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研究生: Javier Eduardo Salazar
Javier Eduardo Salazar
論文名稱: 以實驗設計分析無人搬運車績效並優化生產線之研究
A Design of Experiment approach (DOE) to analyze AGVs Performance Indicators and optimize a production line
指導教授: 曾世賢
Shih-Hsien Tseng
口試委員: 陳基祥
Chen Chi-Hsiang
Lai Cheng-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 無人搬運車實驗設計在製品離散事件模擬性能指標方差分析
外文關鍵詞: AMHS, Automated Guided Vehicles, Design of Experiments, Discrete event simulation, Performance Indicators, Analysis of Variance
相關次數: 點閱:520下載:5
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一些製造行業試圖通過使用自動材料處理系統 (AMHS) 來減少運輸浪費,這實際上可以增強製造區域生產線中原材料從一個位置到另一個位置的運輸。此外,運輸和作業流程問題是生產線瓶頸的主要原因,因為一些生產站需要等待在製品(WIP)交付。
無人搬運車 (AGV) 運輸過程需要對工廠的物理基礎設施和模擬進行交通控制設置,同時可以幫助展示和幫助評估可能的缺陷,這些缺陷可以在生產的實際工作流場景中加以改進線。實驗設計 (DOE) 在發現和解釋在經常作為假設以反映或描述變化的條件下的信息變化方面發揮著巨大作用。
為了準確反映評估上述問題的替代方案,本研究提出了上述模型和基於績效指標的分析。選擇方差分析 (ANOVA) 結果來分析影響性能指標的不同因素,表明通過使用階乘 ANOVA 測試結果,主要利用 1-way 交互作用和 2-way 交互作用來建立關係之間的比較這些因素:作業流程時間和 AGV、AGV 利用率、AGV 數量和平均等待時間。

Several manufacturing industries try to reduce transportation waste by using automatic material handling systems (AMHS) which in fact could enhance the transportation of raw materials from one location to another in the production line of a manufacturing area. Furthermore, the issue with transportation and Job flow is the main reason for bottlenecks in a production line because some production stations need to wait for the work-in-progress (WIP) to be delivered.
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) transportation process needs a set-up of traffic control over a factory’s physical infrastructure and simulation, at the same time, could help showcase and help evaluate possible deficiencies that can be improved in the real job flow scenario of the production line. Design of experiments (DOE) plays a huge role in finding and explaining variations of information under conditions that are regularly put as a hypothesis in order to reflect or describe the variation.
A simulation model is implemented by adopting simplified automated guided vehicles parameters. The model development consists and is specified on the assumptions of the following structure: System specification →Machine specification→ AGV specification → Discrete Event Simulation Model → Experimental Design → Analysis of Performance indicators (PI).
To precisely reflect an alternative for evaluating aforementioned issues, this study proposes the model stated above and an analysis that is based on the performance indicator. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results are chosen to analyze different factors affecting the performance indicator and show that by the use of the factorial ANOVA test results, 1-way interactions and 2-way interactions were mainly utilized to establish a comparison between the relationship of these factors: Job Flow Time and AGVs, AGV Utilization, number of AGVs and average Waiting Time.

CHINESE ABSTRACT ii ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research background and Contribution to knowledge 2 1.2. Research purpose 3 1.3. Research scope and limitations 4 1.4. Research methods and steps 5 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1. 5G in Smart manufacturing 7 2.2. Origin of AGV and AGV Transportation in factories 7 2.3. Simulation for AGVs in factories 10 2.4 Design of Experiments (DOE) 11 CHAPTER 3. MODEL DEVELOPMENT 13 3.1. System Specification 13 3.1.1 Machine Specification 14 3.1.2 AGV Specification 22 3.2. Discrete Event Simulation Model 22 3.3. Experimental Design 24 3.3.1 OFAT Design 24 3.3.2〖 2〗^k Factorial Design 27 3.3.3 Performance Indicators (PI) 28 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 29 4.1. Average job flow time results 29 4.2. Average AGV utilization results 33 4.3. Average waiting time results 37 4.4. Optimization Analysis and results 41 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION 46 REFERENCES 50

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