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研究生: 楊才億
Tsai-I Yang
論文名稱: 捷運列車多部馬達協調控制模擬與分析
Simulation and Analysis of the Coordination Control of Multiple Motors for Mass Rapid Transit Trains
指導教授: 陳南鳴
Nanming Chen
口試委員: 曾乙申
Yii-Shen Tzeng
Bwo-Ren Ke
Kuo-Lung Lian
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 兩部馬達捷運向量控制推進系統
外文關鍵詞: dual motors, MRT, vector control, propulsion system
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:8
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從案例模擬結果得知,磁場導向控制法確實能降低因馬達各自承受不同乘客的載重程度,而產生非同步的速度誤差。隨著載重程度差距越大,馬達之間的速度誤差也會增大。利用磁場導向控制法則能將速度誤差控制在±1 km/h內,並增加列車運行的安全性與可靠度。

The coordination control simulation of a single train with dual motors operating at the same time based on MATLAB/Simulink is proposed in this study. The train type is the electric multiple unit of Mass Rapid Transit Systems. The mathematic model of a three phase induction motor drive is built by flux-oriented control approach. At first, a vector control is applied to calculate the slip between the optimal angular speed command and the motor feedback angular speed. The current command is then calculated based on the electromagnetic torque command which is calculated by PI controllers, as well as variations of the estimated rotor flux. In the propulsion control model, a suitable propulsion control mode is selected according to the train speed and the switching signals calculated. By sending signals to the inverter of the propulsion system, the 750V DC source from the third rail will be converted to three-phase alternating current to drive the train motors. Finally, simulation results are analyzed using three kinds of running modes, acceleration, constant speed, deceleration and actual route. Total resistances and the variations of speed are analyzed and discussed by considering the speed of both motors with different weight of passengers in a single train.
From the simulation results, flux-oriented control approach can reduce the difference of speed between motors with different passenger weight. When the difference of weight becomes large, the difference of speed between motors will become large too. This study shows that flux-oriented control can control the difference of speed within ±1 km/h, and improve the safety and the reliability of railway trains.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖表索引VII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機與目的1 1.3 章節概述2 第二章 感應馬達數學模式與磁場導向控制法則4 2.1 前言 4 2.2座標轉換[5-9]4 2.2.1三相座標與二軸座標轉換5 2.2.2二維座標轉換7 2.3感應馬達二軸動態數學模式[5-9]9 2.4磁場導向控制10 2.5模型建立11 第三章 捷運列車電力推進系統16 3.1前言16 3.2電力推進系統16 3.3純量控制法17 3.4感應馬達17 3.5再生煞車18 3.6推進控制模式20 3.7黏著牽引力20 3.8列車阻力[13,15,17-22,25]22 3.8.1出發阻力23 3.8.2行駛阻力23 3.8.3加速阻力24 3.8.4坡度阻力24 3.8.5彎道阻力25 第四章 捷運列車多部馬達推進系統模型27 4.1前言27 4.2 MATLAB/Simulink簡介27 4.3電力推進系統架構27 4.4向量控制模型32 4.5純量控制模型37 4.6加減速控制模型38 4.7推進控制模式模型39 4.7.1脈波寬度調變SPWM40 4.7.2磁滯帶電流型PWM42 4.7.3準六步方波(Quasi Six-step)45 4.7.4六步方波(Six-step)47 4.8變頻器模型47 4.9第三軌模型48 4.10感應馬達模型50 4.11負載模型51 4.11.1牽引力模型53 4.11.2出發阻力模型53 4.11.3行駛阻力模型53 4.11.4加速阻力模型54 4.11.5坡度阻力模型55 4.11.6彎道阻力模型56 第五章 模擬結果與分析57 5.1 前言57 5.2列車相關數據57 5.3路線參數設定57 5.4列車速度控制結果與分析58 5.4.1單一變頻器驅動兩部馬達59 5.4.2兩部變頻器個別驅動單一馬達68 第六章 結論與未來展望79 6.1 結論 79 6.2 未來展望80 參考文獻81

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