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研究生: 許宏心
論文名稱: 電場誘導聚己內酯奈米粒子之細胞內藥物釋放
In Vitro Drug Release from Electric-Field Responsive Polycaprolactone Nanoparticles
指導教授: 陳建光
Jem-Kun Chen
口試委員: 蔡協致
Hsieh-Chih Tsai
Chi-Jung Chang
Jm-Kun Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 聚己內酯生物相容性高分子藥物載體乳化聚合電響應藥物釋放
外文關鍵詞: Polycaprolactone, Biodegradagle polymer, Drug carrier, Emulsion polymerization, Electric-field responsive nanoparticle
相關次數: 點閱:411下載:0
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本研究為設計一具電場響應之生物相容性藥物載體模型,透過交流感應電場誘導帶電奈米粒子之電泳行為,進而加速藥物之釋放。利用生物可降解之高分子聚己內酯(Polycaprolactone diol,PCL diol)為基材,經末端官能基改質為聚己內酯(Polycaprolactone diacrylate,PCLDA),由IR、NMR證實官能基成功改質。以乳化聚合法將聚己內酯(PCLDA)合成聚己內酯奈米粒子,並透過尼羅紅(Nile red)對其進行螢光標記,並利用Zeta-sizer及DLS探討不同參數下的粒徑與電位變化。由UV-vis測量得在尼羅紅200ug/ml的濃度下具有71%的藥物包覆率,並且在一個月內僅損失10%的藥物量。藉由CLSM觀察螢光包覆影像。對聚己內酯奈米粒子施加不同頻率及電壓之交流電場,利用OM觀察微觀下之變化,並藉由雷射去探討聚己內酯奈米粒子受電場響應之穿透率,其中以6V、6mHz之交流電穿透率最高。由UV-Vis觀察聚己內酯/尼羅紅奈米粒子在上述特定交流電場下之釋放率,在30分鐘釋放率可達30%。

In this study, we prepared a biocompatible drug carrier model with electric-field response. First, we modified polycaprolactone diol’s terminal functional group to polycaprolactone diacrylate(PCLDA), which has been comfirmed by IR and NMR spectrum. Second, we used emulsion polymerization to synthesize the polycaprolactone nanoparticles with PCLDA and also labled with nile red via drug encapsulation. Using Zeta-sizer and DLS to explore particle size and potential changes under different concentration of SDS.Furthermore, a high loading efficiency 71% and high stability carrier that only loss approximately 10% drug amounts during one month nanocarrier was prepared, which is measured by UV-vis spectrum, and then we observed nanoparticles containing red fluorescence images by CLSM. Applying an alternating electric-field of different frequencies and voltages to the polycaprolactone nanoparticles, observing the change of nanoparticles under the electric-field by OM, and exploring the penetration rate of the polycaprolactone nanoparticles under the electric-field by laser, we found that the penetrationg rate is the highest under specific alternating electric-field, which is 6 volts and 6 mHz. The release rate reached 30% in 30 minutes under the alternating electric-field(6V、6mHz) was observed by UV-vis spectrum.
The polycaprolactone/Nile red nanoparticles were co-cultured with RAW264.7 cells. Owing to the characteristic of electric-field response of the polycaprolactone nanoparticles, we applied an alternating electric-field with 6 volts and 6 mHz, then using CLSM to observe the cellular uptake and drug release.
In this study, a polycaprolactone nanoparticle model with electric field response was successfully prepared. By controlling particle size and particle’s surface functionalization, the electric-field responsive drug delivery system can overcome the disadvantages of conventional pharmaceutical preparations. They are capable of delivering drugs in a controlled manner at specific sites and times, and have considerable potential for cancer treatments in the future.

摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XV 第1章 前言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 3 第2章 理論與文獻回顧 5 2.1 奈米載體 5 2.1.1 奈米載體簡介 5 2.1.2 奈米載體種類 7 2.2 奈米載體應用於癌症治療之研究 12 2.2.1 奈米載體材料與抗癌藥物的結合 12 2.2.2 pH響應型奈米藥物載體 13 2.2.3 電場響應型奈米藥物載體 14 2.3 生物相容性高分子 15 2.3.1 聚己內酯(Polycaprolactone)簡介與應用 16 2.4 聚己內酯奈米粒子 18 2.4.1 乳化聚合法 18 2.4.2 奈米沉澱法(溶劑置換法) 22 2.5 交流電場誘導藥物釋放原理 23 2.5.1 電場 23 2.5.2 電泳理論 24 第3章 儀器原理 25 3.1 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier transform infrared spectrometer,FT-IR) 25 3.2 可見光紫外光分光光譜儀(Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy,UV-vis) 30 3.3 核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR) 32 3.4 動態光散射粒徑分析儀(Dynamic light scattering,DLS) 34 3.5 表面電位分析儀(Zeta-potential) 35 3.6 高解析度場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field-emission scanning electron microscope,FE-SEM) 37 3.7 雷射掃描式共軛焦顯微鏡 (Laser scanning confocal microscope,LSCM) 39 3.8 陣列雷射光束分析儀(BeamMic) 40 第4章 實驗流程與方法 45 4.1 實驗流程圖 45 4.2 實驗藥品 46 4.3 實驗儀器 49 4.4 實驗步驟 51 4.4.1 聚己內酯末端官能基改質 51 聚己內酯末端官能基改質 51 4.4.2 聚己內酯奈米球製備 52 4.4.3 交流電場下,聚己內酯奈米球之變化與量測 53 4.4.4. 聚己內酯混摻尼羅紅之奈米粒子製備 55 4.4.5 聚己內酯混摻尼羅紅奈米載體穩定性測試 56 4.4.6 交流電場加速藥物釋放測試 57 4.4.7 生物體外實驗 57 第5章 結果與討論 61 5.1 聚己內酯官能基改質之定性分析 61 5.1.1 FT-IR光譜分析 61 5.1.2 NMR化學結構分析 62 5.2 PCL奈米粒子之形貌及定性分析 63 5.2.1 DLS粒徑分析 64 5.2.2 Zeta-potential表面電位分析 65 5.2.3 PCL奈米粒子影像型態分析 66 5.3 PCL粒子溶液之驅動電壓及頻率測試 70 5.3.1 PCL粒子溶液之驅動電壓測試 70 5.3.2 PCL粒子溶液之驅動頻率測試 72 5.3.3 PCL粒子在電場下之光學影像圖 75 5.4 PCL/Nile red 載體之形貌及定性分析 77 5.4.1 DLS粒徑分析 77 5.4.2 Zeta-potential表面電位分析 78 5.4.3 UV-vis光譜分析 79 5.4.4 CLSM雷射共軛焦螢光型態分析 85 5.5 生物體外實驗 86 5.5.1 細胞毒性測試 86 5.5.2 RAW264.7細胞攝取PCL/Nile red藥載之實驗 88 5.5.3 電場誘導RAW264.7細胞內藥物釋放之實驗 90 第6章 結論 94

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