簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 葉錫育
Hsi-yu Yeh
論文名稱: 資訊部門與業務部門的衝突與整合-以C證券公司為例
The Conflict and Integration of IT Department and Business Department-A Case Study of C Securities Corporation
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-chen Wu
Ruey-huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 證券業衝突整合談判系統開發模式組織變革
外文關鍵詞: Securities Industry, Conflict, Negotiations on integration, Information System development model, Organizational Change
相關次數: 點閱:471下載:11
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The case is a description based on the conflict and integration of the IT department and business department in the securities industry. To take C Securities Corporation (CSC) as an example, the business department in CSC is a derivative department. Based on its most important warrant system, the case describes the conflict and the ways to negotiate and integrate. For example, how does the IT department fulfill the requests raised by the business department: efficiency and innovation?As the securities industry has a very high request on IT, business department might propose the issue for open discussion on hiring its own IT personnel. To meet the business department’s “efficiency” request, are there any other information system development models that can be undertaken? Furthermore, in general, IT department in an enterprise is only a supporting unit. It is thus important to implement an organizational change to enable the IT department to make more contributions to the enterprise’s operation and upgrade the status of the IT department at the same time. Of course, the organizational change might face internal resistance. How to reduce the impact caused by the organizational change is the issue being studied in this thesis.
This thesis contains two parts - the case content and the teaching notes. Through reading the case content, the students will understand: the feature of warrant system, the conflict and negotiation between IT department and business department, and the discussion on the information development system models and the organizational change relevant issues. All of the above will be greatly helpful to the students to understand how to think and deal when confronted with the similar situation and make the best decision.

推薦書 I 審定書 II 圖目錄 IV 表目錄 V 摘要 VI Abstract VII 致謝 VIII 資訊部門與業務部門的衝突與整合-以C證券公司為例 1 一、 證券產業結構特色 1 二、 C券商的背景 2 三、 新金融商品部(權證業務) 3 四、 認購(售)權證的操作 4 五、 權證的蓬勃發展 5 六、 新金融商品部的組織架構 7 七、 資訊部門組織與需求單處理流程 9 八、 權證系統的特性 11 九、 到底是誰的錯? 13 十、 有自己的資訊人員真好! 13 十一、 資訊部門與業務部門的整合 14 十二、 討論問題 15 教師手冊 16 一、個案總覽 (Case Synopsis) 16 (一)、教學目標 (Teaching Objectives) 17 (二)、課前準備(Assignment) 18 (三)、適用課程與對象(Course and Levels for which the Case is Intended) 18 二、教學建議(Teaching Suggestions) 19 三、問題與參考解答(Discussion questions and answers) 20 四、後記(Epilogue) 52 參考文獻 53

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