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研究生: 劉冠鷹
Guan-Ying Liou
論文名稱: 虛擬打字之研究
Study on Virtual Tying
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 王偉彥
Wei-Yen Wang
Chen-Chia Chuang
Chau-Ren Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: Kinect 感測器人機互動物件標記指尖偵測手部切割虛擬打字
外文關鍵詞: Kinect, HCI, CCL, Fingertip detection, Hand segmentation, Virtual Typing
相關次數: 點閱:260下載:1
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本論文提出兩個手指的相關特徵應用在3D Kinect sensor 打字動作偵測上。第一個特徵是手掌與指尖位置的相對關係,第二個是手指第一指節的某些特性,可用來定義手指休息與打字的差別。將兩特徵應用在本系統可偵測人的打字動作,而該系統包括:手部切割、指尖偵測以及偵測打字動作。手部切割的部分可利用Kinect所提供的3D影像先進行手部偵測,再利用深度閥值進行手部區域影像的萃取。指尖偵測則使用到類似將手部影像轉換為極座標的方法,並使用物件標記及一些幾何學的運算。而最後本論文所提出的特徵被應用來偵測手指打字。同時本論文也提出三個實驗,前兩個分別證明指尖偵測與打字偵測的準確性與有效性,最後藉由比較熟悉系統的使用者來進行實際的打字任務,以分析本論文所提出的方法在現實環境中取代實體鍵盤的可能性。最後本論文認定所提出的特徵在偵測打字動作時是有用的。

This study presents two novel features for human fingers typing based on Kinect 3D sensor in real time. The first one of the novel features is about the relative positions of palm and fingertips, and the second one is about the common feature of third knuckles, this feature is applied to define the difference between relaxing and typing motion. Combined those two features, the proposed system can detect the human typing motions well. The proposed system includes hand segmentation, fingertip detection and the proposed finger typing features. Using 3D image from Kinect, it can detect if a hand is showing up, and extracting one or both hands by a deep threshold. And then a detection of fingertips which is similar to polar hand image is applied, containing CCL and some geometric calculations, and then the proposed features are used to detect typing. In order to estimate the implemented system with proposed method, this study presents three experiments. The first two experiments are designed to prove that fingertip detection and typing method can work well. Finally, a real typing task for trained users is shown in last experiment with some analyses, and it is said that the proposed features are useful in detecting human typing motions.

中文摘要 I Abstract II Contents III Figure list IV Table list VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Work 3 Chapter 3 System Description 9 3.1 Hardware and Software Development Interface 10 3.2 Preprocessing 11 3.2.1 Hand Segmentation 11 3.2.2 Connected-Component Labeling 16 3.2.3 Centroid Calculation 19 3.3 Fingertip Detection 21 3.3.1 Average Length 21 3.3.2 Palms and Wrists Cutting 23 3.3.3 CCL 25 3.3.4 Locate Fingertips 26 3.3.5 Fingertips Tracking 27 3.4 Virtual Typing Method 31 3.5 User Interface 36 3.5.1 Text Information Window 36 3.5.2 Color Information Window 37 Chapter 4 Experimental Results 39 4.1 Experiment of Fingertip detection 41 4.2 Experiment of Typing Method 47 4.3 Experiment of Typing Tasks 57 Chapter 5 Conclusions 63 Reference 64

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