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研究生: 郭宇峰
Yu-Feng Kuo
論文名稱: 具虛功補償單相併網型換流器之研製
Implementation of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter with Reactive Power Compensation
指導教授: 林景源
Jing-Yuan Lin
口試委員: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Yu-Chen Chang
Yi-Feng Lin
Jing-Yuan Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 單相全橋換流器定功率控制LCL濾波器主動阻尼虛功補償
外文關鍵詞: Single-phase Full-bridge Inverter, Constant Power Control, LCL Filter, Active Damping, Reactive Power Compensation
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:0
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在科技發展迅速,用電量有增無減的現代,傳統集中式發電與電網穩定性的問題,比起過往更受到重視,分散式發電及微電網等概念被提出,用來解決這些問題。再加上近年來各國積極發展再生能源,而換流器具有將直流電轉換成交流電的功能,能將再生能源所產生的電能送入市電。當電網連接至電感性、電容性負載時,會造成電網電壓與電流之間的相位差而產生虛功。虛功會增加電網電流之振幅,導致線路壓降提高,影響電網電壓穩定性;同時也增加線路損失,造成電能傳輸效率降低,再加上傳統虛功補償電容無法應用於負載變動的場合,因此本文以數位訊號處理器實現單相併網型全橋換流器,並加入虛功補償功能。根據電網需要提供電感性或電容性虛功,提高整體系統功率因數,降低傳輸損失。輸出端採用LCL型濾波器,濾除開關高次諧波,避免併網時造成電網負擔;並使用二階廣義積分器鎖相迴路取得電網振幅及相位資訊,用以產生電壓命令,併網時採用定功率控制,此時電網主導輸出電壓,因此將控制環由電壓電流雙環切換至單電流環。最終以電路模擬軟體PSIM驗證控制法及電路參數,建構出單臺輸入直流電壓400 V,輸出交流電壓230 V,額定功率1.65 kW具虛功補償單相併網型換流器。

In the rapidly evolving world of technology and increasing electricity demand, the issues surrounding traditional centralized power generation and grid stability have become more critical than ever before. Concepts like distributed generation and microgrids have emerged as potential solutions to address these challenges. Moreover, with the global push towards renewable energy sources, inverters capable of converting direct current to alternating current have become vital for integrating renewable energy into the grid. When the grid is connected to inductive or capacitive loads, a phase difference between grid voltage and current leads to the consumption of reactive power, resulting in an increase in grid current amplitude and causing voltage instability. This, in turn, contributes to increased line losses and reduced transmission efficiency of electrical energy. The traditional method of using capacitors for reactive power compensation is inadequate for load variations, necessitating the implementation of digital signal processors to realize single-phase grid-tied full-bridge inverters with reactive power compensation. The primary objective of this study is to provide inductive or capacitive reactive power as per the grid requirements to enhance the overall system power factor and reduce transmission losses. An LCL-type filter is employed at the output to eliminate high-order harmonics from switching and prevent grid burden during grid-tied operation. Additionally, a second-order generalized integrator phase-locked loop is utilized to obtain grid voltage amplitude and phase information for generating voltage commands. During grid-tied operation, a constant power control strategy is applied, with the grid taking the lead in determining the output voltage. Consequently, the control loop switches from a dual-loop to a single current loop. Finally, the control method and circuit parameters were validated using the circuit simulation software PSIM, resulting in the construction of a single-unit, single-phase grid-tied inverter with reactive power compensation. The system was designed to accept an input DC voltage of 400 V and produce an output AC voltage of 230 V, with a rated power of 1.65 kW.

摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 圖索引 viii 表索引 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 章節大綱 2 第二章 單相換流器與控制方法介紹 3 2.1 單向換流器架構介紹 3 2.1.1 半橋式換流器 3 2.1.2 全橋式換流器 4 2.2 正弦脈波寬度調變 5 2.2.1 雙極性調變 7 2.2.2 單極性調變 8 2.3 電路動作原理分析 10 第三章 單相併網換流器分析 13 3.1 LCL型濾波器 13 3.1.1 諧振尖峰 14 3.1.2 被動阻尼 15 3.1.3 改善被動阻尼 21 3.1.4 主動阻尼 25 3.2 正交訊號產生器 26 3.2.1 二階廣義積分器 26 3.2.2 帕克轉換 28 3.2.3 鎖相迴路 29 3.3 控制器設計 30 3.3.1 電感電流內環 30 3.3.2 電容電壓外環 31 3.4 虛功補償 33 第四章 電路規格及元件設計 35 4.1 電路規格 35 4.2 LCL型濾波器設計 36 4.2.1 換流器側電感設計 36 4.2.2 交流側輸出濾波電容設計 38 4.2.3 電網側電感設計 39 4.3 功率開關設計 40 4.3.1 慢速臂功率開關設計 40 4.3.2 快速臂功率開關設計 40 4.4 韌體設計 41 4.4.1 系統控制方塊圖 41 4.4.2 系統流程圖 42 第五章 電路模擬與實驗結果 45 5.1 模擬結果 45 5.1.1 市電併聯模式 46 5.1.2 虛功補償模式 47 5.2 實驗結果 48 5.2.1 市電併聯模式 48 5.2.2 虛功補償模式 50 5.2.3 實體電路圖 51 第六章 結論與未來展望 52 6.1 結論 52 6.2 未來展望 52 參考文獻 54

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