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研究生: Jesica Elizabeth Marchelina
Jesica Elizabeth Marchelina
論文名稱: Jesica Elizabeth Marchelina
Multi-Building Energy Consumption Prediction and Energy Conservation Framework – a Case Study for University Building
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Po-Hsun Kuo
口試委員: 郭伯勳
Po-Hsun Kuo
Shuo-Yan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: Energy ConsumptionLoad ForecastingDeep Learning
外文關鍵詞: Energy Consumption, Load Forecasting, Deep Learning
相關次數: 點閱:527下載:6
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Building energy consumption has been catching the world’s attention, due to its significant contribution to the global total energy consumption. Many ways explored to conserve building energy consumption. One crucial early stage for choosing the practical policies to conserve energy consumption is capturing the energy consumption data first. Capturing energy consumption data may lead to broader insight. For example, what device consumes most of the electricity and re-evaluate whether energy consumption has possibilities to be conserved. Thus, with the data, benchmarking and simulation are the example with a sophisticated method and framework, HVAC optimization, retrofit recommendation, equipment replacement, and maintenance recommendation.
In some cases, like a hotel building or university building, room re-arrangement could be one of the solutions to conserve the energy. Hence, the energy consumption data analysis is critical for determining the data-driven energy conservation method. The data-driven method has been prevalent in data analytics research because it helps to remove assumptions that could create bias while the model applied to real-world situations.
In this research, the primary purpose is to presents an applicable framework for energy conservation in the early stages. The framework applied in the university building complex data. BGCP and LRTC method, along with tensor-shaped data, applied to impute the missing value data. BGCP and LRTC performance are quite well when it comes to imputing the random-missing data. However, to deal with the whole day missing data, LSTM sequence-to-sequence is presented to fill in the missing value. To deal with multi-prediction, which is the area that is currently explored to help multi-building stakeholder, deep-learning algorithms utilized. This multi-building prediction is a multivariate time-series supervised problem to predict energy consumption for each building 24-hours ahead. The settings of the input, output shape, and layer arrangement of the deep learning examined to improve the accuracy of the model. The comparison of deep learning model CNN, LSTM, the combination of the two methods also integrate clustering result to the model will be presented in this research.
Finally, the proposed framework for further implementation presented to give an illustration of possible energy conservation framework in the university building complex. The further data suggestions and advantages for the framework improvement also presented to give insight about the use of the data.

Building energy consumption has been catching the world’s attention, due to its significant contribution to the global total energy consumption. Many ways explored to conserve building energy consumption. One crucial early stage for choosing the practical policies to conserve energy consumption is capturing the energy consumption data first. Capturing energy consumption data may lead to broader insight. For example, what device consumes most of the electricity and re-evaluate whether energy consumption has possibilities to be conserved. Thus, with the data, benchmarking and simulation are the example with a sophisticated method and framework, HVAC optimization, retrofit recommendation, equipment replacement, and maintenance recommendation.
In some cases, like a hotel building or university building, room re-arrangement could be one of the solutions to conserve the energy. Hence, the energy consumption data analysis is critical for determining the data-driven energy conservation method. The data-driven method has been prevalent in data analytics research because it helps to remove assumptions that could create bias while the model applied to real-world situations.
In this research, the primary purpose is to presents an applicable framework for energy conservation in the early stages. The framework applied in the university building complex data. BGCP and LRTC method, along with tensor-shaped data, applied to impute the missing value data. BGCP and LRTC performance are quite well when it comes to imputing the random-missing data. However, to deal with the whole day missing data, LSTM sequence-to-sequence is presented to fill in the missing value. To deal with multi-prediction, which is the area that is currently explored to help multi-building stakeholder, deep-learning algorithms utilized. This multi-building prediction is a multivariate time-series supervised problem to predict energy consumption for each building 24-hours ahead. The settings of the input, output shape, and layer arrangement of the deep learning examined to improve the accuracy of the model. The comparison of deep learning model CNN, LSTM, the combination of the two methods also integrate clustering result to the model will be presented in this research.
Finally, the proposed framework for further implementation presented to give an illustration of possible energy conservation framework in the university building complex. The further data suggestions and advantages for the framework improvement also presented to give insight about the use of the data.

ABSTRACT 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5 Contents 6 LIST OF FIGURES 8 LIST OF TABLES 9 1. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 10 1.1. Background 10 1.2. Research Purpose 12 1.3. Research Limitations 13 1.4. Organization of Thesis 13 2. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 14 2.1. Building Energy Issues 14 2.2. Multi-Building Energy Consumption Prediction 15 2.3. University Building Issues 16 3. CHAPTER 3 Methodology 19 3.1. Pre-analysis Method 19 3.1.1. Visualization 19 3.1.2. Auto-Correlation Test 20 3.1.3. ANOVA Test 20 3.1.4. Post-Hoc Test 21 3.2. Missing Value Imputation Method 22 3.2.1. BGCP Model 22 3.2.2. LRTC-TNN Model 23 3.2.3. LSTM Framework for Missing Value Imputation 23 3.3. Prediction Method 24 3.3.1. Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) 25 3.3.2. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 26 4. CHAPTER 4 Result and discussion 28 4.1. Data Description 28 4.1.1. Taipei Weather 29 4.1.2. Holiday and Weekend Information 33 4.1.3. University Area and Building Composition 33 4.1.4. Course Schedule 38 4.1.5. Auto-Correlation Analysis 39 4.1.6. University Building Energy Consumption 41 4.2. Two-step Missing Value Imputation 54 4.2.1. First-Step Missing Value Imputation utilizing BGCP and LRTC Imputer 54 4.2.2. Second-Step Missing Value Imputation 57 4.3. Multi-Building Energy Consumption Estimation 58 5. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 66 References 67

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