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研究生: 劉冠汝
Kuan-Ju Liu
論文名稱: 成人英語線上課程口語糾正回饋個案研究
An Investigation of Oral Corrective Feedback in EFL Adult Online Class: A Case Study
指導教授: 楊智琄
Chi-Chuan Yang
口試委員: 謝育芬
Yu-Fen Hsieh
Chiou-Hui Chou
Chi-Chuan Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 口語糾正回饋成人英語英語線上課
外文關鍵詞: Business English, Oral corrective feedback, EFL adult learner, Online class
相關次數: 點閱:394下載:0
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本研究主要目的為探討口語糾正回饋(OCF)在成人英語線上課程中的影響。主要探討問題包括 (1)成人對於顯性和隱性的OCF想法為何? (2)成人接收顯性和隱性的OCF後有什麼表現?本質性研究為個案研究,受測對象為兩位台灣北部的外商公司員工英語培訓課程中的職員。此研究採用三種研究方法,課堂觀察、訪談和課後日誌。研究結果顯示,成人學生的年齡和記憶力問題是影響學生對OCF的想法和表現的最大原因。受試者對OCF持正面態度,但更喜歡隱式反饋,例如Recasts,也認同顯式OCF在提供解釋和語言知識方面的價值。研究顯示,隱性和顯性 OCF 策略都可以幫助學生成功進行自我糾正,其中Recasts是最常用和最偏好的隱性策略。然而,學生有時未能察覺老師的Recasts即是在提示他們須更正。學生們希望老師在對話後能解釋錯在哪,並且希望在不打斷他們講話的情況下接受OCF。此外,EFL成人學習者在線課程中對 OCF的看法和表現與實體課程相似,並且攝影機的開或關並不會對他們有任何影響。因此,建議在教授成人英語學習者時應考慮環境條件、年齡、個性、動機和語言能力的重要性,並建議與來自不同工作場所環境的參與者進行進一步的研究。

This qualitative study investigates EFL adult learners' perceptions and uptake of implicit and explicit corrective feedback (OCF) during online business English classes. This case study was conducted through an employee English training course of an international company in Taipei, Taiwan, involving 2 EFL adult learners in a small group class. The data was collected through class observation, interviews and reflection logs. The findings indicate that students have positive attitudes towards OCF and prefer implicit feedback, such as recasts, while recognizing the value of explicit feedback in providing explanations and metalinguistic knowledge. The participants express concerns about their English abilities and highlight the challenges of interrupting speech with explicit corrections. The research shows that both implicit and explicit OCF strategies can lead to successful self-correction by students, with recasts being the most frequently used and preferred implicit strategy. However, some students fail to recognize recasts as corrections. Students appreciate post-conversation explanations for errors and prefer to receive OCF without interrupting their flow of speech. The findings also reveal that EFL adult learners' perception and uptake of OCF in online classes are similar to on-site classes, and the camera being on or off does not significantly affect their engagement or response to OCF. The study emphasizes the importance of considering the environmental conditions, age, personality, motivation, and language proficiency when teaching EFL adult learners and suggests conducting further research with participants from different workplace contexts.

CONTENTS 論文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vi LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 The Importance of Errors and Corrective Feedback 5 2.2 Techniques of Corrective Feedback 6 2.3 Implicit and Explicit Feedback 9 2.4 Learners’ Attitudes towards Errors and Error Correction 12 2.5 Oral Corrective Feedback and Learner’s Behavior 13 2.6 Learners’ Uptake 14 2.7 Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic 19 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Research Design 20 3.2 Contexts & Settings 22 3.3 Online Meeting and Devices 24 3.4 Materials 25 3.5 Participants 26 3.6 Data Collection 28 3.7 Data Analysis 31 CHAPTER FOUR RESULT 33 4.1 Research Question 1 33 4.1.1 Oral corrective feedback 35 4.1.2 Implicit oral corrective feedback 36 4.1.3 Explicit oral corrective feedback 39 4.2 Research Question 2 41 4.2.1 Implicit oral corrective feedback 42 4.2.2 Explicit oral corrective feedback 46 4.2.3 No uptake 48 4.2.4 Online class 51 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION 52 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 57 REFERENCES 60 APPENDIX 66 Consent Form 66 Observation Protocol 67 Formal Interview Question Form 68

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