簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林漢溪
Han-Hsi Lin
論文名稱: 以時間為基礎之生產流程效率評估-以國內某OEM/ODM 網通公司為例
Time-based evaluation of production processes efficiency–Case study of OEM/ODM for a network/ communication products manufacturer in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Ruey-Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 計劃評核術快速反應限制理論
外文關鍵詞: PERT, TOC, Quick Response
相關次數: 點閱:258下載:18
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1.可根據TOC(Theory Of Constraints)理論的概念將企業寶貴的資源投注在整個流程的瓶頸點之改善以提升企業整體的營運效率。

The objective of this study is to calculate and standardize the processing time of each major production activity in the business main operations, so as to evaluate the operational efficiency and to find the bottlenecks of the business. The major production activities means a serial of activities needed in the business to fulfill customers’ expectation with products or services. In general, it consists of the operations of customers’ orders treating, purchasing, receiving, production, shipping, etc.

Why use the processing time as the KPI (Key Performance Index) to evaluate the business operations? The reason is that the processing time of the operations is directly related to customers’ satisfaction. In addition, it also reflects the flexibility, the operating cost and the risk of the business.

This thesis investigates the production processes of OEM/ODM for a famous network / communication products manufacturer in Taiwan. First, the documents and information of the main processes in this company are collected to realize the roadmap of this business, such as work flow diagram, WI (Working Instruction), SOP (Standard Operation Procedure), operating manuals, etc. Then, these main operations are divided into detailed activities and the executing sequence is identified among them.

Second, a questionnaire is developed and the key persons of each main process are interviewed to confirm these activities and obtain the average, the optimistic, and the pessimistic processing times of main business operations. For some specific activities, the processing time are collected from the information system of this company, such as ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) and SFIS (Shop Floor Information System).

Third, the main operations of this company are considered as projects, and each activity is treated as a task. According to precedence relationship among tasks, the method of PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is utilized to draw the network diagram. The average and deviation of the processing time for each task is calculated to determine the critical path of this project. Then, we could find the bottleneck activities on the critical path. Such result provides a clear improvement direction for the company. It also provides a benchmark for comparison after taking some improving actions. Specifically,
1.According to the concept of TOC (theory of constraints), the precious resources can be allocated to improve the critical bottleneck. It will effectively increase the business efficiency.
2.Select the activities whose average or deviation of the processing time is significant as the target and find the root cause by using six sigmas method.
3.Find and remove the activities which are of less value for the customers.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖 索 引 VII 表 索 引 VIII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法與步驟 2 第2章 文獻探討 5 2.1 快速反應(Quick Response) 5 2.1.1 快速反應機制的特點 6 2.1.2 快速反應機制的價值 6 2.1.3 如何轉型為快速反應的企業 7客戶導向 7把握時機 7管理好節奏 8建立快速反應機制 8 2.1.4 利用時間優勢應注意的幾個問題 9 2.2 限制理論(Theory Of Constraints) 11 2.2.1 限制理論的源起 11 2.2.2 限制理論的管理思維 11 2.2.3 限制理論之持續改善限制的步驟 13 2.2.4 限制理論中所運用的思维程序與工具 14 2.2.5 限制理論在組織中的運用 21 2.3 專案管理(Project Management)使用的時程規劃控制技術 23 2.3.1 甘特圖 23 2.3.2 要徑法與計劃評核術 24 2.3.3 網路圖 25 2.3.4 PERT的三數估計法 26 2.3.5 網路圖中,要徑的找尋 26 2.3.6 關鍵鏈的專案管理 27 第3章 研究設計與方法 28 3.1 案例公司的背景介紹 29 3.2 探討案例公司中,各單位之主要功能與作業流程 30 3.2.1 業務單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 32 3.2.2 生產管理單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 33 3.2.3 物料管理單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 45 3.2.4 採購單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 48 3.2.5 倉管單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 50 3.2.6 進出口單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 53 3.2.7 研發與生產單位的工作流程與主要作業之探討 53 3.3初步整理出案例公司之營運流程中,各主要作業與其先後次序關係 55 3.4設計問卷,以運用於部門訪談 57 第4章 結論與建議 58 4.1 與部門訪談後,確認的作業項目與其先後次序、和估計處理時間 59 4.2 確認後的作業項目與先後次序,以網路圖方式畫出 61 4.3 求算出各項作業的平均處理時間,以及整體營運流程的要徑 62 4.4 分析要徑上之主要作業形成改善計畫 65 參考文獻 67 作者簡介 69

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