorithm, called IAIS, is developed to search for the best sequence. IAIS which is better fit the natural immune system improves the existing AIS by developing new somatic recombination and hypermutation methods. To verify IAIS, comparisons with the existing immune-based algorithms and other non-immune-based algorithms are made. Computational results show that IAIS is very competitive for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem.

CHINESE ABSTRACT i ENGLISH ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGE v CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES x Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Single-stage parallel machine problems 5 2.1.1. Batch arrival problem 5 2.1.2. Batch due date problem 7 2.2. Multi-stage parallel machines problem 9 Chapter 3 MINIMIZING MAKESPAN ON PARALLEL MACHINES WITH BATCH ARRIVALS 12 3.1. Batch arrival problem 12 3.2. Lower bounds for 13 3.2.1. General lower bound 13 3.2.2. Bin packing based lower bound 14 3.3. Lower bounds for 15 3.3.1. General lower bound 15 3.3.2. Idle time based lower bound 16 3.4. Proposed heuristic 17 3.5. Computational results 20 3.6. Summary 22 Chapter 4 SCHEDULING ON IDENTICAL MACHINES WITH BATCH DUE DATE 25 4.1. Batch due date problem 25 4.2. The BHG-MDD algorithm 25 4.3. Heuristics for the problem 28 4.4. Computational results 34 4.5. Summary 38 Chapter 5 AN IMMUNOGLOBULIN-BASED AIS FOR SOLVING MULTI-STAGE PARALLEL MACHINE PROBLEM 39 5.1. Multi-stage parallel machine problem 39 5.2. General scheme of immune system 40 5.2.1. Somatic recombination 40 5.2.2. Somatic hypermutation 40 5.2.3. Affinity maturation 41 5.2.4. Elimination 41 5.3. The proposed AIS algorithm 42 5.3.1. Encoding, Decoding and Affinity calculation 42 5.3.3. Somatic hypermutation 44 5.3.4. Elimination 45 5.3.5. IAIS vs. AIS 45 5.4. Computational results 46 5.5. Summary 54 Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE STUDIES 55 6.1. Conclusions 55 6.2. Future studies 56 6.2.1. Batch arrival problem 56 6.2.2. Batch due date problem 57 6.2.3. Multi-stage parallel machine problem 57 REFERENCES 58

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