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研究生: 陳永霖
Yong-Lin Chen
論文名稱: 不同碳材添加物對經高能球磨 (HEBM) 或等徑轉角擠壓 (ECAP) 之AZ31鎂合金儲氫性能之影響
Effect of Different Carbon Additives on Hydrogen Storage Properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy by High Energy Ball Milling (HEBM) or Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)
指導教授: 黃崧任
Song-Jeng Huang
口試委員: 王金燦
Chin-Tsan Wang
Jing-Chie Lin
Chun Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 儲氫等徑轉角擠壓 (ECAP)高能球磨 (HEBM)AZ31鎂合金活性碳 (AC)碳黑 (CB)石墨烯 (G)AZ31鎂基複合材料 (AZ31 MMCs)
外文關鍵詞: hydrogen storage, equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), high energy ball milling (HEBM), AZ31 magnesium alloy, activated carbon (AC), carbon black (CB), grapheme (G), AZ31 metal matrix composites (AZ31 MMCs)
相關次數: 點閱:586下載:1
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本研究探討添加物對AZ31鎂合金儲氫性能之影響,選用活性碳 (Activated Carbon, AC)、碳黑 (Carbon Black, CB)、石墨烯 (Graphene, G) 不同重量百分比 (0wt.%、1wt.%、3wt.%) 作為催化劑,探討不同碳材添加物及其含量對儲氫性能之影響。此外,本研究亦探討不同製程對儲氫性能之影響,使用相同製程時間為比較基準,先利用鑄造製備不同碳材添加物之AZ31鎂基複合材料,再分別經高能球磨 (High Energy Ball Milling, HEBM) 或等徑轉角擠壓 (Equal channel angular pressing, ECAP) 兩種不同製程加工,最後進行吸放氫之量測。

This study investigates the effect of additives on the hydrogen storage properties of AZ31 magnesium alloys. Activated carbon (AC), carbon black (CB), graphene (G) were used as catalysts in different weight percentages (0wt.%, 1wt.%, 3wt.%). Discuss the effect of different carbon additives and their content on the hydrogen storage performance. In addition, this study also explored the effect of different processes on hydrogen storage performance. Use the same process time as a benchmark for comparison. Firstly, the AZ31 magnesium matrix composites with different carbon additives were prepared by casting, and then processed by high energy ball milling (HEBM) or equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). Finally, the measurement of hydrogen absorption and desorption is performed.
The results show that after the HEBM process, adding carbon material can effectively improve the hydrogen storage performance of AZ31 magnesium alloys. The increase in hydrogen storage performance from large to small additions of graphene, carbon black and activated carbon. After the ECAP process, only added activated carbon or carbon black can effectively improve the hydrogen storage performance of AZ31 magnesium alloys. The addition of graphene will result in a decrease in hydrogen storage performance. The increase in hydrogen storage performance from large to small addition of carbon black and activated carbon. Compared with the HEBM or ECAP process, the AZ31 magnesium alloy without added carbon has better hydrogen storage performance through the ECAP process, while the AZ31 magnesium matrix composite with carbon added has better hydrogen storage performance through the HEBM process.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 文獻回顧 3 1.3.1 鎂基合金於儲氫領域之相關文獻 3 1.3.2 加入碳材添加物之鎂基複合材料相關文獻 13 1.3.3 本實驗室之鎂基複合材料鑄造製程之簡介 16 1.4 文獻回顧整理 18 1.5 研究目的 19 第二章 研究理論基礎 20 2.1 鎂合金之簡介 20 2.1.1 鎂之基本性質 20 2.1.2 鎂合金之熱處理【19】 21 2.2 HEBM製程之簡介 22 2.3 ECAP製程之簡介 24 2.4 固態儲氫合金 27 2.5 儲氫合金動力學性質 29 2.6 儲氫合金熱力學性質 30 第三章 實驗方法 33 3.1 實驗材料及流程 33 3.2 實驗設備 35 3.2.1 鑄造用熔煉爐 35 3.2.2 熱處理高溫爐 38 3.2.3 等徑轉角擠壓試驗機 38 3.2.4 高能球磨法 39 3.3.5 濕式自動研磨機及拋光機 40 3.3.6 光學顯微鏡 41 3.3.7 掃描式電子顯微鏡 42 3.3.8 X光繞射分析儀 43 3.3.9 Sievert-type儲氫量測設備 43 第四章 結果與討論 45 4.1經HEBM製程之儲氫粉末特徵分析 45 4.1.1 粒徑分析 45 4.1.2 成份分析 47 4.2經ECAP製程之儲氫材料特徵分析 53 4.2.1 宏觀分析 53 4.2.2 微觀分析 54 4.2.3 成份分析 57 4.3 粉末微觀結構分析 63 4.4 吸放氫分析 70 4.4.1 儲氫粉末活化 70 4.4.2 經HEBM製程之儲氫粉末吸放氫分析 72 4.4.3 經ECAP製程之儲氫粉末吸放氫分析 79 4.4.4 經HEBM或ECAP製程之儲氫粉末吸放氫曲線比較 86 4.4.5 儲氫量分析 89 4.4.6 XRD分析 92 4.4.7 粉末比表面積及孔隙率分析 95 第五章 結論 97 第六章 未來研究方向 99 參考文獻 100

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