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研究生: 張世杰
Shih-Chieh Chang
論文名稱: 臨危授命反轉頹勢-U印刷電路板製造公司
Emergence Appointment to Reverse the Decline - Print Circuit Board Manufacturing of U Company –
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Hsuan-Chu Lin
Shih-Ti Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 資源基礎理論柯特的八大變革BCG矩陣管理第二曲線左右開弓 
外文關鍵詞: Resource-Based Theory, Kotter’s Eight of change,, BCG matrix, Second curve of the company's operation, Ambidextrous Dominant Logic
相關次數: 點閱:653下載:8
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  • 一切都是計畫來不及變化,2019年1月個人原為製造最高主管,因U公司需求便依公司需求跳脫舒適圈(原工程、製造背景),背負公司主管的期望,轉調派至業務擔任最高主管肩負執行公司重要轉型策略以改善公司獲利不佳的狀況。
    運用資源基礎理論確認公司最寶貴的資源予以分類並與競爭者相較後選定依公司特殊、具技術門檻難以模仿或瞭解、難以轉移以及難以跨越的能力特性以擬定策略來創造獲利潛力。著眼未來、與時俱進,因5G新科技發展以組織8大變革突破環境限制與思維,運用BCG矩陣以原技術優勢迅速轉換開發高頻高速產品與市場提升技術能力提升與產品轉型、脫離低毛利市場,最終完成公司任務。轉型與變革,刻不容緩,但不久一連串危機考驗如中美貿易戰、Covid-19 、廠區工安突發事件,因通膨所造成負毛利的客戶制約接踵而來,最終運用第二曲線與左右開弓,再次搶得5G時代來臨先機,雖過程遭逢全球經濟百年危機但仍明確進行策略定位與價值目標,不僅將影響降至最低,甚至超乎預期,最終完成公司所賦予的使命,而且此效益持續發生中,也展開後續的中期計畫。
    本論文採用哈佛論文格式撰寫,主要包含個案本文與教學指引兩部分。從此個案內容探討印刷電路板製造公司 資源基礎理論、柯特的八大變革、BCG矩陣管理、第二曲線與左右開弓等議題。了解印刷電路板商如何透過資源來創造優勢競爭力,也透過組織變革來強化組織轉型以及BCG矩陣集中資源來調整產品組合,成功打造公司營運第二曲線與左右開弓,最終達成公司目標。

    We often say that things do not always go as planned. I was the top director of the manufacturing unit in U company. In January 2019, I was assigned to transition into a new position as the top executive of business unit for improving poor profitability, which is the crucial strategy of company’s transformation. To measure up my supervisors’ expectations, I stepped outside of the areas that I am familiar with engineering and manufacturing accepted the challenge. The resource-based theory is applied to identify and classify my company's most valuable resources. Then, some specific resources were selected after comparing with our competitors. These resources are with features of difficulty in imitation and transformation, also not easy to be acquired by competitors. I formulate development strategies through this high technical threshold to boost our profitability. With the aim of focusing on the future and advancing with the times, as the new 5G technology was invented, I adopted 8 major changes strategy to break through environmental restrictions and traditional thinking. Taking our technical advantages as a base and use BCG matrix to develop high-frequency, high-speed products which are on current market trend. I tried to enhance our technical capabilities and accelerate product transition for pulling out low profit market by these strategies. Business transformation and reform cannot be delayed. However, a series of crises, China-US trade war, outbreak of COVID-19, industrial accident in our factory, and negative profit caused by inflation, were occurred suddenly when everything seems to be on the right track. In response, we decided to use the second curve and left and right bow strategy and once again seized the opportunity to move ahead of others in the 5G era. Although the global economic were in crisis our definite strategic positioning and clear value goals ease the impact even beyond expectations. Finally, this tough mission was accomplished. The benefit keeps going on, and the medium-term plans will be launched and followed.
    This paper is written in the Format of a Harvard Paper, which consists of two parts: a case study and a teaching guide. In this case study, strategies such as the resource foundation theory of printed circuit board manufacturing companies, Curt's eight major changes, BCG matrix management, the second curve and left and right open bows are discussed. Readers of this paper will learn how printed circuit board manufacturers can create competitive advantages through resources, strengthen organizational transformation and reform, concentrate resources on BCG Matrix to adjust the product portfolio, successfully achieve the second curve of the company's operation and opening the bow left and right, and achieve the company's goals finally.

    目錄 摘要 II Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序幕 1 二、 個案公司與產業概況描述 2 三、 過去的成功、今日的絆腳石 4 四、 脫離舒適圈,職涯轉涙點 5 五、 掌握先機、開創新局 6 六、 積極突圍,確立核心競爭優勢 7 七、 組織變革,成功凝聚向心力 8 八、 明察秋毫,選定明星產品 8 九、 創造第二曲線,左右開弓思維 8 十、 力挽狂瀾,風雲再起 9 十一、 個案公司的下一步 9 貳、 教學指引 10 一、 個案總覽 10 二、 教學目標與適用課程 10 三、 學生課前討論問題 15 四、 個案背景 15 五、 個案分析 16 參考文獻 37 中文文獻 37 英文文獻 39 網站資料 41

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