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研究生: 方致涵
Chih-Han Fang
論文名稱: 寬鎖頻範圍C類除四注入鎖定除頻器與RLC雙共振腔除二注入鎖定除頻器之設計
Design of An Ultra Wide-Locking Range Class-C Divide-by-4 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider and Divide-by-2 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Dual-Resonance RLC Resonator
指導教授: 張勝良
Sheng-Lyang Jang
口試委員: 徐敬文
Ching-Wen Hsue
Jhin-Fang Huang
Wen Cheng Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 注入鎖定除頻器
外文關鍵詞: ILFD, Divider
相關次數: 點閱:270下載:2
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首先,第一顆晶片是使用台積電(TSMC) SiGe 0.18 um 製程來實現的三頻帶注入鎖定除頻器,這顆除頻器的設計方式是用交叉耦合(cross couple)與並聯可調共振腔之振盪器,加上由主被動元件混合組成的線性混波器。當驅動偏壓為 0.9 V且注入訊號強度為 0 dBm時,使用偏壓令兩個除頻頻帶合而為一,可接受注入訊號從 2.65 GHz 到 9.89 GHz ,鎖定範圍總共7.24 GHz,除頻比例為115.47%,且在極弱的注入強度下(-20 dBm)仍能有注入頻率由3.7到7.6GHz的除頻範圍,對應比率為 69.03% 。此晶片的核心電流為9.65mA,功耗為8.685mW,所占面積是0.726 × 0.930 mm2。
其次,第二顆晶片我們使用台積電(TSMC) 0.18 um製程實現一個除四注入鎖定除頻器,此除頻器設計則是基於一電容耦合的壓控振盪器,接著使用兩個MOSFETs閘極互接做為注入;此除頻器的驅動偏壓為1.2V,以 0 dBm的注入強度當作輸入信號源,除頻範圍為 35.89% ,所對應到的注入頻率為 7.43到10.68 GHz 共 3.25GHz ,此除頻器的核心電流為 9.858mA,功率消耗為11.83mW。晶片總面積為0.883 × 0.851mm2。
最後,第三顆晶片是一個雙頻帶注入鎖定除頻器,同樣使用台積電(TSMC) 0.18 um製程來實現,設計架構使用兩個串連電晶體做為注入,並包含一組RLC雙頻共振腔,其中使用了一組電阻來加寬除頻範圍;在驅動電壓1.1V、注入強度0 dBm下,除二範圍總共為6.7GHz,注入頻率從3.0GHz到7.1GHz,總除頻比率為105.51%,除頻器的核心功耗共12.32mW。晶片面積0.758 × 0.822mm2。

First, a wide locking range divide-by-2 RLC injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) was designed and implemented in the TSMC 0.18 μm BiCMOS process. The ILFD is based on a cross-coupled oscillator with one direct injection MOSFET and a RLC resonator. The RLC resonator is used to extend the locking range so that dual-band locking ranges can be merged in one locking range at both low and high injection power. At the drain-source bias of 0.9 V, and at the incident power of 0 dBm, the locking range of the divide-by-2 ILFD is 7.24 GHz, for the incident frequency ranging from 2.65 to 9.89 GHz, and the locking range percentage is 115.47%. The power consumption of ILFD core is 8.685 mW. The die area is 0.726 × 0.930 mm2.
Secondly, we proposes an ultra wide locking range divide-by-4 ILFD implemented in the TSMC 0.18 μm 1P6M CMOS process. The ILFD uses a Class-C capacitive cross-coupled voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with two direct injection MOSFETs sharing a common injection gate. The dc gate bias of cross-coupled FETs is smaller than dc drain bias. At the drain-source bias of 1.2 V and at the incident power of 0 dBm, the measured locking range of the divide-by-4 ILFD is 3.25 GHz for the incident frequency extending from 7.43 to 10.68 GHz. The locking range percentage is 35.89%. The core power consumption is 11.83 mW. The die area is 0.883 ×0.851mm2.
Finally, we presents a wide locking range divide-by-2 RLC injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) implemented in the TSMC 0.18 μm 1P6M CMOS process. The ILFD is based on a cross-coupled oscillator with two direct injection MOSFETs in series and a dual-resonance RLC resonator. The resistor is used to enhance the locking range. At the drain-source bias of 1.1 V and at the incident power of 0 dBm, the locking range of the divide-by-2 ILFD is 6.7 GHz, for the incident frequency 3.0 extending to 9.7 GHz. The locking range percentage is 105.51%. The power consumption of ILFD core is 12.32 mW. The die area is 0.758 × 0.822 mm2.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 1 Research Background 1 1.2 Thesis Organization 4 CHAPTER2 OVERVIEW OF THE VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS 6 2.1 Basic Theory of Oscillators 6 2.2 Oscillation Conditions 10 2.2.1 Feedback Oscillators 10 2.3 Classification of Oscillators 12 2.3.1 Ring Oscillator 13 2.3.2 LC-Tank Oscillator 17 2.4 RLC-Tank Research 32 2.4.1 Quality Factor 33 2.4.2 Inductor and Transformer 35 2.4.3 Capacitors and Varactors 46 2.5 Design Concepts of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 52 2.5.1 Parameters of a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 53 2.5.2 Phase Noise in Oscillator 55 CHAPTER3 PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN CONCEPTS OF INJECTION LOCKING FREQUENCY DIVIDER 66 3.1 Principle of Injection Locked Frequency Divider 67 3.1.1 Locking Range 69 CHAPTER 4 DIVIDE-BY-2 INJECTION-LOCKED FREQUENCY DIVIDER WITH WIDE LOCKING RANGE AT LOW AND HIGH INJECTION POWERS 73 4.1 Introduction 73 4.2 Circuit Design 75 4.3 Measurement Results 80 CHAPTER 5 AN ULTRA WIDE-LOCKING RANGE CLASS C DIVIDE-BY-4 INJECTION-LOCKED FREQUENCY DIVIDER 84 5.1 Introduction 84 5.2 Circuit Design 88 5.3 Measurement Results 90 CHAPTER 6 DIVIDE-BY-2 INJECTION-LOCKED FREQUENCY DIVIDER USING DUAL-RESONANCE RLC RESONATOR 108 6.1 Introduction 108 6.2 Circuit Design 112 6.3 Measurement Results 115 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS 108 REFERENCES 110

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