Author: |
方豪 Hao Fang |
Thesis Title: |
使用金融科技作法應用於金融市場中股票市場及銀行部門的研究 The Application Study of Using Fintech Approaches to the Stock Market and Banking Sector of Financial Markets |
Advisor: |
Joseph C. P. Shieh |
Committee: |
Yang-Cheng Lu 林建甫 Chien-Fu Jeff Lin 陳俊男 Chun-Nan Chen 聶建中 Chien-Chung Nieh 鄭宗記 Tsung-Chi Cheng 謝劍平 Joseph C.P. Shieh |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 101 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 金融科技 、文本探勘 、網路爬蟲 、投資人情緒 、股票報酬 、政黨傾向 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Fintech, Text Mining, Web Crawler, Investors’ Sentiments, Stock Returns, Political Party Tendency |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1010 Downloads: 1 |
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This research applies fintech ways, comprising distributed web crawler and text mining, to establish information variables, to design model and to explore empirical results of the effect of “the information of investor sentiments on stock returns” and the effect of “the information of firm party tendency on bank loan contracts”. First, this study adopts distributed web crawler to largely crawl text from network news and uses text mining to establish positive and negative sentiment variables to analyze the impacts of investor sentiments on stock returns. Specifically, the effects of investors’ optimistic and pessimistic sentiments on individual stocks’ returns and their volatility are explored. Meanwhile, the impacts of the investors’ large sentiments on stock returns are further investigated. Second, this study uses the linguistic text mining method to construct two time-varying PC indexes to measure the strength of a firm’s political tendencies toward the ruling and opposite parties. Specifically, whether the varying PC firms connected to the ruling party obtain more preferential loan terms than those connected to the opposition party are examined. Moreover, whether the fixed PC firms and lower loyal firms of supporting two parties obtain fewer financial rewards in terms of loan terms than the varying PC firms are investigated. Furthermore, whether the PC effect with varying political tendencies for government-owned banks is stronger than for privately-owned banks is examined.
With regard to the effects of investors’ sentiments on stock returns, this study first finds that the stock returns of the companies which have investors’ optimism are evidently higher in that month, but those which have pessimism turn to evidently contrary directions. Then, investors’ optimism evidently promotes stock volatility close to a quarter, whereas their pessimism turns to the contrary directions. Moreover, investors’ largely optimistic sentiments more evidently and persistently promotes stock volatility than their general optimistic sentiments, whereas the negative impacts of their largely pessimistic sentiments on volatility turn to be smaller and the persistence is shorter compared with general pessimistic sentiments.
In terms of the impact of firm’s party tendencies on loan contracts, this study first finds that firms are more likely to increase their PC tendencies toward the expected winning party during election years. By contrast, firms that support the opposition party show or hide their PC tendencies over the years. The PC firms connected to the ruling party have lower loan rates and preferential non-rate loan terms, whereas those associated to the opposition party do not. Fixed PC firms connected to the ruling party do not always gain benefits on loan terms, whereas fixed PC firms connected to the opposition party may even receive preferential loan contracts. Moreover, PC firms connected to the two parties do not receive preferential loan contracts. Finally, the PC effect with varying political tendencies is stronger for government-owned than privately-owned banks.
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