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研究生: 許凱茜
Kai-Chien Hsu
論文名稱: 社會性媒體賦能社會包容之研究—以賦權理論觀點
Exploring the Social Beneficial Media enabled Social Inclusion: An Empowerment Theory Perspective
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 資訊科技賦能跨組織溝通組織靈巧賦權理論社會包容
外文關鍵詞: IT-enabled, Intercultural Communication, Organizational Ambidexterity, Empowerment, Social Inclusion
相關次數: 點閱:500下載:0
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本研究以四個社會性媒體Right Plus 多多益善、NPOst 公益交流站、公益

Many countries have paid more attention on social sectors and social issues. Social sectors in Taiwan also have gradually matured and even become one of the most philanthropic countries in Asia. Taiwan can achieve such results through mutual assistance and support among government agencies, non-profit organizations, enterprises, and the masses. However, it is a difficult challenge to connect everyone to the social sector and pay attention to social issues. The communication language and culture between the masses and non-profit organizations and disadvantaged groups are different, which often causes misunderstandings and gaps. Therefore, many non-profit organizations and philanthropic workers have invested in solving the problem of intercultural communication between non-profit organizations and the masses. They hope that through the communication and information exchange space on social beneficial media, they can understand each other and improve social problems together.
This research uses four social beneficial medias Right Plus, NPOst, APA and Vstory as the case study objects. These four medias use organizational capabilities to bring different assistance. They hope to solve the problem of communication between non-profit organizations and the masses, and generate understanding and tolerance. This research uses IT-enabled intercultural communication as the driving force, and observes the problems that social beneficial medias want to solve. Also, explore how the social beneficial medias can solve resource problems through organizational ambidexterity, and use the organization's own capabilities to generate different levels of empowerment mechanisms to help break down barriers for non-profit organizations to participate in society, so that non-profit organizations and the masses can understand each other and achieve social inclusion.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章、緒論 9 1.1 研究背景與動機 9 1.2 研究問題與目的 11 1.3 研究範圍與流程 12 1.4 論文架構 14 第二章、文獻探討 15 2.1 跨組織溝通 (INTERORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION) 15 2.2 組織靈巧 (ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY) 17 2.2.1 組織靈巧之定義 17 2.2.2 結構式靈巧 vs. 情境式靈巧 17 2.3 賦權 (EMPOWERMENT) 20 2.3.1 賦權之定義 20 2.4 社會包容 (SOCIAL INCLUSION) 23 第三章、研究方法與架構 25 3.1 研究方法 25 3.1.1質化研究(Qualitative Research) 26 3.1.2個案研究(Case Study) 26 3.2 研究架構 29 3.3 研究觀察重點 32 3.4 研究對象 33 3.5 資料蒐集與分析 34 第四章、個案描述 37 4.1 產業概況 37 4.2 RIGHT PLUS多多益善 38 4.3 NPOST公益交流站 39 4.4 公益責信協會 41 4.5 VSTORY 43 第五章、個案分析 44 5.1 RIGHT PLUS多多益善 44 5.1.1資訊科技賦能跨組織溝通 44 5.1.2 組織靈巧 45 5.1.3 賦權機制 46 5.1.4 社會包容 48 5.1.5 Right Plus多多益善小結 49 5.2 NPOST公益交流站 51 5.2.1 資訊科技賦能跨組織溝通 51 5.2.2 組織靈巧 52 5.2.3 賦權機制 53 5.2.4 社會包容 55 5.2.5 NPOst公益交流站小結 56 5.3 公益責信協會 58 5.3.1 資訊科技賦能跨組織溝通 58 5.3.2 組織靈巧 59 5.3.3 賦權機制 60 5.3.4 社會包容 62 5.3.5 公益責信協會小結 63 5.4 VSTORY 65 5.4.1 資訊科技賦能跨組織溝通 65 5.4.2 組織靈巧 66 5.4.3 賦權機制 66 5.4.4 社會包容 68 5.4.5 Vstory小結 68 5.5個案分析總結 71 第六章、研究結論與建議 76 6.1 結論與研究貢獻 76 6.2 研究限制與未來研究方向 79 參考文獻 80 中文部分 80 英文部分 80 網站部分 85

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1. Right Plus多多益善官方網站,https://rightplus.org/
2. NPOst公益交流站官方網站,https://npost.tw/
3. 公益責信協會官方網站,https://www.apa-tw.org/
4. 聰明公益資訊平台,https://www.smartdonor.tw/
5. flyingV官方網站,https://www.flyingv.cc/
6. Vstory頻道,https://vstory.flyingv.cc/
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