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研究生: 林郁達
Yu-Da Lin
論文名稱: 即時視訊濃縮系統:最小碰撞軌跡圖與深度學習之物件偵測與管理技術
Online Video Synopsis: Object Detection and Management Based on Deep Learning and Minimum Collision Trajectory
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 丁建均
Jian-Jiun Ding
Kai-Lung Hua
Jia-hui Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 視訊濃縮視訊摘要物件偵測視訊監控
外文關鍵詞: video synopsis, video condensation, object detection, video surveillance
相關次數: 點閱:422下載:1
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Video synopsis is a feasible solution to expedite browsing in raw surveillance data and to perform various video analytics tasks. The technique provides a condensed video with reduced spatial or temporal redundancies, without losing the actual content of the source video. However, conventional methods are computationally intensive and time-consuming and also with blinking effect in the resultant video. To overcome these problems, we propose a trajectory-based video synopsis system which can achieve high-performance without object tracking and energy optimization for tube rearrangement. In comparison to existing methods, Spatial-temporal trajectory-based object tube extraction algorithm is performed consistently in keeping tubes continuously to avoid blinking effect. Tube rearrangement based on Minimum Collision Trajectory in spatial-temporal domain is proposed to decide the best temporal position of tubes in synopsis video. Moreover, we integrate the object detection system based on convolutional neural network (CNN) with object tubes, which enables a user quickly locating a specific object. Finally, the proposed system can efficiently generate a condensed video without blinking effect, and its robustness validated with extensive experiments.

中文摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖表索引VII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 系統流程2 1.3 論文架構3 第二章 文獻探討5 2.1 前言5 2.2 視訊濃縮相關技術介紹7 2.2.1 時間域的位移(Temporal shifting)7 2.2.2 空間域與時間域的位移(Spatial–temporal shifting)21 2.3 背景濾除相關技術介紹25 2.3.2 視覺背景提取(Visual Background Extractor, ViBe)35 2.4 視訊濃縮所遭遇之問題43 第三章 視訊濃縮技術46 3.1 系統簡介46 3.2 視訊分析層(Video Analysis Layer)50 3.2.1 前景物件擷取(Foreground Object Extraction)50 3.2.2 物件連通與二次掃描標籤化(Connected-component and Two-pass Labeling)52 3.2.3 多背景影像產生(Multi-background Generation)56 3.2.4 基於卷積神經網路之即時物件辨識與分類(Object Detection and Categorize Based on Convolutional Neural Network)59 3.2.5 前景物件之前置資料結構建置(Data Structure Preparatory Construction of Foreground Object)75 3.3 物件串列萃取層(Object Tube Extraction Layer)78 3.3.1 物件追蹤串接演算法之缺點(Drawbacks of Object tracking method)79 3.3.2 基於時空軌跡之快速物件分群法(Fast Object Grouping based on Spatial-temporal Trajectory)83 3.4 視訊濃縮層(Video Synopsis Layer)87 3.4.1 物件排列算法與濃縮影片長度(Tube Rearrange and Length of Synopsis Video)87 3.4.2 時空重疊率與空間重疊率(Spatial-temporal Overlap and Temporal Overlap)88 3.4.3 基於時空域最小軌跡碰撞之物件排列演算法(Tube Rearrangement based on Minimum Collision Trajectory in spatial-temporal domain)92 3.4.4 可調式之濃縮影片長度(Adjustable Length of Synopsis Video)95 3.4.5 重疊物件的透明化處理(Transparentize of Overlapped Object)98 3.5 物件特性分類層(Object Tube Categorize Layer)100 3.5.1 物件串列之大小(Sizes of Object tubes)101 3.5.2 物件串列之移動方向(Direction of Object tubes)101 3.5.3 物件串列之顏色(Color of Object tubes)103 3.5.4 物件串列之類別(Category of Object tubes)105 第四章 實驗結果107 4.1 測試環境與樣本影片107 4.2 評估標準介紹110 4.3 視訊濃縮實驗結果111 4.3.1 評估標準之比較111 4.3.2 實際濃縮結果之比較120 4.4 系統功能介紹127 第五章 結論與未來展望131 參考文獻132

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