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研究生: 黃耀民
Yao-Min Huang
論文名稱: 使用z域方法與微帶線技術設計色散式群延遲傳輸線
Design of Dispersive Group Delay Transmission Line Using z Domain Techniques and Microstrip Technology
指導教授: 徐敬文
Ching-Wen Hsue
口試委員: 黃進芳
Jhin-Fang Huang
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Kwok-Lun Chan
Jiun-Yu Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 群延遲傳輸線
外文關鍵詞: Group Delay, Transmission Line
相關次數: 點閱:455下載:0
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在本論文中,吾人提出一準短路三段群延遲傳輸線(quasi-short-circuited three-section group delay transmission line)和一可調式準短路三段群延遲傳輸線(tunable quasi-short three-section transmission line),其透射係數S21為全通響應(all-pass response)且在中心頻率(center frequency)和高階諧波頻率(high-order harmonic response frequency)會產生極大的群延遲。
準短路三段群延遲傳輸線是由一並聯開路三段傳輸線(open-circuited three-section transmission line)引入準短路結構形成殘段(stub),再加入其補償而來的槽線結構(slot-line),其可將由殘斷所造成的阻帶(stop-band) 轉變成通帶(pass-band),組合成互補式傳輸線結構(complementary transmission line structure)。在此開路三段傳輸線的中心頻率、正規化頻率以及頻寬和阻抗的關係式皆是使用離散時間z域技術(discrete-time z domain)所推導而來。最後,吾人將此結構的模擬和量測結果相互比較,驗證其設計流程,並針對白雲飛學長的研究成果提出進一步改良與更多的群延遲效應。

In this thesis, a quasi-short-circuited three-section transmission line and a tunable quasi-short-circuited three-section transmission line are presented with the magnitude of insertion loss of all-pass response and excessive group delay at both fundamental frequency and high-order harmonic response frequencies.
A quasi-short-circuited three-section transmission line includes mainly open stub which is open-circuited three-section transmission line with quasi-short-circuited structure in signal plane and accompanied with the complementary slot-line in the ground plane and they combined into complementary transmission line structure. The complementary slot-line is employed to convert the stop-band caused by the stub to a pass-band. The fundamental frequency, normalized frequency, and bandwidth are formulated in the discrete-time z domain to facilitate the study of open-circuited three-section stubs. Finally, measured and simulated results of group delay to compare with each other to verify the design procedure. And provide further improvement and more group delayed effects for Bai,Yun-Fei's research results.
Continuation of the above structure, we join varactors in the stub and join tunable inductors in the slot-line to tune central frequency by varactors and tunable inductors to implement a tunable quasi-short three-section transmission line. When insertion loss is all-pass response, observe the magnitude of group delay and it’s displacement with frequency change. The maximum tuning range of central frequency is 15%.

論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖表所引 VII 表格索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究重點 3 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 基本理論 5 2.1 微帶線基本特性 5 2.2 傳輸線的色散關係 9 第三章 離散時間z域技術 15 3.1 鏈散射矩陣 15 3.2 基本電路及其對應的鏈散射參數分析 17 3.2.1 串聯傳輸線分析 17 3.2.2 並聯開路單段傳輸線分析 21 3.2.3 並聯開路雙段傳輸線分析 24 3.2.4 並聯開路三段傳輸線分析 28 3.2.5 短路單段傳輸線分析 32 3.2.6 短路三段傳輸線分析 34 第四章 理論驗證與實作 37 4.1 準短路三段群延遲傳輸線 37 4.2 可調式準短路三段群延遲傳輸線 54 第五章 總結 62 5.1 結論 62 5.2 未來研究方向 62 參考文獻 63

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