Author: |
黃志榮 Chih-Jung Huang |
Thesis Title: |
改良式EON節點精靈 Improved EON Node Wizard |
Advisor: |
Yen-Chun Lin |
Committee: |
none 鄧惟中 none 陳銘憲 none 黃俊堯 none |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2006 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 94 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 78 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 虛擬實境 、軟體工程 、應用程式產生器 |
Keywords (in other languages): | virtual reality, software engineering, application generator |
Reference times: | Clicks: 520 Downloads: 5 |
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EON Studio是一套圖形化的軟體開發工具,使用此工具開發的軟體能讓使用者有身歷其境的虛擬實境體驗。我們在使用EON Studio開發軟體時,可以用EON Studio提供的節點(node)來設計軟體所需要的功能。節點是一種提供功能的物件,例如Walk節點讓我們能夠在場景(scene)裡行走、Sound節點可以在受到觸發時播放指定的音效。使用這些節點通常就能夠順利的製作軟體。但是,我們也可能會因為找不到適合的節點而難以製作軟體,這時候我們可以用EON SDK所附的EON節點精靈(EON Node Wizard)來開發新的節點以提供軟體所需要的功能。不過,使用這個精靈的開發者常會遇到必須查詢開發文件才能順利製作節點、節點程式碼不容易閱讀與修改的問題。
我們製作了改良式EON節點精靈(Improved EON Node Wizard,簡稱IENW)以解決上述的問題。IENW讓我們可以撰寫比較少程式碼,也比較不需要查詢開發文件,而且IENW產生的程式碼架構也讓開發者更容易維持程式碼的可讀性。我們也用EON節點精靈與IENW製作相同的節點作為實驗,證明IENW優於EON 節點精靈。
EON Studio is a graphical software development tool for producing virtual reality applications. A node of EON Studio provides one or more functions for developing EON software. For example, the Walk node allows participants to walk in the virtual scene, and the Sound node can produce sound effect. EON Studio has more than one hundred nodes. It is probable that users cannot find the nodes they need. In this case, users can create new nodes by using the EON Node Wizard. They may face difficulties when using the wizard; for example, they may need to take a lot of time to consult manuals, and the code generated by EON Node Wizard is not easy to read or modify.
We implement the Improved EON Node Wizard (IENW) to solve the problems mentioned above. With IENW we can write fewer codes, and reduce reliance on documentations. IENW also generates more readable code skeleton than EON Node Wizard. We also experiment with EON Node Wizard and IENW to show the advantages of IENW.
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