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研究生: 林政陞
Zheng-Sheng Lin
論文名稱: 磁振心臟影像之自動切割:深度學習、品質預測以及模型移植
Automatic segmentation of cardiac magnetic resonance images: deep learning, quality prediction and model deployment
指導教授: 黃騰毅
Teng-Yi Huang
口試委員: 林益如
Yi-Ru Lin
Shang-Yueh Tsai
Yi-Jui Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 磁振造影深度學習品質預測模型轉移
外文關鍵詞: MRI, deep learning, quality prediction, transfer learning
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:0
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Magnetic resonance cardiac imaging can reconstruct human heart images in 3-dimensional space with multi-slices , thus providing sufficient information for the diagnosis of cardiac function. One of the cardiac quantitatively analyze: ejection fraction depends on the contours of the heart ventricle to calculate the parameters. However, manual delineation is time consuming and thus retards clinical diagnosis. Therefore, this study uses artificial intelligence to train the machine model which is used to predict the label of the heart segmentation, and the ejection fraction is automatically calculated by using a 4-dimensional cine magnetic resonance images containing time series to provide an efficient cardiac diagnostic method. This study also explores the relatively low accuracy when deploying models cross institutes and proposes improvement methods. For example, the magnetic resonance imaging would be different due to use the different MRI system or scanning methods by the different institutions, resulting in the difference image signal intensity distribution, which makes the model unable to accurately identify the heart and failed segmentation cardiac. So this study proposed an image processing and data augmentation method utilizing the unique proprieties of magnetic resonance imaging to improve prediction results of across cardiac image dataset of the accuracy. In addition, we propose to use the quality prediction score (QPS) to select datasets for fine-tuning the model. The results support that QPS provide an efficient way to include less datasets for the fine-tuning step during model deployment.

中文摘要 Abstract 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 簡介 1.1 研究動機 1.2 深度學習 1.3 卷積神經網路 1.4 FCN、SegNet 與 U-Net 1.5 模型跨機構與預測品質 第二章 方法與材料 2.1 心臟自動診斷分割系統 2.1.1 資料來源 2.1.2 網路架構 2.1.3 資料增強 2.1.4 模型訓練 2.1.5 評估方式 2.2 模型輸出品質預測自動評估之機制 2.3 模型轉移與移植方法 2.3.1 資料來源 2.3.2 適用於磁振造影成像獨特現象之影像處理 2.3.3 移植之模型適應調整 第三章 實驗結果 3.1 心臟影像自動分割系統 3.2 模型轉移與移植 第四章 討論與結論 參考文獻

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