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研究生: 許馨庭
Hsin-Ting - Hsu
論文名稱: 結合無線藍牙感測與視覺化指引之火災動態救援路線最佳化
Real-time Fireman Rescue Route Optimization Integrated with Bluetooth Sensors and Visual System in a University Building
指導教授: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
口試委員: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
I-Tung Yang
Yo-Ming Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 防火救災建築資訊模型藍牙感測器路徑最佳化智慧行動裝置視覺化效果。
外文關鍵詞: Firefighting, building information modeling, Bluetooth sensor, path optimization, smart mobile device, visualized effect.
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:0
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Firefighting is essential for public safety and building safety, and concerns both human life and property. Alongside changes in the architectural environment, high-rise buildings, high-ceiling interior space, and other special spaces continue to be constructed, resulting in a wide variety of unpredictable disasters and accidents occurring. Therefore, effective disaster prevention and rescue are crucial factors for life and property protection. Currently, rescue maps used in fire departments are two-dimensional (2D) because previous fire accidents mostly occurred in low-rise buildings. Therefore, fire incident commanders only previously had to rely on Class A and B fire rescue maps for firefighter deployment and water source information. Apparently, such 2D-based firefighting strategies, tactics, and deployment are not always applicable to current structures, and do not reveal whether occupants are trapped during a fire. Consequently, fire rescue teams continue to consult maps on different floors when conducting fire rescue tasks, which reduces efficiency. The emergence of an intelligent integrated fire rescue system can provide real-time status updates, alarm reports, evacuation guidance, and improved fire rescue techniques for fire scenes through a combination of contemporary autosensing and communication systems. Therefore, through the combination of existing firefighting equipment, Bluetooth sensors, global positioning system information, and an optimal fire rescue path-planning algorithm, this study constructed a framework for fire rescue procedures for fire departments. By determining the locations of firefighters and trapped occupants, real-time updates for optimal rescue path planning were conducted in a dynamic environment to provide fire departments with accurate information regarding the fire site in real time. The system effectively reduced the number of casualties and achieved the purpose of disaster prevention and rescue.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究流程與論文架構 2 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 火災救援 4 2.1.1 立體火災搶救戰略 4 2.1.2 消防搶救圖資 9 2.2 最佳路徑規劃演算法 11 2.2.1 遺傳基因演算法在路徑最佳化的應用 11 2.2.2 粒子群優化在路徑規劃的發展 13 2.2.3 貝爾曼-福特(Bellman–Ford)演算法在最短路徑規劃應用 14 2.2.4 A*(A-Star)搜尋演算法在路徑搜尋應用現況 15 2.2.5 戴克斯特拉(Dijkstra)演算法在指引系統中的應用 16 2.2.6 比較各方法的優缺點 17 第三章 研究方法 18 3.1 問卷訪談及整合搶救標準作業流程 18 3.2 最佳救災路徑規劃方法 21 3.2.1 最短救災路徑規劃 21 3.2.2 路徑規劃有向圖(Directed Graph)建置 24 3.3 最佳救災路徑規劃程式開發環境 24 3.3.1 程式語言 24 3.3.2 資料庫管理工具 25 3.3.3 最佳救災路徑規劃虛擬碼(Pseudo Code) 25 3.4 視覺化指引資訊系統架構 27 第四章 模擬測試成果評估 29 4.1 火災救難路徑規劃測試場域 29 4.2 測試場域資料設定 31 4.3 模擬測試評估 37 4.3.1. 模擬情境I:消防人員尚未進入火場 37 4.3.2. 模擬情境II:進入火場後,消防人員與受困人員數量不等 38 4.3.3. 模擬情境III:火場內,建築物內多處起火時 40 4.3.4. 模擬情境IV:滅火路徑規劃 42 4.4 模擬結果討論 45 4.5 模擬條件設定與限制 45 第五章 結論與建議 46 5.1 結論 46 5.2 未來研究方向 47 參考文獻 49 附錄一 消防局訪談問卷 56 I. 淡水消防隊 57 II. 竹圍消防隊 59 III. 新北市消防局搶救科 61 附錄二 救災路徑最佳化程式碼C# 64 附錄三 與MYSQL溝通的PHP程式碼 88 附錄四 路徑規劃程式操作畫面 92

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