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Author: 邱文祥
Wen-Hsiang Chiu
Thesis Title: 我國綠能產業風險辨識之探討
Risk Identification for the Green Energy Industry in Taiwan
Advisor: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Committee: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Joseph C.P. Shieh
Chun-Nan Chen
Ming-Hua Hsieh
Yi-Hsi Lee
Degree: 博士
Department: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 英文
Pages: 50
Keywords (in Chinese): 綠色金融綠能產業公民電廠社會接受風險
Keywords (in other languages): Green Finance, Green Energy Industry, Community Renewable Energy Project, Social Acceptance Risk
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  • 在推動綠能產業發展時,無論政府、金融機構或是開發商會因為錯估綠色產業風險,使得綠能開發進展不如預期。本文分兩個面向來討論再生能源的發展議題,首先,本研究運用層次分析法對臺灣再生能源風險進行分析,再者,採用文獻分析法,探討金融科技、眾資等多元化的融資管道,成爲發展綠色能源產業的新興金融工具;並為了探究我國發展再生能源,除了透過國際合作及法律鬆綁之外,另一個主要風險,也就是公民意識與接受度風險,為此,將聚焦在新興發展工具(公民電廠) ,藉由國際案例以及了解我國發展概況,做為降低社會接受風險,進而促使發展再生能源。

    When promoting the development of green energy industry, whether the government, financial institutions or developers would misevaluate the risks of green energy industry and make the progress of green energy development less than expected. This paper is divided into two aspects to discuss the development of renewable energy issues. Firstly, this study uses AHP to analyze the risks of renewable energy in Taiwan. Secondly, it uses literature analysis to explore the diversified financing channels such as financial technology and crowdfunding, which have become the emerging financial tools for the development of green energy industry, and to explore the development of renewable energy in our country, besides through international cooperation and legal restrictions, another major risk, is the citizen awareness and acceptance of risk, therefore, will focus on the development of emerging tools citizens (Community Renewable Energy Project), by the international cases and understand the development situation of our country as a socially acceptable risk reduction, prompting the development of renewable energy.

    Chinese Abstract I English Abstract II Acknowledgements III Contents IV Chart Index VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 13 2.1. An Introduction to the Green Energy Industry 13 2.2. Crowdfunding and Public Finance Interventions in Green Energy 15 2.3. Green Energy Development Risks 16 2.4. Role of Green Finance in community renewable energy project 17 2.5. Development of Green Finance in Main Region 20 Chapter 3 Methodology 25 3.1. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Application 25 3.2. Document analysis method 31 Chapter 4 Analysis of results 33 4.1 Analysis of Results Through the AHP technique 33 4.2 Analysis of Results Social Acceptance Risk 34 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Policy Implications 39 5.1 Conclusions 39 5.2 Policy Implications 40 5.3 For the Further Research………………………………………………….. 41 References 42 Appendix 48

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