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研究生: 羅偉
Lo - Wei
論文名稱: 太陽能節能玻璃應用於玻璃建築之節能與室內環境試驗及模擬分析
Experiment and Simulation of Energy Saving and Indoor Environment for Heat Insulation Solar Glass on Glass Buildings
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-huai Young
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-sheng Chou
Shuo-yan Chou
Jenn-chuan Chern
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 277
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能節能玻璃
外文關鍵詞: Heat Insulation Solar Glass
相關次數: 點閱:406下載:2
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The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of building glass materials on thermal comfort using air conditioning, including both cooling and heating, to analyze the energy conservation of glass curtain wall buildings.
Two types of glass curtain buildings were constructed on the roof of the NTUST E2 building. Both buildings had glass installed on the east, south, west, north and top sides. One building used tempered glass; the other used Heat Insulation Solar Glass (HISG). We calculated each glass' solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), shading coefficient (SC) and thermal transmittance (U-value) by measuring the transmittance and the reflectance. We also used simulation analysis to check the results of thermal comfort, energy consumption and power generation.
Tests were done both with and without air conditioning. The results showed that without air conditioning, the HISG curtain wall building provided much greater thermal comfort than the tempered glass curtain building. Tested with air conditioning, because of HISG's great heat insulation and heat preservation ability, the HISG curtain wall building saved 46.8% of energy when the cooling system was in use, and saved 44.2% of energy when the heating system was in use. Since the HISG curtain wall building could generate electricity, the results also showed that the power generated could not only supply the energy needed for both cooling and heating but also have a surplus of 368.6kWh in a year. Furthermore, the simulation analysis indicated that a HISG curtain wall building may have the potential to save up to 80% of the energy used for the cooling system, higher than what was exhibited by our model HISG curtain wall building.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 總目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究方法 1.4研究流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1台灣地理環境與氣候類型 2.2環境舒適度 2.2.1舒適度指數 2.2.2露點溫度 2.3太陽光電與建築結合(BIPV) 2.3.1 BIPV常見形式 2.3.2 BIPV未來發展 2.4帷幕牆 2.4.1帷幕牆設計準則 2.5太陽能節能玻璃 2.6節能玻璃特性 第三章 試驗計畫 3.1試驗流程 3.2試驗參數 3.3試驗儀器與設備 3.4溫濕度對環境舒適度之監測試驗 3.4.1溫濕度對環境舒適度-密閉試驗 3.4.2溫濕度對環境舒適度-強制通風試驗 3.5冷氣空調節能試驗 3.5.1冷氣空調節能試驗 3.6暖氣空調節能試驗 3.7綜合空調節能試驗 3.8電力監測試驗 3.9熱顯像儀試驗 3.10玻璃材料端基本試驗 3.11軟體模擬試驗 第四章 試驗結果與討論 4.1 溫濕度對環境舒適度之監測分析 4.1.1 密閉試驗 4.1.2 強制通風試驗 4.2 節能試驗 4.2.1 冷氣空調節能試驗-白天 4.2.2冷氣空調節能試驗-夜間 4.2.3 暖氣空調節能試驗-白天 4.2.4 暖氣空調節能試驗-夜間 4.2.5 綜合空調節能試驗 4.2.6 累積耗能分析 4.3電力監測試驗結果與分析 4.3.1 電力平衡結果與分析 4.4玻璃材料端基本性能試驗結果分析 4.5熱箱試驗結果分析 4.6熱顯像儀結果分析 4.7軟體模擬結果與分析 4.7.1模擬模型建置 4.7.2 耗能模擬分析 4.7.3 溫度場模擬分析 4.7.4 發電模擬分析 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 建議 參考文獻 附錄

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