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研究生: 黃祺瑋
論文名稱: 傳承「0920專案」成功經驗
Passing On “0920 Project” Successful Experience
指導教授: 周子銓
口試委員: 李國光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 擄人勒贖敏捷團隊編組資源拼湊組織靈巧性跨界管理
外文關鍵詞: Kidnapping for ransom, Agile organizations, Resources Bricolage, Organizational Ambidexterity, Boundary Spanning
相關次數: 點閱:414下載:22
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Since 2006, the serious violent crimes such as robbery, offense of abrupt taking, and kidnapping for ransom have decreased. Instead, theoffenses of fraudulence are increasing. We could say the year of 2006 was the watershed moment of Taiwan’s crime trends.However, a serious kidnapping for ransom case happened again on Sep 20, 2015.The victim was a wealthymerchant from Hong Kong, who doesn’t havehousehold registration in Taiwan.The modus operandiof this case is very sophisticated. The suspects calculated the timing and arranged the route of exiles in advance. They changed cars and shelters to confuse the law enforcement, and used email to contact victim’s family to pay them in Bitcoins, whichis different from the former case.Consequently, the law enforcements should advance skills as much as possible so that could keep up with the new types of modus operandi.
In the past,the modus operandi was almost the same and the police could take their experience to solve cases all the time.But now, the experiment did not work out as expected. With the speedy development and using of Internet that cause new industrial development and more convenient living. The Criminals could exploit loopholes in the new technology. Analyzing a successful case study to figure out the key factor of success and learn from it. May all colleagues can understand how and why.
Thisresearch method was adapted from Harvard Business Review to discuss the following issues: agile organizations, resources bricolage, organizations ambidexterity, boundary spanning. To recognize how is the leader select, comprise, and work together in the Task Force 0920.This research examines how managers act as a boundary spanner in two types of boundary-spanning relationships and how their boundary-spanning activities to expand the team and to avoid crime happens. Furthermore, during hostage rescue operations everyone build trust by boundary spanning to work towards the same goal that is successful hostage rescue.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 壹、個案本文 一、序章:犯罪型態的分水嶺 (一)擄人勒贖犯罪簡介 (二)犯罪型態之比較 二、案件緣起 (一)一名老人突然地消失 (二)老人不平凡的背景 (三)「0920」專案小組成立 三、專案小組、偵查分工 (一)調閱監視器 (二)以車追人 (三)通聯分析 四、幕後藏鏡人現身 (一)偵查深入核心 (二)行動通訊系統簡介 (三)專業分工 (四)偵查行動遭媒體曝光 五、偵查轉折點 (一)重新檢視偵查資料 (二)因地制宜、擴編專案小組 (三)廣羅情資 六、擄人的最終目的:勒贖 (一)勇敢面對挑戰 (二)透過媒介與歹徒談判 (三)觀察入微 七、陷入兩難的境地 (一)香港與臺灣、合作無間 (二)比特幣簡介 (三)付贖還是攻堅 (四)衝破層層關卡 (五)攻堅預備、全面開戰 (六)緝獲主嫌、卻找不到人質 八、放棄從來不是選項 (一)只要相信、就會有好消息 (二)第二次集結攻堅 (三)最後一役 (四)破案、專案小組完成最終任務 九、附錄 貳、個案討論 一、個案總覽 二、教學目標與適用課程 三、學生課前討論問題 四、個案人物背景 五、個案分析 (一)教學目標一:敏捷團隊編組 (二)教學目標二:資源拼湊 (三)教學目標三:組織靈巧性 (四)教學目標四:跨界管理 六、課程結論 七、教學建議 八、板書規劃 參、參考文獻 一、英文參考文獻 二、中文參考文獻 三、網頁參考部分

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