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研究生: 阿渡
Aldo - Oktavianus Tamaela
論文名稱: An Autonomous System Traceback to Counter Large-Scale Anonymous Attack in Internet
An Autonomous System Traceback to Counter Large-Scale Anonymous Attack in Internet
指導教授: 洪西進
Shi-Jinn Horng
口試委員: 鍾國亮
Kuo-Liang Chung
Hsing Mei
Yung-Chung Wang
Ming-Yang Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 58
外文關鍵詞: Autonomous System, Packet Marking, DDoS Attack, IP Traceback
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:0
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  • Since Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks become increasingly threatening in Internet, IP traceback has received much concern by researchers. This mechanism tries to locate the exact location of anonymous packets sent by attackers and reveals the paths traversed by these packets during DDoS attacks. Locating the real source of these packets is somehow a very difficult task. However, tracing the approximate location is more practical as suggested by many researchers.
    In this paper, we propose a traceback scheme named as Distance Clustered Autonomous System Traceback (DCAST) that uses Autonomous System as its unit of tracing. Our approach is based on packet marking. While other similar traceback approach suffers uncertainty to locate the attack origin, as we will discuss in this thesis, our proposed scheme does not. The proposed scheme is capable of tracing thousands of nodes involved in attacks. It is also able to discern in the reconstructed attack graph which node is the source of an attack and which one is not the source of an attack.
    Only 25 bits of marking information is required. We overload IP header of a packet with this information. Thus, our scheme requires no additional bandwidth. Our marking strategy and reconstruction technique bring several merits such as: greatly suppressing the number of false positives; avoiding uncertainty of locating attack origin; and introducing optimal marking probability which avoids marking spoofing attack and optimizes the necessity number of packets for path reconstruction.
    Moreover, the proposed scheme is analyzed and validated with simulation using real Autonomous System dataset. Experimental result shows that with up to 11000 attack source, our scheme is able to reconstruct attacking graph without false positive node and without false negative source, which means it can locate all attack sources. We conduct real experimental implementation as prototype to show the correctness of our marking algorithm and reconstruction procedure.

    Since Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks become increasingly threatening in Internet, IP traceback has received much concern by researchers. This mechanism tries to locate the exact location of anonymous packets sent by attackers and reveals the paths traversed by these packets during DDoS attacks. Locating the real source of these packets is somehow a very difficult task. However, tracing the approximate location is more practical as suggested by many researchers.
    In this paper, we propose a traceback scheme named as Distance Clustered Autonomous System Traceback (DCAST) that uses Autonomous System as its unit of tracing. Our approach is based on packet marking. While other similar traceback approach suffers uncertainty to locate the attack origin, as we will discuss in this thesis, our proposed scheme does not. The proposed scheme is capable of tracing thousands of nodes involved in attacks. It is also able to discern in the reconstructed attack graph which node is the source of an attack and which one is not the source of an attack.
    Only 25 bits of marking information is required. We overload IP header of a packet with this information. Thus, our scheme requires no additional bandwidth. Our marking strategy and reconstruction technique bring several merits such as: greatly suppressing the number of false positives; avoiding uncertainty of locating attack origin; and introducing optimal marking probability which avoids marking spoofing attack and optimizes the necessity number of packets for path reconstruction.
    Moreover, the proposed scheme is analyzed and validated with simulation using real Autonomous System dataset. Experimental result shows that with up to 11000 attack source, our scheme is able to reconstruct attacking graph without false positive node and without false negative source, which means it can locate all attack sources. We conduct real experimental implementation as prototype to show the correctness of our marking algorithm and reconstruction procedure.

    Contents Abstract ii Acknowledgments iii Contents iv List of Figures vii List of Tables vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statements 4 1.2 Research Objective 5 1.3 Contribution of the Thesis 5 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 6 Chapter 2 Related Works on IP traceback 7 2.1 IP Traceback Schemes 7 2.1.1 Link Testing: Controlled Flooding 8 2.1.2 Packet Logging 9 2.1.3 ICMP Traceback (iTrace) 10 2.1.4 Packet Marking: Probabilistic Packet Marking-like schemes 11 2.2 Revisiting Autonomous System Edge Marking (ASEM) 12 Chapter 3 The Proposed Scheme 16 3.1 Source Ambiguity 16 3.2 Utilizing Autonomous System Number for Traceback 20 3.3 Overview of Our Proposed Scheme 20 3.4 Marking Algorithms 24 3.4.1 Using Distance Clustering to Deal with Source Ambiguity Problem 26 3.4.2 Using Distance Clustering to Help Reconstruction Process 28 3.5 Marking Probability 28 3.5.1 Static Marking Probability 29 3.5.2 Dynamic Marking Probability with NO-Remarking Policy 31 3.5.3 Dynamic Marking Probability with Remarking-Allowed Policy 32 3.6 Reconstruction Procedure 34 Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation and Experiment 40 4.1 Analysis and Simulation 40 4.1.1 Analysis 43 4.1.2 Simulation in One-Hop Cluster 46 4.1.3 Simulation in Real Autonomous System Dataset 47 4.2 Experimental Implementation 50 4.2.1 Detailed Implementation 51 4.2.2 Implementation Result 52 Chapter 5 Conclusion 55 References 57


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