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研究生: 吳合鑫
論文名稱: 弧形剪力連接物於圓形CFT及 木側撐BRB之試驗行為
Experimental Behavior of Circular Concrete Filled Tube-Arc Shear Connector and Wood Buckling-Restrained Braced
指導教授: 陳正誠
Cheng-Cheng Chen
口試委員: 邱建國
Chiu, C. K
Cheng, M.-Y
Hsiao, P.C
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 填充型鋼管柱剪力連接物推出試驗挫屈束制支撐集成材自攻螺絲反覆載重試驗
外文關鍵詞: Cocrete Filled Steel Tube, Shear Connector, Push-out Test, Buckling-Restrained Brace, Glued-Laminated Timber, Self-tapping Screw, Cyclic Loading Test
相關次數: 點閱:577下載:0
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  • 本研究包括兩個主題,分別為「圓形填充型鋼管柱內配置弧形剪力連接物」及「木側撐BRB之試驗行為」,其摘要分段敘述如後。
    圓形填充型鋼管柱內配置弧形剪力連接物(Circular Concrete Filled Tube-Arc Shear Connector)。本研究完成3個系列共15個圓形鋼管柱內填充混凝土試體之推出試驗。探討聯合承壓面積、承壓距離、鋼管直徑、鋼管管壁之厚度及鋼管曲率對圓形鋼管試體強度之影響並建立強度評估公式。試驗結果顯示: (1)聯合承壓面積比越大,試體承壓強度越高。(2)試體承壓距離越長,試體承壓強度越高。(3)鋼管直徑越大,試體承壓強度越高。(4)鋼管管壁之厚度越大,對混凝土圍束效果越好,試體承壓強度也越高。(5) 提出的強度評估公式可以有效評估圓形鋼管試體強度。
    木側撐BRB(Wood Buckling-Restrained Braced)是由鋼材作為主受力元件,木材作為側撐元件組成,其軸力(壓力與拉力)由主受力元件承受,而木側撐元件則是提供主受力元件連續之側向支撐,防止主受力元件挫屈。本研究主要是探討木側撐BRB之遲滯行為及其於鋼件加強木側撐元件之影響。試驗結果顯示:(1)木材做為側撐元件經過適當設計後,可以有效防止主受力元件挫屈,且木側撐BRB有良好的遲滯行為。(2)自攻螺絲可以有效的防止木側撐元件剪力破壞,也可以提供木側撐元件抵抗外撐力的能力。(3)束制鋼框可以有效的防止端部先產生開裂的情況。(4)端部界面板所能提供的效果有限。

    The main topics of this study are: 1. Experimental behavior of Circular Concrete Filled Tube-Arc Shear Connector 2. Experimental behavior of Wood Buckling-Restrained Braced. The summary sections are described below.
    The circular filled steel tube column is equipped with an arc shear connector (Circular Concrete Filled Tube-Arc Shear Connector). In this study, push-out test of the concrete filled specimens in 15 circular steel tube columns in 3 series. Discuss the influence of joint bearing area, bearing distance, round steel tube diameter, round steel tube wall thickness and round steel tube curvature on the strength of round steel tube specimens and establish a strength evaluation formula. Based on the teste results ,the following results are obtained: (1) The greater the combined joint-bearing area ratio, the higher the join-bearing strength of the specimens. (2) The longer the bearing distance of the round steel tube, the higher the bearing strength of the specimen (3) The larger the diameter of the round steel tube, the higher the compressive strength of the specimens. (4) The greater the thickness of the round tube wall, the better the effect on the concrete bundle and the higher the compressive strength of the specimens. (5) The proposed strength evaluation formula can effectively evaluate the strength of round steel tube specimens.
    Wood Buckling-Restrained Braced adopts steel as the main load-carrying element, and wood as the lateral-support element. The axial force (tention and compression) are take only by the main load-carrying element. The lateral-support element provides continuous lateral support for main load-carrying element to prevent the load-carrying element from buckling. Based on the teste results ,the following results are obtained: (1) After proper design of wood as lateral-support element, it can effectively prevent the load-carrying element from buckling, and the Wood Buckling-Restrained Braced has a good hysteresis behavior. (2) Self-tapping screw can effectively prevent the shear failure of wood lateral-support element, and can also provide the ability of wood lateral-support element to resist external bulging force. (3) The beam steel frame can effectively prevent the end from cracking first. (4) The end interface plate can provide limited effect.

    目錄 論文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 致謝 VI 目錄 VII 表索引 VIII 圖索引 X 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 弧形剪力連接物於圓形CFT之試驗行為 1 2.1 CCFT-ASC前言 1 2.1.1 CFT內之鋼板型剪力連接物 1 2.1.2文獻回顧 2 2.1.3研究範圍與內容 4 2.2 CCFT-ASC試體規劃 5 2.3 CFT-ASC試體設計與製作 6 2.3.1試體設計 6 2.3.2試體製作 8 2.4 CFT-ASC試驗裝置及加載方式 8 2.5 CCFT-ASC試驗結果與討論 9 2.5.1填充型圓鋼管試驗數據整理 9 2.5.2聯合承壓面積比與承壓距離對強度之影響 10 2.5.3鋼管曲率對鋼管面外變形及強度之影響 13 2.5.4鋼管管壁之厚度及徑厚比對強度之影響 14 2.5.5圓管剪力連接物強度評估公式 14 2.5.6剪力連接物設計流程 16 第三章 木側撐BRB之試驗行為 18 3.1 WBRB前言 18 3.1.1 木側撐BRB之環保效益與組成 18 3.1.2 WBRB之文獻回顧 18 3.2 WBRB試驗試體規劃 19 3.3 WBRB試體之設計與製作 20 3.3.1主受力元件 21 3.3.2側向支撐元件 21 3.4 所使用材料之機械性質 22 3.4.1花旗松集成材之機械性質試驗 22 3.4.2鋼材機械性質 23 3.5 WBRB試驗裝置及載重歷程 23 3.6 WBRB試驗結果與討論 25 3.6.1集成材抗彎試驗 25 3.6.2 主受力元件 26 3.6.3木側撐元件 29 第四章 結論與建議 32 4.1 CFT-ASC之結論與建議 32 4.1.1結論 32 4.1.2建議 32 4.2 WBRB之結論與建議 33 4.2.1結論 33 4.2.2建議 33 參考文獻 34 附錄A CFT試體試驗後照片(剪力連接物內) 128 附錄B WBRB轉接頭示意圖 134 附錄C 集成材抗彎試驗後照片 136

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