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研究生: 賈曉毓
Xiao-Yu Jia
論文名稱: 社交機器人面部特徵及社交線索設計對面部意象之影響
The Effects of Social Robot’s Facial Feature and Social Cue Design on the Facial Impression
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Chih-Fu Wu
Yen Hsu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 人-機器人互動社交機器人社交線索意象評價嬰兒圖式效應使用者體驗
外文關鍵詞: human-robot interaction, social robots, social cues, image evaluation, baby schema effect, user experience
相關次數: 點閱:332下載:0
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Social robots have gradually permeated all aspects of human life, playing diverse roles in assisting human work, improving quality of life, and fostering communication between people. Currently, social robots find wide application in various fields such as family, medical care, education, catering, and entertainment. However, human-robot interaction still faces challenges that directly impact interaction efficiency and user experience. Previous studies have indicated that if a robot exhibits rich social behaviors and endeavors to establish a human-robot relationship, it will be accepted by the majority of humans. On one hand, the visual appearance of social robots, especially facial features, can systematically influence people’s perception and behavior, providing clues about the robot’s abilities and tendencies. On the other hand, the social cues exhibited by robots can significantly enhance the efficiency of human-robot interaction, fostering trust and friendliness towards robots.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of facial features and social cues of social robots on robot facial images in human-robot interaction using quantitative research methods. Additionally, the study aims to extend the research findings to real consumer robots and explore relevant guidelines for human-robot interaction from a robot application perspective.
Research topic 1 examines the perception of robot facial images in virtual and real interactive scenarios through two experiments: Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the study explores the image evaluation of rendered robot faces, considering variables such as robot head shape, facial features, robot camera lenses, and the sex of the participants. Experiment 2 further investigates the relationship between robot head shape and the image perception of the robot head by the camera lens, with the variables being the robot head shape and the robot camera lens. The comprehensive results of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 indicate the following: (1) The shape of the robot’s head significantly impacts the perception of the robot. (2) The presence of visible camera lenses moderately affects the subjective evaluation of the robot’s face. (3) Female participants’ scores exhibit higher sensitivity compared to male participants’ scores.
Research topic 2 investigates the influence of the baby schema effect and robot type on the cuteness and trustworthiness of robot faces through two experiments: Experiment 3 and Experiment 4. Experiment 3 aims to explore the statistical correlation among the degree of baby schema, cuteness, and trustworthiness. On the other hand, Experiment 4 examines the impact of robot type and the degree of baby schema on the facial image perception of social robots. The combined results of Experiment 3 and Experiment 4 reveal the following findings: (1) The degree of baby schema and perceived emotion in social robot faces positively impact trustworthiness. Faces with high baby schema, characterized by features such as large eyes and specific eye and mouth positions, are perceived as more trustworthy and cute compared to faces with low baby schema or uncontrolled features. (2) Robot type and baby schema interact significantly with cuteness and trustworthiness. The specific type of robot and the level of baby schema influence how the robot’s face is perceived in terms of cuteness and trustworthiness. (3) However, for certain types of robots, an excessively high baby schema may have a counterproductive effect on users’ perceptions of cuteness and trustworthiness. The impact of the baby schema effect can vary depending on the specific characteristics and context of the robot.
Research topic 3 aims to explore the influence of social cues and related factors on participants’ image perception through two experiments: Experiment 5 and Experiment 6. In Experiment 5, the research variables were the robot’s eye blinking and head turning, and their influence on the participants’ image evaluation was examined. The results indicate that: (1) Social cues displayed by the robot in a specific scene can enhance the participants’ imagery of the robot’s Anthropomorphism, Animacy, Likeability, Perceived Intelligence. (2) The social cues of the robot have the ability to attract tourists’ attention to a certain extent and guide them to follow a tour. However, the attention-grabbing ability is limited. In Experiment 6, the effects of specific social cues, head shape, robot body proportions, and participants’ gender on image evaluation were explored. The research variables included robot facial social cues, robot body proportions, robot head shape, and participants’ gender. The results reveal that: (1) Robots with round heads are perceived as more trustworthy compared to robots with rectangular heads. (2) Robots with high body proportions are considered more trustworthy than those with low body proportions. (3) participants’ gender also influences the perception of robot trustworthiness, although the specific details of this effect are not mentioned.

