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研究生: 劉奎均
Kuei-Chun Liu
論文名稱: 基於智慧型手機之眼底相機設計
Design of Fundus Camera Based on Smartphone
指導教授: 李宗憲
Tsung-Xian Lee
口試委員: 李宗憲
Tsung-Xian Lee
Chien-Yu Chen
Wen-Shing Sun
Tun-Chien Teng
Cheng-Nan Han
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 眼底攝影可攜式眼底相機雜散光分析
外文關鍵詞: Retinal Photography, Portable Fundus Camera, Stray Light Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:417下載:2
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The retina of the human eye is distributed with large numbers of microvessels. By the retinal detection, we can obtain the state of the eye disease and the information used for early diagnosis of many other organ diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and so on. In many therapeutic methods, retinal photography is one of the non-invasive observation technology of microvascular detection, with safety, health, rapid and reusable. With the popularity of smartphones and the attention of health and preventive care, development of smartphone-based camera can allow individuals to monitor the physical condition promptly and helps the promotion of retinal examination and medical rescue in the backward country and remote areas.
Therefore, a fundus camera architecture based on the smartphone camera which combined of lighting and imaging optical path is proposed by this research. By the reversible of the optical path, we designed the lens group to meet the imaging and illumination requirements and kept the system in small size to reach excellent portability. In this study, the polarizing optical element was further added to reduce the effect of stray light composed of the interfacial reflected light from the cornea and the optical elements, and enhance the signal to noise ratio of fundus image by using a low color temperature light source. The final results of this study show that the fundus illumination uniformity is greater than 90% when the fundus observation range is 45 degrees, the stray light energy is less than 6% of the total energy, and the highest resolution of the object is 7 microns.

中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 x 第1章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 1 第2章、 人眼的基本構造及光學特性 3 2.1 人眼的結構 3 2.2 人眼組織光學特性 6 2.2.1 人眼組織穿透特性 7 2.2.2 眼底反射特性 7 2.2.3 人眼組織之介面反射特性 9 2.3 人眼光生物安全值 10 2.4 本章小結 12 第3章、 眼底相機構造與文獻回顧 13 3.1 眼底檢測技術簡介 13 3.1.1 檢眼鏡 13 3.1.2 眼底斷層掃描儀 15 3.1.3 眼底相機 16 3.2 基於數位電子相機之眼底相機文獻回顧 18 3.3 本章小結 22 第4章、 新式眼底相機架構設計 23 4.1 新式眼底相機光學架構 23 4.2 新式眼底相機抑制雜散光線 25 4.3 新式眼底相機架構模擬與驗證 27 4.3.1 透鏡套件鏡組設計及模擬 28 4.3.2 透鏡套件鏡組成像與照明範圍實驗 33 4.3.3 透鏡套件鏡組眼球拍攝模擬 36 4.3.4 透鏡套件鏡組眼球拍攝實驗 38 4.4 本章小結 40 第5章、 基於智慧型手機之眼底相機設計 41 5.1 便攜式眼底相機設計目標 41 5.1.1 視角要求 41 5.1.2 相對照度要求 42 5.1.3 畸變要求 43 5.1.4 調製轉換函數(Modulation Transfer Function)要求 43 5.2 成像系統設計 45 5.3 照明系統設計 50 5.4 雜散光分析 54 5.5 設計鏡組與透鏡套件比較與分析 59 5.6 本章小結 62 第6章、 結論與未來展望 63 第7章、 參考文獻 64 附錄一、光學透鏡套件 68 附錄二、Kenko 49 mm Zeta Wideband C-PL(W) 69 附錄三、OEMI-7眼球模型 70 附錄四、透鏡工程圖 71

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