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Author: 吳靜如
Ching-ju Wu
Thesis Title: 企業分割與創造價值之個案研究
Business Mergers and Acquisitions
Advisor: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
Committee: 張琬喻
Wan-yu Chang
Kuang-ti Chang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Graduation Academic Year: 97
Language: 中文
Pages: 86
Keywords (in Chinese): 企業分割組織重整價值創造
Keywords (in other languages): Spin-off, Corporate Restructuring, Value creation
Reference times: Clicks: 414Downloads: 11
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  • 在地球是平的現代,全球化導致企業間競爭激烈,為使企業能快速擴張、成長,國際間興起了併購熱潮,使企業走向大者恆大的局面;然而在企業有限的資源的限制下,大型企業或過度的多角化經營,恐造成企業無法快速反應市場環境的變化,導致經營績效不佳。故近年來,不少企業採取企業分割,以追求企業價值創造、增加股東權益的策略之一。





    The world is flat, and globalization gives rise to a severe competition among enterprises. To expedite the expansion and growth of the enterprises, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) has become a new trend internationally, thus large corporations remain large constantly. However, some corporations fail to cope with the fast-changing market environment and result in a poor performance due to limited resources and over-diversification. As a result, corporations in recent years adopt a spin-off strategy to create corporate value and increase shareholder’s equity.

    Since 2001, Taiwan government continually amends the Corporate Law, Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law, and etc. Therefore, many local corporations including Acer and Wistron, and Silitek Corp. and Silitek Technology adopt the spin-off strategy for their corporate restructuring, and these companies gave solid evidences to the synergy of spin-offs.

    Take the present case as an example, it possess a full-range of PC device products. Its business model contains both brand developing and OEM. However, these companies have to advance spin off under the pressure and doubts of their OEM customers, in hope of developing the brand business in a full scale without worrying about the OEM customers, as well as brining in more OEM orders.

    Moreover, the present case uses global electronic industry development as a basis to explain the cause of variation in industry development trend in the future. Next, the present case explores PC industry trend, character and strategy analysis model to analyze the external and industry competition environment of electronic industry, and to find out external opportunities and threats, as well as to induce the key success factors of the industry. In an internal analysis, the intention of spin-off of present case arises from the conflict between brand development and OEM. For the spin-off of the present case company, we try to find out whether the motivation, the decision and the mode of spin-off are connected with the intention of spin-off. Meanwhile, we also compare the present case company’s financial information after spin-off with its previous years, also with other companies in the industry. The results can be used to infer whether the effect of present case company’s spin-off can create value.

    Many case studies indicate that although spin-offs becomes a way of enhancing the business value of a company. However, the corporate culture and the intention of spin-off of each individual companies varies, thus other theories may not be appropriated for the discussion of the present case. Before spin-off, corporations should carefully evaluate the spin-off plan, includes future business strategy, so as to assure that company can rely on spin off to achieve a continuous business development, to enhance business value, and to maximize shareholder’s equity. In conclusion, a successful spin-off case should review and assess the reason, purpose and motivation of spin off carefully in advance. In the meantime, human resource plan should also be considered in order to meet with manpower requirement after spin-off, and also provide a fair benefit package for employees to keep superior employees.

    中文摘要I AbstractII 誌 謝IV 圖目錄VII 表目錄VIII 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第三節 研究內容及範圍2 第四節 研究限制4 第貳章 企業分割文獻探討5 第一節 企業重組之概述5 第二節 企業分割的因素與動機7 第三節 企業分割的定義、相關法令規定9 第四節 國內相關文獻12 第五節 分割相關法令規定及流程15 第六節 企業分割的會計處理18 第七節 企業分割的稅負問題20 第八節 分割後繼續上市/櫃之規範23 第參章 研究設計28 第一節 研究方法28 第二節 研究架構29 第三節 研究對象30 第四節 資料蒐集方式30 第五節 個案訪談31 第肆章 產業分析與個案公司個案研究32 第一節 全球電子產業及未來發展趨勢32 第二節 個案公司簡介41 第伍章 由分割策略角度看規劃、執行成效及影響面51 第一節 個案公司分割之決策51 第二節 個案分割過程55 第三節 分割時所遇到的法律與稅務問題處理方式及探討60 第四節 個案公司分割效益63 第五節 公司宣告分割前後股價之反應74 第六節 台灣電子業分割案的彙總比較75 第陸章 結論與建議79 第一節 結論79 第二節 建議81 參考文獻83 附件84 作者簡介86 國立臺灣科技大學博碩士論文授權書87

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    9.會計研究月刊第229期,吳起銘,聰明併購-從 AT&T歷次分割看國內企業重組契機。
    13.今週刊,2009、04、06,林亦萱、林宏文撰文,新電子一哥 宏碁登頂之戰。
    14.黃日燦,法律決勝負 企業併購與技術授權,2004年5月,大和圖書有限公司出版。
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    21.Anslinger,P.L.,Steven J.Klepper,and Somu Subramaniam,1999,”Breaking up is good to do”,The McKinsey Quarterly,16-27.

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