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研究生: 潘配淮
Pei-Huai Pan
論文名稱: 應用演化式最小平方差支持向量機推論模式(ELSIM)推估橋梁維修經費-以新北市為例
Estimate Cost of Bridge Maintenance Using Evolutionary Least Squares Support Vector Machine Inference Model (ELSIM) - New Taipei City Case Study
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 楊智斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 演化式最小平方差支持向量機(ELSIM)臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統維修經費D.E.R.&U.評估法
外文關鍵詞: ELSIM, Taiwan Bridge Management Systems, Maintenance funding, D.E.R.&U. valuation method
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:1
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  • 台灣地區高山及丘陵佔了總面積的三分之二,隨著經濟發展與都市面積不斷擴張運輸路網規模,只好大量興建橋梁克服這些天然屏障。面對數量如此龐大的橋梁,維護管理就變成一個很重要的課題。橋梁的維修經費預算編列原則,常以過去經驗為導向,除了可能導致橋梁預算分配不足,產生資源排擠的疑慮外,也可能產生執行率不佳的結果,造成橋梁維護單位的困擾。
    本研究將橋梁定期檢測資料表內的21項檢測項目做為模式因子依據,並整理成所需的格式,而後再利用SPSS相關性分析,篩選因子與維修經費相關性,並選取16項符合條件的評估因子作為模式因子。應用演化式最小平方差支持向量機推論模式(ELSIM) 透過過去案例與經驗學習,歸納出專家決策過程與分析邏輯,建立橋梁維修經費推估模式,輔助決策者進行決策,並合理分配維修經費,以提昇營建管理決策的有效性。

    Mountains and hills take up two-thirds of the total territory of Taiwan, transportation net works constantly expand along with economic developments and growing city spaces, building numerous bridges is the solution to overcome the natural barriers and obstacles. Maintenance and management is a very important issue while facing such a large number of bridges. Making budget for bridge maintenance usually depends on previous experiences as guideline. However, this somehow will cause troubles for bridge maintain department such as under budge, doubt of resource exclusions and poor execution. An appropriate code of conducts in order to evaluate the bridge database and accurately estimate funding for bridge maintenance will be able to assist management department to make decisions for budgeting and distribution which will improve bridge performances, safety and keep the transportation system in function.
    The most accurate way to assess the funding for bridge maintenance is the application of instruments. However, the cost and time consumption is stunning if the number of the required bridge is huge. Currently, visual detection is one of the practical methods, there is none damage to the structure of bridge, simple, easy applied, efficient and low cost. "Taiwan bridge management system" is now using DER & U visual detection evaluation method, according to four categories of “Degree”, “Extend”, “Relevancy”, and “Urgency” then fills the survey with the found defects as a result.
    This research will use the 21 examining items from the regular bridge survey sheet as a basis of model factors and organizes into desired format then using SPSS correlation analysis, and screening the relevance between factors and maintenance expenses. Then select 16 qualified evaluated factors as model factors. Applies Evolutionary Least Squares Support Vector Machine Inference Model (ELSIM) to learn from previous cases and experiences, summarized expert decision-making process and
    logic of analysis, establish the model of estimating bridge maintenance funding and support decision makers to decide and rational allocate maintenance funds to enhance the effectiveness of decision-making from construction management.

    目錄 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究範圍與限制2 1.4 研究方法與流程3 1.4.1 研究方法3 1.4.2 研究流程4 1.5 論文架構6 第二章 文獻回顧7 2.1 臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統7 2.1.1 臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統網站7 2.1.2 橋梁檢測之介紹9 2.1.3 橋梁定期檢測表格9 2.2 D.E.R.&U.評估法20 2.2.1 D.E.R.&U.評估法簡介20 2.2.2 D.E.R.&U.值評估標準參考21 2.3支持向量機(SVM)30 2.4演化式支持向量機推論模式(ESIM)31 2.5 演化式最小平方差支持向量機(ELSIM)33 2.5.1 最小平方差支持向量機(LS-SVM)34 2.5.2 差分進化演算法(DE)35 2.5.3 演化式最小平方差支持向量機(ELSIM)37 2.5.4 ELSIM特性39 2.5.5 ELSIM限制40 第三章 確立橋梁維修經費推估模式因子41 3.1 因子評估41 3.1.1 原始資料庫建立41 3.1.2 原始資料庫格式轉換43 3.3 因子確立49 3.4 正規化50 第四章 橋梁維修經費推估模式之建置與測試51 4.1 ELSIM模組51 4.1.1 參數設定51 4.1.2 ELSIM架構52 4.1.3 模式最佳化策略55 4.2 誤差衡量56 4.3 模式訓練與測試57 4.4 不同模組比較62 4.5小結64 第五章 模式應用65 5.1 模式應用流程65 5.2 預算編列應用66 5.3 預算分配應用67 第六章 結論與建議70 6.1 結論70 6.2 建議70 參考文獻71 附錄A73 附錄B89

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