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研究生: 林士傑
Shih-Chieh Lin
論文名稱: 應用於視覺技術之高效能混合式影像特徵擷取
Highly Efficient Hybrid Image Feature Capture for Visual Technology
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 劉雲夫
Yun-Fu Liu
Chih-Hsien Hsia
Nai-Jian Wang
Chi-Chia Sun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 190
中文關鍵詞: 深度學習物件偵測半色調半色調分類
外文關鍵詞: Deep Learning, Object Detection, Halftone, Halftone Classification
相關次數: 點閱:262下載:1
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在影片物件偵測中,本論文提出了一個新穎的架構,其能夠針對現有的任何物件偵測技術進行改善。相較於傳統物件偵測的方法,雖然深度學習在處理速度或者是準確度都有著突破性的發展,但是在實際的應用上仍還有進步的空間。例如現在最新的物件偵測研究,Mask R-CNN,達到有史以來最高準確度,然而5fps的處理速度卻難以在影片中及時的處理。不同於以往每個幀分開處理的方式,本論文所提出的方法將空間域的資料轉換到時間域上,隨後透過處理時間域的資料同時預測物件在整部影片上的結果。這個方法的準確度會隨著使用的物件偵測技術而改變,因此針對一些高準確度卻低處理速度的物件偵測技術,能夠最有效的優化,且更能夠實際應用在影片的物件偵測上。

In video object detection, the paper proposes a novel framework for object identification which can perform with high processing rate and sensible accuracy. Although deep learning techniques can analyses videos precisely with good processing speed, there is still a lot of scope for improvements especially in video processing applications. For example, the latest object detection research, Mask R-CNN is known for its optimal performance but its processing speed is limited to only 5fps, and cannot be deployed in real time video processing. The proposed method transforms the data from the spatial domain into the temporal domain, and then predicts the result on the all frame by processing the time domain data. The result shows that the proposed method can outperform the existing methods in terms of processing time with fair accuracy and it can be a reliable and feasible method in various video processing applications.
In Halftoning domain, the research work comprise of two areas such as multi-mode halftone and classification technique. In the multi-mode halftone study, various halftone strategies are adaptively chosen to achieve best visual effect. In the experimental results, it is evident that the proposed method removes any defective problems mentioned in the previous studies and can improvise the quality of the halftone image significantly. In the halftone classification study around 15 halftone techniques are considered including the latest multitone technology. Combined with the deep learning technology, the presented technique can perform rapidly and achieve a very high accuracy than the existing techniques.

中文摘要I AbstractII 致謝III 目錄IV 圖表索引VII 第一章緒論1 1.1影片物件偵測技術1 1.1.1背景介紹1 1.1.2研究動機與目的2 1.2半色調技術5 1.2.1背景介紹5 1.2.2研究動機與目的6 1.3論文架構7 第二章基於卷積神經網路物件偵測技術之文獻探討8 2.1類神經網路的運作9 2.1.1向前傳播(ForwardPropagation)9 2.1.2反向傳播(BackwardPropagation)12 2.2影響神經網路效能的因素16 2.3卷積神經網路20 2.3.1卷積22 2.3.2非線性激勵函數24 2.3.3匯集26 2.3.4訓練方法27 2.3.5視覺化過程30 2.4物件偵測(ObjectDetection)32 2.4.1RegionConvolutionNeuralNetwork(R-CNN)[4]33 2.4.2FastR-CNN[5]37 2.4.3FasterR-CNN[6]40 2.4.4SingleShotMultiboxDetector(SSD)[10]44 2.4.5MaskR-CNN[7] 46 2.5語義分割(SemanticSegmentation)48 2.5.1FullyConvolutionNetwork(FCN)[8]49 2.5.2DeepLab[9]51 第三章半色調技術之文獻探討54 3.1誤差擴散法(Error-diffused,ED)57 3.2有序抖動法(Ordereddither,OD)67 3.3點擴散法(Dot-diffused,DD)71 3.4直接二元搜尋法(Directbinarysearch,DBS)83 3.5雙指標直接二元搜尋法(DualmetricDBS,DMDBS)88 第四章影片物件偵測技術改良91 4.1基於影像物件偵測的影片物件串92 4.1.1錨點候選區域網路(AnchorPointProposalNetwork,APPN)92 4.1.2物件軌跡剖面圖(ObjectTrackProfile)97 4.2影片物件偵測的加速架構101 4.2.1物件軌跡剖面圖的補償(ObjectTrackProfileCompensation)102 4.2.2候選區域軌跡網路架構109 4.3.3損失函數(LossFunction)以及邊框的產生114 4.3實驗結果117 4.3.1資料庫117 4.3.2實現細節124 4.3.3比較結果127 第五章半色調技術改良140 5.1基於隨機點聚式之多模式半色調技術140 5.1.1內部迭代聚集式直接二元搜尋(Inter-IterativeClustered-dotDirectBinarySearch)140 5.1.2網點設計(ScreenDesign)143 5.1.3多模式半色調(Multi-ModeHalftoning)147 5.1.4實驗結果148 5.2半色調及多色調之影像分類160 5.2.1分類機制160 5.2.2有效區域(EffectivePatches)162 5.2.3卷積神經網路165 5.2.4實驗結果165 第六章結論與未來展望169 6.1影片物件偵測169 6.2基於隨機點聚式之多模式半色調技術169 6.3半色調及多色調之影像分類170 參考文獻171

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