Author: |
任德正 Te-cheng Jen |
Thesis Title: |
以設計思考為企業建構創新優勢 Design Thinking for Business Construction Innovation Advantage |
Advisor: |
Chiung-Ju Liang |
Committee: |
Yeng-Horng Perng 阮怡凱 Yi-Kai Juan |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2015 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 103 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 74 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 價值創新 、設計思考 、IDEO 、創新成功因素 、創新管理。 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Value innovation, Design thinking, IDEO, Successful factors of innovation, Innovation management. |
Reference times: | Clicks: 485 Downloads: 3 |
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本研究在探討一種以使用者經驗為核心的創新流程,”設計思考”(Design Thinking),由觀察使用者行為背後的意函,並發掘問題及需求,幫助企業以創意提升產品及服務的價值,為使用者帶來更友善、便利的生活體驗。
Alvin Toffler, the famous futurist, indicated in The Third Wave: “The era of capitalism has gone, instead comes the time of creativity. Whoever controls the top of creativity controls the whole world. Creativity will dominate the business of 21st century! ” After so many years of industrial economy, we are now entering the age of 21st century of knowledge economy. Enterprises are facing diverse challenges of competitive advantages. The original market and business mode has become more mature with numerous competitors. Therefore, every industry hopes to use innovation in developing new products or service and business mode, to establish a new form of competitive advantage, entering the next blue ocean and white space market. The term “innovation” has since become the famous doctrine. Through the process of pursuing innovation, however, it sometimes depends on an idea flashes through the business owners’ or the research and development staff’s mind, it is like in a black box to figuring out the next opportunity of growth.
This research is to study a new process based on the user’s experience, design thinking, to find out the meaning behind the user’s behavior and discover the problems and needs, to help industry increase the value of products and service, bringing a friendlier and convenient life experience for the users.
By our study result, we hope to provide a whole new key factor to the domestic design and management consulting company as a reference of the media for innovation process and industry internal process.
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1. ABC news nightline ” Deep view ”, (
2. Bloomberg Business week ”The power of design”,(
3. IDEO (
4. 史丹佛大學 D-School (
5. 數位時代 (
6. 國際專案管理學會網站 (