中文摘要 i Abstract iii 誌謝 vi 目錄 vii 圖索引 xi 表索引 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與限制 3 1.4 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 社交機器人與人-機器人互動(Human-robot interaction, HRI) 6 2.1.1 社交機器人定義及研究現狀 9 2.1.2 人-機器人互動範圍與研究現狀 12 2.1.3 人-機器人互動的關鍵問題 15 2.1.4 社交機器人倫理問題 17 2.1.5 小結 18 2.2 社交機器人面部特徵及相關因素研究 19 2.2.1 機器人的面部驅動形式 19 2.2.2 人對機器人頭部比例及相關尺寸之感知 21 2.2.3 渲染機器人的面部特徵 21 2.2.4 小結 23 2.3 機器人面部意象評價及相關理論 24 2.3.1 機器人面部意象評價 24 2.3.2 恐怖谷(The Uncanny Valley)理論 24 2.3.3 嬰兒圖式效應(Baby Schema Effect, BSE) 26 2.3.4 嬰兒圖式效應與機器人可信度 29 2.3.5 小結 30 2.4 人-機器人互動中的社交線索(Social cues) 30 2.4.1 社交線索與機器人感知對人-機器人互動的影響 30 2.4.2 賦予機器人心智理論 33 2.4.3 電腦作爲社會參與者(Computer As Social Actor, CASA)理論 34 2.4.4 社交線索對機器人可信度的影響 35 2.4.5 小結 36 2.5 機器人面部意象評價方法 36 2.5.1 外觀對機器人可信度的影響 37 2.5.2 機器人面部特徵對意象評價之影響 38 2.5.3 情緒認知評價與主觀評價量表 39 2.5.4 行為測試、眼動追蹤、肌電與腦電信號數據探測技術 40 2.5.5 小結 41 第三章 研究議題一:機器人面部特徵及相關因素對面部意象之影響 43 3.1 研究議題一之研究目的與架構 43 3.2 實驗一:研究目的與變數 44 3.3 實驗一:刺激物 44 3.4 實驗一:受測者與實驗步驟 47 3.5 實驗一:結果與分析 48 3.6 本階段成果討論 52 3.7 實驗二:研究目的與變數 53 3.8 實驗二:受測者與實驗步驟 53 3.9 實驗二:結果與分析 57 3.10 本階段成果討論 59 3.10.1 機器人頭部形狀 59 3.10.2 機器人面部特徵 59 3.10.3 機器人攝影機鏡頭 60 3.10.4 不同變數交互作用對機器人感知的影響 60 3.10.5 不同互動情境對受測者判斷的影響 61 第四章 研究議題二:嬰兒圖式效應及機器人面部特徵對面部意象之影響 62 4.1 研究議題二之研究目的與架構 62 4.2 實驗三:研究目的與變數 63 4.3 實驗三:刺激物 63 4.4 實驗三:受測者與實驗步驟 64 4.5 實驗三:結果與分析 66 4.6 實驗四:研究目的與變數 68 4.7 實驗四:受測者與實驗步驟 72 4.8 實驗四:結果與分析 72 4.9 本階段成果討論 78 4.9.1 嬰兒圖式對可愛度和可信度的影響 78 4.9.2 不同機器人類型的可愛和可信度 78 4.9.3 可感知的情感和可信度 79 第五章 研究議題三:機器人面部特徵及社交線索對面部意象之影響 81 5.1 研究議題三之研究目的與架構 81 5.2 實驗五:研究目的與變數 82 5.3 實驗五:刺激物 82 5.4 實驗五:受測者與實驗步驟 83 5.4.1 受測者訊息 83 5.4.2 實驗步驟 83 5.5 實驗五:結果與分析 85 5.5.1 人格化(Anthropomorphism)維度的感知 85 5.5.2 有生性(Animacy)維度的感知 85 5.5.3 可愛度(Likeability)維度的感知 86 5.5.4 感知的智力(Perceived Intelligence)維度的感知 86 5.5.5 眼動追蹤採集指標分析 86 5.6 本階段成果討論 92 5.7 實驗六:研究目的與變數 93 5.8 實驗六:刺激物與問卷 94 5.8.1 刺激物 94 5.8.2 問卷設計與實驗流程 96 5.9 實驗六:結果與分析 97 5.10 本階段成果討論 100 5.10.1 社交線索對機器人可信度的影響 100 5.10.2 機器人頭部形狀對機器人可信度的影響 101 5.10.3 身體比例對機器人可信度的影響 101 第六章 結論與未來研究 102 6.1 結論與建議 102 6.2 未來研究計劃 105 英文參考文獻 106 中文參考文獻 128 附錄A 130 附錄B 132 附錄C 135 附錄D 136 附錄E 137 附錄F 138 研究成果 139


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