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研究生: 蕭丞凱
Chan-Kai Hsiao
論文名稱: 單一物流中心需求可分割車輛途程問題之研究
A Study of Single Depot Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
指導教授: 洪政煌
Cheng-Huang Hung
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Chiun-Chieh Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 需求可分割車輛途程問題啟發式演算法鄰域搜尋
外文關鍵詞: neighborhood search, Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, heuristic algorithm
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:0
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需求可分割車輛途程問題(Split Delivery Vehicle routing Problem, SDVRP)是傳統車輛途程問題(Vehicle routing Problem, VRP)的一種變型,他放寬了VRP問題中的限制條件,需求點的容量將可大於車輛的容量,且需求點能被不同車輛拜訪。每部車輛從廠站出發,最終回到場站,且所有需求點均需被拜訪,嘗試找出一個車輛路徑集合,每部車輛所載運量不超過車子容量限制且總距離成本最小。需求可分割車輛途程問題(SDVRP)目前已被證明為NP-Hard問題,一般的解決方法包含最佳解法(Exact Method)與啟發式法(Heuristic Method)。
本研究使用巨集啟發式演算法(Meta-Heuristic)求解SDVRP問題,針對不同啟發式演算法之特性結合與利用。第一階段先利用集群分析(Clustering Analyzing)將所有需求點依照相對位置加以分群,再利用基因演算法與蟻群演算法之優點所產生之改良式基因演算法,最佳化SDVRP問題中各路徑排序以求得起始可行解。第二階段使用禁制搜尋演算法、模擬退火演算法之概念,組合成三種不同的鄰域搜尋尋優演算法,逐步改進起始可行解求解需求可分割車輛途程問題。

Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP) is a variations of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). The vehicle must start from a specific depot and end at the exact same depot .Contrary to what is usually assumed about the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), each customer can be visited more than once and the demand of each customer may be greater than the vehicle capacity. The problem is trying to find a set of vehicle routes that serves all the customers with each route not exceeding the capacity of the vehicle and making the distance traveled at a minimum.
In this thesis, we proposed a meta-heuristic method to solve the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. For the benefits of heuristic algorithm, we try to combine and use it to solve our problem. In the first step, we use the concept of clustering analyzing to clustering the customer, then we use an algorithm that combine with Genetic Algorithm and Ant Algorithm to optimize each route in SDVRP. Next, we try using the concept of Tabu Search Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Algorithm to develop three new method to solve our problem. With the first and second steps, we are able to solve the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 1 1.3 本文內容綱要 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1車輛途程問題(Vehicle Routing Problem) 3 2.2需求可分割之車輛途程問題(Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem) 3 2.2.1最佳解法(Exact Method) 4 2.2.2啟發式解法(Heuristics Method) 4 2.4其他啟發式演算法介紹 5 2.4.1模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing Algorithm) 5 2.4.2禁制搜尋法(Tabu Search Algorithm) 6 第三章 研究方法 7 3.1 開發環境 7 3.2 問題描述 7 3.3 演算法流程 9 3.3.1 問題轉換 10 3.3.2 起始可行解建構模組 11 3.3.3 鄰域搜尋尋優模組 16 第四章 實驗與結果 29 第五章 結論與未來建議 36 5.1結論 36 5.2未來建議 36 參考文獻 37  

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