Author: |
黃湘雲 Hsiang-Yun Huang |
Thesis Title: |
部屬信任主管、敬業貢獻與工作績效之關係 - 建言行為之中介角色 The Relationships among Trust in leader, Work Engagement and Task Performance - The Mediating Role of Voice Behavior |
Advisor: |
Jen-Wei Cheng |
Committee: |
Jen-Wei Cheng 呂志豪 Shih-Hao Lu 陳俊男 Chun-Nan Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 88 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 信任主管 、建言行為 、敬業貢獻 、工作績效 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Trust in leader, Voice behavior, Work engagement, Task performance |
Reference times: | Clicks: 546 Downloads: 2 |
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本研究從非營利組織與營利組織等二種不同事業組織蒐集主管-部屬配對資料。總共從非營利組織收集了326份有效配對問卷、從營利組織收集了278份有效配對問卷。藉由多層次線性模型分析,本研究結果發現: (1) 信任主管對建言行為有正向影響,(2) 敬業貢獻對建言行為有正向影響,(3) 信任主管對工作績效有正向影響,(4) 敬業貢獻對工作績效有正向影響,(5) 建言行為對工作績效有正向影響,(6) 建言行為在信任主管及工作績效間具有部分中介效果,(7) 在非營利組織中建言行為在敬業貢獻及工作績效間具有部分中介效果;在營利組織中建言行為在敬業貢獻及工作績效間具有完全中介效果。依據本研究所提出的管理意涵為: 組織營造信任與支持的環境,鼓勵員工建言,會進而促進員工的工作績效,協助組織有效運作。
With the rapid development of technology, business environments have increasingly changed at a rapid rate. When organizations face such a competitive business environment, the success of organizations does not only depend on top managers’ decisions, but also depend on employees’ voices. Employees offer thoughts and suggestions about problems in the organization may concern with organization’s effectiveness or even its survival. Thus, voice behavior has become an important issue in the organizational field. In this study we take trust in leader as employee's external factor and work engagement as employee's internal factor to examines the relationships with voice behavior and task performance. Voice behavior is served as the mediating variable.
We totally collected 326 and 278 valid paired questionnaires from the nonprofit and for-profit organizations in Taiwan. By using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) for empirical data analysis, results of this study revealed that: (1) trust in leader is positive related to voice behavior (2) work engagement is positive related to voice behavior (3) trust in leader is positive related to task performance (4) work engagement is positive related to task performance (5) voice behavior is positive related to task performance (6) the mediation effect of voice behavior in trust in leader on task performance is only partial and (7) the mediation effect of voice behavior in work engagement on task performance is only partial support in nonprofit organization; the mediation effect of voice behavior in work engagement on task performance is fully support in for-profit organization. The practical implications proposed based on the research results are as follows: when the organization creates an environment that trusts, supports and encourages employees to speak up, it will facilitate employees’ task performance and improve the operation of organizations.
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