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研究生: 林冠廷
Guan-Ting Lin
論文名稱: 多點TFT-LCD模組廠之循序式物料規劃
A Sequential Approach to The Material Planning of Multi-site TFT-LCD Module Plants
指導教授: 羅士哲
Shih-Che Lo
口試委員: 王福琨
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: TFT-LCD線性規劃運輸規劃全球運籌
外文關鍵詞: TFT-LCD, linear programming, transportation planning, global logistics
相關次數: 點閱:700下載:6
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Because of the characteristics of TFT-LCD industry, the cost of labor for LCM plants is lower in some countries outside Taiwan. It is forced to consider multi-points/multi-plants international logistics system for materials planning and schedule of transportation. The key issue is to control the accuracy and economy of materials transportation system. This research develops a sequential approach to the material planning of multi-site TFT-LCD module plants. First, the best transport pattern was created by ship schedule planning system. Then the optimal transportation plan was derived based on the transport pattern.
Two ship planning models were created in this research. The goal of the first model is to minimize the stocking time of total inventory. Whereas the goal of the second model is to minimize transportation costs and inventory costs. The system was valid by case company and found out that the proposed system can really improve the original planning effectively, especially for the ship schedule is shorter than the general planning method with the need to transport ahead of time for in time delivery. Various inventory costs and transportation costs for different transport models provide criteria for selecting from first model and second model.
The objective function of transportation planning is to minimize transportation costs for materials form LCD plants to the warehouse of distribution centers, from DCs to the warehouse of LCM plants. The model was solved by linear programming, and then the planning system will provide a solution for the case company with global logistics for materials planning.

目錄 摘要i Abstractii 誌謝iii 目錄iv 圖目錄vi 表目錄vii 第一章 緒論1 1.1. 研究背景與動機1 1.2. 研究目的與範圍4 1.3. 研究方法與流程5 1.4. 論文架構6 第二章 文獻回顧7 2.1. 供應鏈管理7 2.1.1. 供應鏈之定義7 2.1.2. 供應鏈管理之定義9 2.1.3. 供應鏈管理最佳化11 2.1.4. 物流管理之定義13 2.1.5. 物流管理最佳化15 2.2. 線性規劃19 2.2.1. 線性規劃概述20 2.2.2. 線性規劃數學模式之建立21 2.2.3. 線性規劃的解法23 2.2.4. 運輸問題23 第三章 TFT-LCD廠全球運籌概況26 3.1. TFT-LCD面板生產規劃流程26 3.2. 廠區情況27 3.3. 組立出貨流程29 3.4. 國際物流成員31 3.4.1. 承攬業者31 3.4.2. 報關行32 3.4.3. 運輸模式33 第四章 TFT-LCD廠全球運籌規劃系統35 4.1. 模式背景35 4.1.1. 規劃流程35 4.1.2. 運輸網路37 4.1.3. 船班38 4.1.4. 運輸成本39 4.2. 模式建構41 4.2.1. 模式架構41 4.2.2. 模式基本假設42 4.2.3. 模式代號與參數說明42 4.2.4. 船班規劃44 重整船班表44 兩種船班規劃模型47 4.2.5. 運輸規劃49 目標函數49 限制式49 4.2.6. 臨時需求之運輸規劃51 第五章 系統測試與結果分析53 5.1. 船班規劃驗證53 5.1.1. 模型一船班規劃55 5.1.2. 模型二船班規劃56 5.1.3. 案例操作57 5.1.4. 案例驗證58 5.2. 運輸規劃測試63 5.2.1. 資料整理65 5.2.2. 規劃求解66 5.2.3. 系統測試結果67 5-3. 臨時需求之運輸規劃測試68 第六章 結論與建議70 6.1. 結論70 6.2. 建議71 參考文獻72  

龍道格(Douglas C. Long)、蘇義雄、賈凱傑,2005,全球運籌,華泰文化事業股份有限公司。

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