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研究生: 徐敏芳
Ming-Fang Hsu
論文名稱: 企業併購及談判策略失敗之探討-以安馳為例
Probe into a Failed Corporate Merger and Negotiation Strategy-
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Ying-Jung Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 整份PDF總頁數58頁
中文關鍵詞: 危機管理企業併購價值評估談判策略
外文關鍵詞: Crisis Management, Corporation Merger, Valuation, Negotiation strategy
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:0
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  • 現今的半導體的產業發展以工業4.0、物聯網及AI人工智慧為主軸,個案公司安馳科技是半導體供應鏈中的IC代理商,公司從成立初期即以工業控制相關領域為營運方向,且所代理的產品線搭上產業發展潮流,產品應用面甚廣;再加上工業領域特色為少量、多樣、客製化,公司需培養的技術應用工程師較一般代理商多,也因為如此,個案公司雖然營收無法像其他消費型代理商大幅成長,但是毛利率相較之下卻高出許多,因而公司價值甚高,常常是大型代理商欲併購的對象。

      The development of the semiconductor industry nowadays focuses on Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the company in this case is Anstek, which is an IC agent in the semiconductor supply chain, ever since its establishment, Anstek has specialized in the industrial control field, the production lines of agent products have kept abreast of industry developments, and the products have been widely applied in many fields, in addition, the features in the industrial field include small quantities, diverse features, and customization, the company is thus required to cultivate more technology engineers than general agents, therefore, the gross margin of the company is higher than other consumer agents despite the growth revenues may be catch up with them, the company has a very high value and has been a merger target by larger agents.
      This situation occurred in 2015, despite Anstek's products being very competitive in the market, and the value of the company being higher than other small and medium-sized agents, Anstek was still facing adverse conditions, during that time, the production line which accounted for the second-largest amount of revenue was acquired, and the agency rights were terminated, this urgent situation tested the crisis management ability of the management team. After resolving this crisis, the company was determined to adopt merger and acquisition methods to respond to the industrial crisis, their aim was to continue operations and prevent the company being affected by the termination of agency rights.
      Mergers are commonly used by corporations to rapidly increase scale, economic benefits, and company value, however, a detailed merger strategy must be planned along with a properly-adjusted valuation which takes into consideration the future plans of the company or industry. When conducting its first merger, Anstek encountered an obvious error in the early stages of its strategy. When bidding, Anstek ignored the fact that it was a cross-border merger, and its valuation was thus not appropriate; The merger was unsuccessful due to the fact that there were different opinions between the leadership and those executing the details, and between Anstek and the merger target.
      By exploring this case, the keys to success in a corporate merger can be identified, in addition, the following questions can be answered: How to plan a successful merger strategy?

    How to judge whether the price is reasonable? How to decide which negotiation strategy should be adopted to meet the expectations of both parties?

    摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 壹、個案本文 一、併購動機 二、半導體產業發展 (一) 產業發展歷程 (二) 產業上下游關連 三、個案公司概況與併購決策 (一) 個案公司概況 (二) 危機發生 (三) 併購策略 貳、教學指引 一、個案總覽 二、教學目標與授課對象 三、討論問題與參考答案 (一)、安馳是怎樣的一家公司? (二)、代理商何以走向併購之途? (三)、如何擬定成功的併購策略? (四)、價格合不合理? (五)、如何讓談判成功? 四、課程結論 五、教學建議 (一)安馳是怎樣的一家公司?(20分鐘) (二)代理商何以走向併購之途?(15分鐘) (三)如何擬定成功的併購策略?(15分鐘) (四)價格合不合理?(20分鐘) (五)如何讓談判成功?(20分鐘) 參考文獻 一、中文參考文獻 二、英文參考文獻 附錄一、E公司財務資料 附錄二、安馳財務資料

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