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研究生: 蔡榮光
Jung-Kuang Tsai
論文名稱: 在無線應用網路中多重路徑繞線機制之研究
Node-disjoint Multipath Routing Based on Gateway Support in Wireless Access Networks
指導教授: 邱舉明
Ge-Ming Chiu
口試委員: 鍾崇斌
Chung-Ping Chung
Tien-Ruey Hsiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 閘道器合成網路多重路徑無線應用網路
外文關鍵詞: gateway, hybrid network, multipath, wireless access network
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:1
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Multipath routing can reduce the effort of route discoveries, the overall routing overhead and the average end-to-end delay by providing alternative routes between communicating sources and destinations in the MANET. With multipath mechanism data traffic can be split into multiple routes to avoid congestion and to use network resources efficiently. Although there has been much research effort being devoted to the design of multipath routing mechanisms, for MANETs they are not tailored to in wireless access networks. In this thesis, we propose an on-demand multipath routing that can adapt to the wireless access network.
Unlike MANETs, in wireless access network, most traffic is imposed upon downlink channels from the gateway. In addition, the gateway has rich route information. In the thesis, we propose a multipath routing that relies on the collaboration between the gateway which perform the route selection scheme and the mobile node that initiate the route discovery operation. Our approach can restrain efficiently the control packet by utilizing the routing cache in the intermediate nodes. According to the gateway information, we then establish the node-disjoint multipath that can adapt to the dynamics of the network. Extensive simulations are performed to evaluate the performance of our mechanism. We also compare our scheme with the previous methods.

Abstract 1 第一章 緒論 1 1-1. 背景 1 1-2. 論文目標 9 1-3. 論文架構 12 第二章 相關研究 13 2-1. 以多重路徑之間的節點重疊狀況去做判斷 13 2-1-1. Partial Disjoint的方式 13 2-1-2. Node Disjoint的方式 15 2-2. 評估連結或節點優劣的方式 19 2-3. 總結 21 第三章 無線應用網路相關定義及特性 22 3-1. 無線應用網路(WANs) 22 3-2. 上傳及下載的流量統計 23 3-3. 相關特性 25 第四章 多重路徑繞線機制 28 4-1. 基本想法 30 4-2. 有效的使用路徑快取 31 4-3. 多重路徑的遴選機制 34 4-4. 路徑修補 36 4-5. 其他的路徑評估因素 37 第五章 效能評估與模擬結果 39 5-1. 模擬參數及環境設定 41 5-2. 連線數量的多寡對機制效能的影響 43 5-3. 節點的移動性對機制效能的影響 45 第六章 結論與未來展望 49 重要參考文獻 50

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