簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 金毓傑
Yu-chieh Chin
論文名稱: 商場走道空間使用者滿意度分析
Retail Sales aisle space of user satisfaction
指導教授: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Chieh-Hsin Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 走道寬度設計官能評價滿意度零售業便利商店
外文關鍵詞: Aisle width design, sensory evaluation, store operations strategies, retail sales, convenience stores
相關次數: 點閱:275下載:2
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法歸結。以走道寬度X 軸,視覺與心理感受為Y 軸。
1.消費者及業方在問卷分析呈現的趨勢下,最小走道寬度趨勢1.5m 成

Retail active is the foundation of entire domestic market and the bottom of the
A successful mall design, not only require the complete passenger flow and
freight traffic but also deliver goods to store office smoothly. It also smooths the
path to the placement of the delivery to the designated shelf. A good route should
guide the customer from the entrance to the specified location shopping and
This study attempts to facilitate a sense of convenience and the crowded
feeling (crowded) interactive context driven shopping and shopping an important
condition for satisfaction. The research methodology will be implemented by
analyzing shopping store aisle space in a numerical way. Besides, think of barrierfree
space in the regulations as a limiting factor.
Questionnaire will be represented in a way of space simulation integrated
with photos.
Comprehensive analysis of the survey was to side with the users of integrated
perception of the industry trends, through the analysis of statistical methods, form
design of this study confirmed that the width of the aisle and to facilitate smooth
- iii -
passage of the canonical correlation numbers significantly. This means that the
user expectations in the aisle width to facilitate passage of the aisle in the industry
in designing the questionnaire and reached wide consensus. This chart will define
“aisle width” as X direction and “visual experience” as Y direction.
It is expected that this information feedback to the reference value of building
practitioners designers. And the users of the user and planning to join the field of
design part. Numerical analysis will become a trend, a prediction and will follow
the environmental and cultural backgrounds are different times, endowed with
self-correction mechanism for database integration.
Now, the control width of the three analog values, and then use statistical
methods to analyze the survey data, analyzing the survey results are as follows:
1. Consumer and business trends survey, the minimum aisle width of 1.5
meters established trend.
2. Aisle width of the industry and consumers consensus. However, the width
of the aisle can not be clearly expressed, the contents of physical and
psychological differences.

中文摘要..................................................................................................... i 英文摘要..................................................................................................... ii 目錄.............................................................................................................v 圖目錄.........................................................................................................viii 表目錄.........................................................................................................ix 第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1 1.1 緣起............................................................................................1 1.2 研究目的.....................................................................................3 1.3 研究方法.....................................................................................4 1.3 研究範圍與對象.........................................................................5 1.4 研究範圍與限制.........................................................................5 1.5 研究流程.....................................................................................6 第二章文獻回顧與探討 ..........................................................................8 2.1 源起.............................................................................................8 2.2 零售店相關研究..........................................................................8 2.3 有關商場空間使用者滿意度的研究...........................................10 2.4 有關商場空間氛圍以及相關擁擠度研究`..................................13 第三章研究方法..................................................................................... 15 3.1 源起.............................................................................................15 vi 3.2 使用者問卷設計..........................................................................17 3.3 商業空間經營者問卷設計..........................................................18 3.4 官能評價手法的應用..................................................................23 3.5 分析工具......................................................................................24 第四章結果與討論 ..................................................................................25 4.1 走道寬度現況調查-以台灣地區北中南及東部量販店為例... 25 4.2 問卷樣本描述............................................................................. 31 4.3 購物時對走道寬度滿意度......................................................... 32 4.3.1 使用者走道寬度滿意度多變量變異數分析......................32 4.3.2 業方走道寬度滿意度多變量變異數分析..........................38 4.4 業方與使用者理想走道寬度分析.............................................. 44 4.4.1 前言....................................................................................44 4.4.2 使用者與業方理想走道寬度交叉分析..............................45 4.4.3 小結....................................................................................49 第五章結論與建議 ..................................................................................50 5.1 結論............................................................................................ 50 5.2 建議............................................................................................ 53 參考文獻..................................................................................................... 54 附錄 vii A 本研究相關研究主軸、樣本數、研究方法設計、研究內涵、檢定項 目、及研究成果比較表.................................................................50 B 本研究使用之開放式雲端軟體範例...............................................51

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