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論文名稱: 以二氧化鈦光觸媒程序在Fe(III)存在下同時氧化還原水溶液As(III)和Cr(VI)金屬離子
Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of As(III) and Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Phase by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) Process
指導教授: 顧洋
Young Ku
口試委員: 張添晉
Tien-Jin Chang
Pen-Chi Chiang
Shen-Long Tsai
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
Young Ku
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 光催化三價砷氧化六價鉻還原動力學分析鐵離子
外文關鍵詞: Photocatalysis, As(III) oxidation, Cr(VI) reduction, Kinetic analysis, Ferric ions
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:0
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In this study, the simultaneous photocatalytic oxidation of As(III) and reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of Fe(III) was investigated by UV/TiO2 process under various operation conditions, such as solution pH, UV light intensity, initial concentrations of Fe(III), As(III), and Cr(VI), inorganic salts, and active radicals. The Ti film supported TiO2 was fabricated by the impregnation method, as photocatalysts for the redox system and the characterizations of catalyst were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer- Emmett-Teller surface area measurement (BET), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), zeta potential (pHpzc), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
The role of Fe(III) in the As(III) oxidation and Cr(VI) reduction under UV/TiO2 process in single and simultaneous metal ions system were studied. In UV/TiO2/Cr(VI)/Fe(III) system, the presence of Fe(III) promoted the photoreduction of Cr(VI) by 34% in acidic medium through the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox cycle. A dual-site kinetic model based on the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism for Cr(VI) photoreduction by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) process is first proposed and well fitted with the experiment data. In UV/TiO2/As(III)/Fe(III), the oxidation of As(III) was enhanced significantly by adding Fe(III) from 48.53% to 94.51%. Experimental results indicated that photogenerated holes were the main active radical for the oxidation of As(III) in the absence of Fe(III) in aqueous solution. However, the oxidation of As(III) primarily occurred in the bulk solution by ∙OH radicals, which were produced from Fe(III) photolysis under UV irradiation in acidic medium. In UV/TiO2/As(III)/Cr(VI) system, a negative effect between As(III) and Cr(VI) was observed due to their competitive adsorption on TiO2 surface. The simultaneous removal of As(III) and Cr(VI) enhanced by 55% and 24% by adding Fe(III) in acidic solution under UV irradiation within 90 min. In the absence of Fe(III), photogenerated holes and electrons primarily attributed to the As(III) oxidation and Cr(VI) reduction, respectively. In the presence of Fe(III), the production of Fe(II) and ∙OH radicals took part in the reaction mechanism of UV/TiO2/As(III)/Cr(VI) system. The photocatalytic surface reaction was demonstrated as the rate-determining step for As(III) photooxidation and Cr(VI) photoreduction which was analyzed by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic model.

List of Figure VIII List of Table XIII List of Symbol XIV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives and Scope 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Photolysis and Photocatalysis 4 2.1.1 Basic Properties of TiO2 4 2.1.2 Photocatalysis Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics 5 2.2 Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of As(III) and Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solutions 8 2.2.1 Photocatalytic Oxidation of As(III) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 8 2.2.2 Photocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 11 2.2.3 Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of As(III) and Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solutions 12 2.3 Operating Factors Affecting Photocatalytic Redox Reactions 15 2.3.1 Solution pH 15 2.3.2 Catalyst Loading 20 2.3.3 Light Intensity 20 2.3.4 Initial Concentration of As(III) and Cr(VI) 21 2.3.5 Dissolved Oxygen 22 2.3.6 Co-existing Ions 22 Chapter 3 Materials and Experiments 24 3.1 Materials 24 3.2 Experimental Instruments and Apparatus 25 3.2.1 Experimental Apparatus 25 3.2.2 Experimental Instruments 28 3.3 Experimental Procedures 29 3.3.1 Experimental Framework 29 3.3.2 Photocatalyst Synthesis 31 3.3.3 Background Experiments 31 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 43 4.1 Characterization of Photocatalyst 43 4.2 Photocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution in the Presence of Fe(III) by UV/TiO2 Process 46 4.2.1 Photocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution under UV/TiO2 Process 46 4.2.2 Effect of Ferric Ion 48 4.2.3 Effect of Solution pH 50 4.2.4 Effect of Light Intensity 52 4.2.5 Effect of Co-existing Ions 54 4.2.6 Mechanism for the Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) Process 55 4.2.7 Kinetic Modeling 59 4.3 Photocatalytic Oxidation of Arsenic As(III) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 69 4.3.1 Effect of Solution pH 69 4.3.2 Effect of Light Intensity 69 4.3.3 Effect of Co-existing Ion 70 4.3.4 Effect of Fe(III) Ion 72 4.3.5 Mechanism for the Photooxidation of As(III) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 74 4.3.6 Kinetic Mechanism for the Photooxidation of As(III) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 76 4.4 Simultaneous Photooxidation of As(III) and Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) Process 80 4.4.1 Simultaneous Photoxidation of As(III) and Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2 Process 80 4.4.2 Effect of Ferric Ion 83 4.4.3 Effect of Solution pH 85 4.4.4 Effect of Light Intensity 87 4.4.5 Effect of As(III)/Cr(VI) Concentration Ratio 89 4.4.6 Effect of Inorganic Anions 91 4.4.7 Reusability of TiO2 Photocatalyst 91 4.4.8 Mechanism for the Photooxidation of As(III) and Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in Aqueous Solution by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) Process 95 4.4.9 Kinetic Mechanism for Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of As(III) and Reduction of Cr(VI) by UV/TiO2/Fe(III) Process 101 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 106 Reference 110

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