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研究生: 陶恕
Shu Tao
論文名稱: WD5寬型輸電鐵塔之耐震能力探討
Research on the Seismic Capacity of the WD5 Wide-Type Transmission Tower
指導教授: 許丁友
Ting-Yu Hsu
口試委員: 蕭博謙
Po-Chien Hsiao
Ting-Yu Hsu
Wen-Yu Chien  
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106頁
中文關鍵詞: 輸電鐵塔WD5寬型鐵塔MIDAS結構分析程式鐵塔耐震能力鐵塔耐震程度
外文關鍵詞: transmission tower, WD5 wide-type tower, MIDAS structural analysis program, tower seismic resistant ability,, tower seismic capability
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:7
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In light of the gradual decommissioning of stable power sources such as Taiwan’s First Nuclear Power Plant, Second Nuclear Power Plant, and Hsieh-ho Power Plant, the Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) plans to deploy 6.5GW of grid-connected capacity for offshore wind farm operators in Changhua by 2025, so as to cope with Taiwan’s future electricity consumption gap and to stay in line with the government’s policies on renewable energy. The project will require the construction of 345kV lines from Changgong to Changbin and the integration of offshore power into Taipower’s grid system. The proposed power lines are located inside the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park (also referred to as Changbin), and extend from the Changbin Extra-High Voltage Substation to the Changgong Booster Station. Due to the problem of salt corrosion in steel transmission towers in coastal areas, wide-type transmission towers have been developed to facilitate tower maintenance and replacement. Based on the load combinations of the design specifications, the design force of Taipower’s transmission towers is generally dominated by the wind forces and seismic forces are regarded to have less impact on transmission towers. In the wake of the 1999 Jiji earthquake, Taipower commissioned the Chinese Society of Structural Engineering (CSSE) to examine the structural quality of its transmission towers in terms of withstanding earthquakes, so as to verify their structural safety. Even though CSSE’s results showed that the towers’ design accorded them a certain degree of safety, the seismic resistance of the towers is often raised as a public concern following the occurrence of partial power outages. This study used the MIDAS structural analysis software to perform in-depth investigations on the seismic resistance of the WD5 wide-type transmission tower. In addition to performing safety assessments of the seismic resistance of the towers based on standards such as Taipower’s material specifications, design specifications of steel structures (including allowable strength design and ultimate strength design methods), and the actual stress experienced by the cross section of a member, the resistance of the WD5 wide-type transmission towers was also investigated thoroughly, so as to ensure the structural safety of the towers and, thereby, maintain the stability of Taipower’s power supply systems.

中文摘要 英文摘要 誌 謝 附圖索引 附表索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機與目的 1.3 相關文獻回顧 1.4 研究範圍及方法 第二章 輸電鐵塔設計標準 2.1鐵塔設計風力訂定 2.1.1設計風速 2.1.2設計風速之再現週期 2.1.3基準風速 2.1.4陣風與陣風率 2.1.5基準速度壓 2.2 鐵塔負載計算方式 2.2.1 鐵塔風力負載 2.2.2 線路與礙子連風力負載 2.2.3 鐵塔橫擔吊掛負載 2.3 安全係數訂定 2.4 載重組合 2.5 鐵塔應力分析方法 2.5.1 平面分析 2.5.2 立體分析 2.6 鐵塔桿件構材內在抵抗力 2.7台電公司鐵塔介紹 第三章 輸電鐵塔結構檢核載重及模型建立 3.1 鐵塔構造 3.2 鐵塔結構檢核載重 3.2.1 靜載重 3.2.2 風力載重 3.2.3 地震力 3.3 鐵塔結構模型建立 3.3.1 鐵塔構架建立 3.3.2 鐵塔檢核載重建立 第四章 結構應力檢核方法 4.1 受壓桿件壓力檢核方法 4.1.1 受壓桿件共同規定 4.1.2 壓力檢核A法之容許壓力強度 4.1.3 壓力檢核L法之極限壓力強度 4.2 梁柱行為檢核方法 4.3 桿件斷面實際應力檢核方法 第五章 結構分析檢核結果 5.1 D5型鐵塔應力分析驗證 5.2 WD5型鐵塔應力分析檢核 5.2.1 桿件軸壓力檢核 5.2.2 桿件梁柱行為檢核 5.2.3 桿件斷面實際應力檢核 5.3 WD5型鐵塔耐震程度探討 5.3.1 從桿件軸壓力檢核探討 5.3.2 從桿件梁柱行為檢核探討 5.3.2 從桿件斷面實際應力檢核探討 第六章 結 論 參 考 文 獻

〔5〕楊嘉文,『架空輸電線路鐵塔結構及基礎耐震設計研究』, 國立台灣大學土木研究所碩士論文,民國90年6月。
〔14〕『345kV 4導體輸電線路WD5型耐張鐵塔骨架載重圖』,台電公司,民國107年7月。