研究生: |
陳韋志 Wei-Chih Chen |
論文名稱: |
應用同步化非破壞檢測技術研探擬脆岩材受液體驅動破壞之行為 Application of Coupled Nondestructive Technique on Fluid-driven Damage of Quasi-brittle Rock |
指導教授: |
Yao-Chung Chen |
口試委員: |
none 林世聰 none 壽克堅 none 林宏達 none 陳立憲 none |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
工程學院 - 營建工程系 Department of Civil and Construction Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 166 |
中文關鍵詞: | 液驅破壞 、聲射法 、斑點剪切干涉術 、完整加載歷程 、叢聚 、面外位移 |
外文關鍵詞: | Fluid-driven fracture, Acoustic emission (AE), Speckle-shearing interferometry, Complete loading history, Localization, Out-of-plane displacement. |
相關次數: | 點閱:822 下載:1 |
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大地工程如壓力隧道、地下水庫、高岩覆之節理補強灌漿;工程地質如火成岩脈(dike)形成機理;能、資源之地下或經濟開發鑽採、放射廢料地下最終貯存等重要之大地課題,皆與固態岩材受內在液驅壓力引致開裂過程之力學機制相關,為探究此一議題,本研究自行建置複合式、微觀式之非破壞檢技術,結合聲射法(Acoustic Emission, AE)與斑點剪切干涉術(Speckle-shearing interferometry, SSI)於液驅式岩石破裂(Fluid-driven fracture)行為探討,進行實驗與理論分析之研究,據以進一步知悉液驅式岩石破裂特徵行為之巨、微觀破壞演化機理及其相關重要影響參數。
在微觀尺度下,聲射事件(AE event)叢聚(Localization)時機集中於峰後加載比99~95%之間,而第一條干涉條紋則產生在加載比99~100%處,顯示脆性材料在液驅破壞均向應力場作用下,破壞發生急遽,於峰前無明顯破壞徵兆顯現。比對材料內部聲射事件與試體外部之面外位移,可探求裂縫尖端位置,並估算裂縫開口寬度,據以與理論解析比對。
Concerning the crucial geo-mechanics projects such as pressure tunnel, grouting injection for jointed rock, geological formation of dike, exploitation of natural resources, and underground nuclear waste repository etc., different types of fluid-driven fracture are of the world-wide interests. This study reviewed the theoretical fluid-driven fracture model under the microscopic view. By establishing novel setup consisted of fluid-driven fracturing apparatus with coupling nondestructive techniques of acoustic emission (AE) and speckle-shearing interferometry (SSI), experimental examination will be conducted to identify this conceptual model.
In this research, a new loading instrument was designed to supply the fluid-driven motion, which can adjust the injection rate automatically according to the feedback from the extensometer. The stable crack propagation within material therefore was controlled and complete loading history can also be obtained. The specimens were made of cement mortar sand as a quasi-brittle rock. Some effects of factors such as grain size, permeability in solids; and viscosity in fluids were also investigated in this study.
Test results in macroscopic view show that the stiffness, peak strength, and the post-peak behavior can be investigate from complete loading curve and the peak strength will increase with decreasing grain size and permeability and increasing viscosity. In microscopic view, the localization of AE events and first fringe occurrence was found ranging between 99% to 95% at post peak stage and 99% to 100% at pre peak stage, respectively. This phenomenon shows that the fracture development of fluid-driven in brittle material will occur rapidly when load pressure reached the peak value. Coupled analysis of the AE event distribution and measured out-of-plane displacement can be used to trace the position of crack tip and estimate the crack opening width. The obtained crack opening width from experiment was used to compare with the one from theoretical solution.
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